Courses Offered by the Graduate School of Law
科目名 【日本語】特別講義・演習(日本の社会と法)
科目名 【英語】Special Lecture and Seminar (Japanese Law and Society)
担当教員 【日本語】原田 綾子 ○
担当教員 【英語】HARADA Ayako ○
開講期・開講時間帯秋 木曜日 3時限
Fall Thu 3

授業の目的 【日本語】
授業の目的 【英語】
This course is conducted by Zoom (live on time).
Students must send an email to the lecturer by October 6 to show your intent to take this course. Students should also inform the lecturer about your living place (country) from where you will take this course.
Students must enroll this Syllabus system as a member to obtain invitation to Zoom meeting URLs for class sessions.  If you have any difficulty enrolling this syllabus, let the lecturer know by email.
First session is on October 8 (Orientation). All the students who want to take this course must attend the first session to be assigned a paper to present.

This seminar provides students opportunities to learn and discuss the actual functioning of Japanese law and legal system in its social context.
Topics include; A. Reluctant litigants? Legacy of Kawashima theory B. Socio-legal process of dispute resolution―different strategies in different areas C. Japanese Judiciary and Judicial Reform
到達目標 【日本語】
到達目標 【英語】
Each student picks one topic or more, according to the number of participants, prepares handout that briefly describes what is argued in the material and his or her own opinion, and presents it for class discussion. Students other than the presenter must read materials in advance and actively participate in discussion. Through such efforts, students are expected to obtain basic knowledge and insights on the reality of the Japanese legal system.
Lecture / Theme / Lecture Course Description / Learning outside the class / Related page

Each session will focus on a paper provided on the list above. The class workwill be generally divided into three parts. Part 1: presentation, Part 2: small group discussion, Part 3: discussion with all the class members. The presenter(s) will organize the discussion. The lecturer make a final remark at the end of session.


Attendance (10%), presentation (30%), class discussion (20%), after-presentation report (40%).
None, but reading materials listed below are provided to the students.
Discussion Topics and Reading Materials

First Meeting: Orientation

I . Reluctant Litigants? Legacy of Kawashima’s Theory on Japanese non-litigiousness
Japanese attitude toward law and litigation
Takeyoshi Kawashima, “Dispute Resolution in Contemporary Japan,” Arthur von Mehren (ed.), Law in Japan: The Legal Order in a Changing Society, Harvard University Press, 1963, pp.41-72.
Criticism to attitude (culture) model: Institutions
John Owen Haley, “The Myth of the Reluctant Litigant,” Journal of Japanese Studies Vol.4, No.2 (1978), pp. 359-390.
II. Socio-legal process of dispute resolution—different strategies in different areas
Automobile Accidents (1)
Ramseyer, J. Mark, and Minoru Nakazato. "The Rational Litigant: Settlement Amounts and Verdict Rates in Japan." The Journal of Legal Studies 18, no. 2 (1989): 263-90.
2. Automobile Accidents (2)
Takao Tanase, “The Management of Disputes: Automobile Accident Compensation in Japan,” Law and Society Review, Vol. 24, No. 3 (1990), pp.651-692.
3. Neighborhood Noise Disputes
Mark D. West, “The Resolution of Karaoke Disputes: The Calculus of Institutions and Social Capital,” Journal of Japanese Studies, Vol. 28, No. 2 (1995) pp. 301-337.   .
4. Product Liability
Luke Nottage and Yoshitaka Wada, “Japan’s New Product Liability ADR Centers: Bureaucratic, Industry, or Consumer Informalism?” Zeitschrift für Japanisches Recht, Nr. 6 (1998), pp. 40-81.
5. Medical Malpractice
Eric Feldman, “Law, Society, and Medical Malpractice Litigation in Japan,” 8 Washington University Global Studies Law Review, 2006, pp.257-284..
6.Family Disputes (two articles for one session)
Masayuki Murayama, 2010, “The origins and development of family conciliation in Japan: a political aspect,” Journal of Social Welfare & Family Law, 143-153.
Ayako Harada, 2019, “Family Reorganization in the Japanese Family Conciliation System: Resolving Divorce Disputes Involving Minor Children,” International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, 33, 75–103.
7. Compensation for Environmental Pollution Victims
Koichiro Fujikura, “Litigation, Administrative Relief, and Political Settlement for Pollution Victim Compensation: Minamata Mercury Poisoning after Fifty Years,” Daniel H. Foote (ed), Law in Japan: A Turning Point, University of Washington Press, 2007, pp.384-403.
III. Japanese Judiciary and Judicial Reform
Japanese Judiciary and Judicial independence
Frank K. Upham, “Review: Political Lackeys or Faithful Public Servants? Two Views of the Japanese Judiciary,” Law & Social Inquiry, Vol. 30, No. 2, 2005, pp. 421-455.
Reviewed Work(s):
Measuring Judicial Independence: The Political Economy of Judging in Japan by J. Mark Ramseyer and Eric B. Rasmusen.
The Spirit of Japanese Law by John Owen Haley and The Japanese Judiciary: Maintaining Integrity, Autonomy, and the Public Trust by John Owen Haley
Judicial Reform and Legal Education
Annelise Riles and Takashi Uchida. “Reforming Knowledge-A Socio-Legal Critique of the Legal Education Reforms in Japan” Drexel L. Rev. Vol.1, 2009, pp.3-51.
(Additional Reference) Setsuo Miyazawa, “Successes, Failures, and Remaining Issues of the Justice System Reform in Japan: An Introduction to the Symposium Issue,” 36 Hastings International & Comparative Law Review, 2013, pp.313-347.
Read the materials for each class in advance for preparation
Students must send an email to show intentions to take this course to the lecturer by October 6.