Courses Offered by the Graduate School of Law
科目名 【日本語】国際経済法専門研究Ⅱ
科目名 【英語】Professional Studies in International Economic Law Ⅱ
担当教員 【日本語】水島 朋則 ○
担当教員 【英語】MIZUSHIMA Tomonori ○
開講期・開講時間帯秋 火曜日 1時限
Fall Tue 1

授業の目的 【日本語】
授業の目的 【英語】
This course is designed to examine some problems of international economic law, including the World Trade Organisation legal system and international investment law. The course will consist of twelve lectures which deal with various issues of international economic law. In each lecture, stress will be put on Japanese practice in the field of international economic law.
到達目標 【日本語】
到達目標 【英語】
The aim of this course is to develop an understanding of various issues of international economic law.
Lecture / Theme / Lecture Course Description / Learning outside the class / Related page

This course is designed to examine some problems of international economic law, including the World Trade Organisation legal system and international investment law. The course will consist of twelve lectures which deal with various issues of international economic law. In each lecture, stress will be put on Japanese practice in the field of international economic law.

Some prior knowledge of international law is helpful, though not essential.
Students are required to write an essay after each lecture. The maximum score of each essay is 100 points. The average score of the essays each student submits will be his/her final score, on the basis of which his/her grade is determined. More detailed explanation about assessment is given at the introduction session of 6th October.
There is no set text.
Course handouts will be posted on the NUCT around two weeks in advance of each lecture.
Students are expected to attend each lecture after having a look at the course handout and to write an essay after each lecture.
This course is open also to G30 undergraduate students.
NB (16 September 2020): Students who would like to take this course should send an e-mail to me by 12 October, Monday, and tell me around three chapters in which you are interested, out of 18 chapters in Part II (WTO Rules and Major Cases) of "2019 Report on Compliance by Major Trading Partners with Trade Agreements: WTO, EPA/FTA and IIA", which is available at
Each student should give a presentation about one chapter through a Zoom meeting by December and submit an essay of around 3,000 words about the chapter in the light of the comments you may receive after the presentation. The deadline for submitting an essay will be 29 January, Friday.