授業の目的 【日本語】 | | 【授業の目的】この授業では、新しい経済社会学(New Economic Sociology)の視点や概念、調査研究手法を習得し、それを応用して調査研究を遂行する能力を養う。 【到達目標】1)経済現象を社会学的に捉えるための概念やものの見方を習得する。2)経済社会学の調査・分析手法を理解し、調査研究に応用する能力を身につける。 【該当DP】DP1 |
授業の目的 【英語】 | | 【Course Objective】This course aims to provide basic framework of new economic sociology and related fields in order to understand various economic actions and institutions embedded in the social settings. 【Goal】Students will be able to understand various concepts and perspectives of economic sociology in addition to basic methodological issues related to this field when you complete this course. 【Relevant DP】DP1 |
到達目標 【日本語】 | | |
到達目標 【英語】 | | |
授業の内容や構成 | | 4月22日(水)1限に開講します.NUCTやZoom等を使用した授業となる可能性があります. 受講予定の方は4月17日(金)までにfukui.yasutaka@a.mbox.nagoya-u.ac.jpまで連絡してください.
1: The difference with social network research 2: Fundamental network concepts and ideas 3: Thinking about networks: Research questions and study design 4: Social systems and data structures: Relational ties and actor attributes 5: Network observation and measurement 6: The empirical context of network data collection 7: Ethical issues for social network research 8: Network visualization: What it can and cannot do 9: A review of social network analytic methods 10: Drawing conclusions: Inference, generalization, causality and other weighty matters
| This class will address social network approach highlighting the procedures or techniques used to define, collect and process informations about social network in the sociological research. For each class, students are required to read and summarize papers prior to class and encouraged to prepare questions.
1: The difference with social network research 2: Fundamental network concepts and ideas 3: Thinking about networks: Research questions and study design 4: Social systems and data structures: Relational ties and actor attributes 5: Network observation and measurement 6: The empirical context of network data collection 7: Ethical issues for social network research 8: Network visualization: What it can and cannot do 9: A review of social network analytic methods 10: Drawing conclusions: Inference, generalization, causality and other weighty matters
Student's presentation of his/her own research is required in the class. |
履修条件・関連する科目 | | |
成績評価の方法と基準 | | 報告・議論への貢献(60%)+研究発表(40%)。出席率が2/3以下であれば欠席とする。
| Attendance and discussion participation: 60% Presentation: 40% |
教科書 | | Robins, Gary, 2015, Doing Social Network Research: Network-based Research Design for Social Scientists, London: SAGE Publishing.(ISBN: 978-1446276136)
https://uk.sagepub.com/en-gb/eur/doing-social-network-research/book241817 | Robins, Gary, 2015, Doing Social Network Research: Network-based Research Design for Social Scientists, London: SAGE Publishing.(ISBN: 978-1446276136)
https://uk.sagepub.com/en-gb/eur/doing-social-network-research/book241817 |
参考書 | | 参考文献は授業中に適宜指示する。 | The reading list will be announced in the class.
課外学習等(授業時間外学習の指示) | | |
注意事項 | | |
授業言語 (資料) | | |
授業言語 (口頭) | | |
英語の質問への対応 | | |
授業開講形態等 | | |
遠隔授業(オンデマンド型)で行う場合の追加措置 | | |