科目名 【日本語】国際開発協力演習Ⅰa
科目名 【英語】Seminar on International Development and Cooperation Ia
担当教員 【日本語】山形 英郎 ○
担当教員 【英語】YAMAGATA Hideo ○
開講期・開講時間帯春 水曜日 1時限
Spring Wed 1

授業の目的 【日本語】
授業の目的 【英語】
The seminar offers students chances to make presentation to express their idea after careful reading of some materials and to have a discussion between the presentor and the audience. One book dealing with some issues of the United Nations or international law is chosen for our reading. Studetns will be assigned one chapter for presentation and discussion. Participants will get some knowledge on a topic discussed in the book. Furthermore, students will obtain ability to summarize what is written in the book, make slides for presentation, present effectively their views on some points and to exchange their arguments during the discussion.
到達目標 【日本語】
到達目標 【英語】
Structure of the Course / Schedule授業の構成・計画

Each class will examine one chapter of the textbook presented by a student. The student appointed as a presenter must summarize the assigned chapter and make slides for its presentation. The presenting student should collect and read all materials referred to in the footnotes or endnotes to verify and understand what the author is intended to argue. Good preparation for questions to be asked by other participants should be made before the class starts. The other students are required to read the textbook beforehand and ask questions and give some comments to the speaker at the seminar.
There are no preconditions to take this seminar.
Evaluation will be based on (a) presentation of the assigned chapter and (b) discussion including questions and comments showing how accurately students understand the arguments the author develops in the textbook and the resoning employed to support them.
Presentation including slides or other handouts 40%;
Discussion including questions and comments 60%.
Credit is given to C- or C (where applicable) or higher grade for each criterion.
Textbooks will be announced by the email to the members of the seminar.
Regarding references, students should consult footnotes or endnotes and bibliography supplied by the textbook.