科目名 【日本語】教育情報学演習Ⅰ
科目名 【英語】Seminar on Information Science in Education 1
担当教員 【日本語】ZHANG Z. ○
担当教員 【英語】ZHANG Zuochen ○
開講期・開講時間帯秋集中 その他 その他
Intensive(Fall) Other Other

授業の目的 【日本語】
授業の目的 【英語】
This course explores how Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) impact the society, and how ICT can be used to support teaching, learning and research. During the course, students will explore the relationship between ICT and different aspects of the society, and will be encouraged to make connections between research and their own lives in the ICT-rich world. Some commonly used qualitative research approaches such as ethnography and cases study will be introduced. The course will include discussions on readings and presentations. A final paper is required as part of the evaluation.
到達目標 【日本語】
到達目標 【英語】
The objectives of this course are to help students1) understand how various ICT are impacting society by redefining theeconomic, social and cultural scene2) understand how ICT are empowering society3) understand issues (e.g., Digital Divide) related to ICT4) explore how ICT can be used for teaching, learning, and research.
The course topics of this class are bellow.1) Introduction and course syllabus2) Selection of required readings3) Introduction to ICT and society4) Presentation and discussion on reading5) Impact of ICT on our lives6) Presentation and discussion on reading7) ICT and development8) Presentation and discussion on reading9) Social media and research10) Presentation and discussion on reading11) Health, care, well-being and ICT12) Presentation and discussion on reading13) Cyber security of ICT14) Presentation and discussion on reading15) Wrap up
There are no prerequisites for this course regarding the course topics. However, students are expected to have adequate competence of English language, as the course requires extensive reading and writing, as well as active participation in class discussions. Some basic knowledge of APA style will be an asset.
Assessment items include class attendance, online discussion, in-class discussion, presentation on reading, and final paper. Bi-weekly online discussion topics will be posted in a forum on the NUCT system, and students should respond to the topic by the posted deadline; In-class discussions will be facilitated by the instructor in class, students should actively participate in such discussions; Students will give a presentation on a reading they select, followed by a discussion facilitated by the presenter. A digital copy of the final paper (around 2500 words including references) is due by the day of the last class. Detailed requirements for assignments will be explained during the first class meeting.Attendance; 15%Required online discussion; 15%In-class discussion; 15%Presentation on reading; 20%Final Paper; 35%
No textbook is required for this course. Selected articles from the attached PDF file will be used as required readings, and the remaining will be recommended as supplementary readings. The selection of the readings will be done at the first class meeting.
Articles that are not selected as required readings will be recommended as supplementary readings.
a) AttendancePunctual and regular attendance is expected. As a courtesy, students are requested to contact the instructor in the event of an absence. Students are expected to fully participate in in-class and online activities.b) Late AssignmentsAssignments must be submitted by midnight local time on the due date. In exceptional circumstances, students may contact the instructor in advance to request a reasonable extension.c) PlagiarismPlagiarism is a serious offence which will result in a failing grade for the course and being reported to the relevant authorities. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that he/she is not in violation of the laws regarding plagiarism. When in doubt, students should consult the instructor.