Courses Offered by the Graduate School of Law
科目名 【日本語】比較行政学専門研究
科目名 【英語】Comparative Studies in Public Administration
担当教員 【日本語】荒見 玲子 ○
担当教員 【英語】ARAMI Reiko ○
開講期・開講時間帯秋 水曜日 1時限
Fall Wed 1

授業の目的 【日本語】
授業の目的 【英語】
“Public Administration” or “Government Activities” are closely related to our daily life. From the time we are born, there is no moment in our contemporary life in which we are not involved with government affairs. Government, such as executive branches at the central and local levels, consist of various aspects, such as bureaucracy, organization, public management and public policy. How do these aspects affect and shape the world we live in? How do we distinguish the executive system / public administration from the legislative system and the judicial system? What is public administration?
Turning our eyes to the comparative perspective, Japanese bureaucracy was well-known for its strong administrative state over both politics and the market until 1990s, based on a strong economy. However, these characteristics are stereotypes. In addition, they have changed over time through the several reforms. What has changed?
The course consists of 1 weekly student presentation regarding the readings, and lectures in which I will present on public administration and public policy issues in Japan based on the readings, such as from textbooks, papers, and book chapters, and student discussions that I will facilitate. Questions and discussions comparing your own country and Japan on each topic are strongly encouraged.
I'd like to focus more on policy issues this fiscal year.
到達目標 【日本語】
到達目標 【英語】
This course has several purposes: (1) to learn about administrative theory in general, in terms of institutional theory, public management and public policy, (2) to know more about the development of the Japanese administrative state and bureaucracy, and how these work, (3) to discuss current issues corresponding to institutional reform, such as the 2001 central government restructuring, NPM, decentralization and electoral reform, among others.
Lecture / Theme / Lecture Course Description / Learning outside the class / Related page


How Administrative Government Evolved

Introduction: How to study Public Administration and bureaucracy in Japan


How Administrative Government Evolved

Expanding Public Services: The Development of Administrative State, Welfare State, New Public Management (NPM) and Government Restructuring.


How Administrative Government Evolved

The Executives, Agency and Civil Service System based on the Parliamentary System


How Administrative Government Evolved

Intergovernmental System: Decentralization


How Administrative Government Evolved

Local Governance:   Local Autonomy and Local Executives in Prefectures and Municipalities based on the Presidential System


Public Policy and Bureaucratic Behaviors

Policymaking: Agenda Setting and Rulemaking


Public Policy and Bureaucratic Behaviors

Policy Implementation: Frontline Workers and Red Tape


Public Policy and Bureaucratic Behaviors

Policy Design and Regulation, Deregulation versus Capture Theory


Internal Control over Bureaucracy

Bureaucratic Performance, Bureaucratic Capacity and Public Service Motivation


Internal Control over Bureaucracy

Budgetary System


Internal Control over Bureaucracy

Human Resource Management


Internal Control over Bureaucracy

Planning, Evaluation and Accountability


External Control over Bureaucracy

Controlled outside of Bureaucracy: Constitutional Oversight by the Courts, the Pressure by Interest Groups, and Inter-organizational Networks


External Control over Bureaucracy

Interaction with Citizens: Participation, Public Referendum, Social Movements, and Representative Bureaucracy.


Wrap up

Wrap up and Group Presentation: TBD

Grades will be earned on the basis of five components: class presentation (40%) class participation (20%), and final presentation and papers (altogether 40%).
Note: Different criteria according to the program in which you are enrolled (ex. G30 program, NUPACE, etc.) will be used for grading.
(20%) Class Participation:The class participation grade is based on participation and attendance in the class.
(40%) Class Presentation:At the beginning of each class, there will be a 10-minute student presentation of the reading materials. Once or Twice presentations during the semester are required. (It depends on the participants of the class).
(40%) Final Presentation and Papers (4-5 pages, single-spaced):
Each student will be required to present at least one paper from the readinglist, to write a final research paper and given a 15-minute presentation on a topic of interest related to issues in the course.
Michael Howlett, 2019. Designing Public Policies
(Routledge Textbooks in Policy Studies) , Routledge,2nd Edition.
I will upload the syllabus and the reading list,a part of which are updated every year, on NUCT at the beginning of the course. ★Please look them through in advance so that we decide the course schedule in the first class. All readings in the syllabus are required unless marked as optional. The readings and related materials can be found on the NUCT or Canvas (which I show you later) site for the course. We also highly recommend reading a national newspaper regarding Japanese public policy ( the New York Times, the Wall Street J o urnal, the Los Angeles Times, the Daily Yomiuri, and the Nikkei Asian Review,
among others) so that you are aware of public policy development in Japan that emerge this semester.
Please see above.
【Added 9/23】
This course is conducted by Zoom (live on time) throughout the semester.
Students must send an email to the lecturer( rarami@law.nagoya-u.ac.jp ) no later than 10 am on October 12 to show your intention to take this course. Students are expected to also inform the lecturer about your living place (country)  where you will take this course and the time difference.
The first session is on October 14th. All the students who want to take this course must attend the first session to be assigned a paper to present. As I will upload all the materials to the NUCT course site, please check them out before the first class.
*Students who are coming to the campus to take other face-to-face classes are allowed to take them in the AC Forum.
*The following instructions must be kept by students attending the AC Forum
-Wear the mask
-Only use numbered seats. -You must keep a record of the seat number you have occupied. -Disinfect and wash your hands before entering and leaving the room. -Use earphones. -Do not come to the campus if you feel unwell.
Depending on the severity of the infection, it may be impossible to attend the AC Forum in the future.

Two points are noted: First, this course addresses theories generated in Japan and the U.S. and which have evolved over time. Public administration studies were born in the U.S. in the 19 th century. Public Administration in Japan was significantly affected by U.S. studies, especially administrative theory, organizational theory and bureaucratic politics in the U.S., although the reality of the democratic system and the challenges are very different. As a result, Japanese public administration theory has developed from two directions, namely the theoretical and the practical: it mainly imported U.S. theory, on the other hand, the challenge surrounding government affairs in Japan has been tackled apart from theory. However, theory has evolved and diverged by incorporating other social sciences, such as theoretical research and empirical research since the 1990s.
Second, this course sometimes refers to political science, sociology, management, public law and public finance due to the fact that these studies are also related to public bureaucratic organizations. However, these are not exhaustively examined in consideration time constraints. Please review the related materials on your own and do not hesitate to ask questions.