科目名 【日本語】国際教育交流論講義
科目名 【英語】Lecture on International Exchange of Culture and Education
担当教員 【日本語】SULISTIYON ○
担当教員 【英語】SULISTIYONO Singgih Tri ○
開講期・開講時間帯秋集中 その他 その他
Intensive(Fall) Other Other

授業の目的 【日本語】
授業の目的 【英語】
The course deals with the discussion on the recent condition of educational system in Indonesia as a part of challenging topic in research of international education. The course also highlights the role of international influence to the shaping of the educational system in Indonesia as part of transnational phenomenon. Historical perspective will be applied in analysing the development of educational system in Indonesia. It is very Indonesia is possibly one of the most interesting countries in the world which can be benefited as a research laboratory on education in term of its history and transnational perspective. It does not relate to the fact that this country has reach advance progress in education development; rather it has a number of characteristics which possibly rarely found in other countries in the world. Geographical, demographic and cultural factors have placed Indonesia as a region that has a very unique educational history related to its openness with transnational contacts. Until now the Education system in Indonesia is very fragile against the changes made by successive regimes. These changes clearly reflect how much transnational influences are very strong in the educational system in Indonesia.
到達目標 【日本語】
到達目標 【英語】
A student who successfully completed the course will be able to:a. Summarise and analyse the general feature of educational system in recent Indonesiab. Explain how educational system in Indonesian has been shaped by the process of cultural exchange between Indonesian communities and foreign cultures.c. Explain the history of education in Indonesia from the early time to the recent period with the special focus on the cultural exchange with foreign influences.
a. 1st lecture : Introduction: A Brief Overview of Indonesian Societyb. 2nd lecture : Education and Cultural Exchange: Theoretical Perspectivec. 3rd lecture : Educational System in Indonesia: Transnational Perspectived. 4th lecture : Education and Cultural Exchange in Historical Perspective:Pre-modern Period (Hinduism and Buddhism period)e. 5th lecture : Education and Cultural Exchange during Islamic Periodf. 6th lecture : Early Modern Period (VOC Period)g. 7th lecture : Modern Period (Dutch Colonial Period)h. Mid-term testi. 8th lecture : Japanese Occupationj. 9th lecture : The post-1945 Period: Independence War (1945-1950)k. 10th lecture : 1950-1965 periodl. 11th-13rd lecture : 1966-Reformation (1998)m. 14th-15th lecture : Post-Reformation Era
No course requirements
The course will consist of lectures and discussions.Examination will include active participation at course sessions and oral and/or written exams.
Distribute materials in class
Hutagaol, Said, The Development of Higher Education in Indonesia, 1920-1979 (Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International, 1985).Kroeskamp, H., Early Schoolmasters in A Developing Country: A History of Experiments in School Education in 19th Century Indonesia (Assen: van Gorcum, 1974)