科目名 【日本語】開発援助論
科目名 【英語】Development Assistance
担当教員 【日本語】伊藤 圭介 ○
担当教員 【英語】ITO Keisuke ○
開講期・開講時間帯春集中 その他 その他
Intensive(Spring) Other Other

授業の目的 【日本語】
授業の目的 【英語】
This course is offered by the staff of JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) with lectures based on their first hand experience in the field of international assistance. The students therefore acquire the perspectives of development practitioners, particularly regarding how international assistance is delivered, what kind of successes and difficulties aid workers face in the field, and how they overcome the difficulties. The lectures emcompass important current topics in the international assistance, ranging from capacity building to rural development and volunteerism. Students will obtain a deep understanding of international aid.
到達目標 【日本語】
到達目標 【英語】
Structure of the Course / Schedule授業の構成・計画
The following is the list of topics covered in this course, followed by a brief description of each topic. Please note, however, the order of this list does not necessarily reflect the order of lectures. Each topic is delivered in 3 sessions (90 min in each session). Please note that the contents might change in unavoidable circumstances without prior notice.

Capacity Development
Capacity Development (CD) has its roots in the question of whether aid is useful that has been increasingly posed at forums for international dialogue since the 1990s. The debate centers around how to support (i) improvements in capabilities for developing countries, (ii) modalities for development assistance, and especially, (iii) modalities for technical cooperation. The students learn the concept of CD and discuss how the impact as well as the sustainability of technical cooperation can be improved.

Improving lives of rural women and girls
Different approaches and projects to improve the livelihood of rual women and girls are presented in these lectures. Through case studies and discussions, effective methods to change the lives of people at the grassroots level are examined. The lectures also present the Japanese experience of the Livelihood Improvement Approach in the post World War Two era, and the Tanzanian projects on Prevention of School Dropouts and Social Isolation due to Unwanted Pregnancy.

Planning and Implementation of Rural Development Program Considering Farmers’ Motivation
Through this session, the students will understand key points for when they make action plans and implement them for beneficiaries such as small-scale farmers, especially women, considering farmers’ motivation. The lectures include case studies and group discussions.

No fish to catch; the struggle of rural fishing communities to sustain their livelihoods
Fishing constitutes an integral part of local livelihoods in coastal/riparian communities, providing food, income, and employment in rural economies. However, increasing competition over free-access fisheries resources has brought over-exploitation, and serious depletion of resources has made fishereries’ basis as a source of livelihood unstable. Communities’ difficulties become further complicated when there is an influx of unemployed people and migrant fishers (fishing being an “economic activity of last resort*” for the poorest) who are often illegal immigrants. Despite the importance of fishing in sustaining rural economy, communities receive minimum attention/support from the public and hence they remain socially and economically vulnerable.
In this lecture, the complex situation of fishing communities is thoroughly analyzed and practical options to support these communities are explored and examined facilitated by discussion.
* Last resort: the only remaining, often least-desirable, option when all others have been excluded.

Grassroot Development Assistance – Volunteering for Development
Volunteers are considered one of the key actors in development assistance. Although the definition of volunteering is often controversial, volunteers can be generally categorized into international or national (local) and individual or organizational (public or private) with various schemes of volunteer programs such as funding, onsite-volunteering, online volunteering, etc.
   JICA volunteers are international volunteers who contribute to the grassroots development of developing countries by speaking the local language, sharing food, thinking, and acting together with local people. Their activities also facilitate co-creation of new values between local people and volunteers. In addition, in the context of the social and environmental changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic, their roles and activities are to be reviewed and reexamined.
   In this lecture, we provide an overview of the past and the present state of volunteering, and discuss its future directions and possibilities both locally and abroad as well as its potential role in the context of development assistance. The lecture focuses on the JICA volunteering program, including the unique approach called “Sport and Development” as a case of international cooperation with the value of “standing by people.”
There is no precondition to take this course
There are assignments from each of the five topics. The assignment(s) from each topic account for 20% of the grade. The details of the assignments will be announced from the lecturer in the class.
There is not a specific textbook for this course. The relevant references are provided by each lecturer during class and also through NUCT. Some reference materials are:
① Capacity Assessment Handbook

② Catalyzing Development: A New Vision for Aid

③ Revisiting Capacity Development Approach through the Analysis of Case Studies
