授業の目的 【日本語】 Goals of the Course(JPN) | | |
授業の目的 【英語】 Goals of the Course | | The purpose of this course is to learn basics of polymer science. The course begins with basic concepts of polymer, proceeds next to polymerization and synthesis of various polymers, and moves then to characterization, structures, properties, and functions of polymers, and biopolymers. |
到達目標 【日本語】 Objectives of the Course(JPN)) | | |
到達目標 【英語】 Objectives of the Course | | Upon taking this course, you aim to learn basics of polymer science, such as what polymers are, how to make polymers, how to characterize polymer properties, how properties are affected by polymer structures, how to design functional polymers, and how biopolymers are different from synthetic polymers. You will get basic knowledge on polymer science first and then abilities to apply the basic knowledge to creating new polymer materials. |
授業の内容や構成 Course Content / Plan | | 1. Introduction to Polymer 2. Step-Growth Polymerization 3. Free-Radical Addition Polymerization 4. Ionic Polymerization 5. Linear Copolymers and Other Architectures 6. Polymer Stereochemistry 7. Polymerization Reactions Initiated by Metal Catalysts and Transfer Reactions 8. Polymers in Solution 9. Polymer Characterization – Molar Masses 10. Polymer Characterization – Chain Dimensions, Structures, and Morphology 11. The Crystalline State and Partially Ordered Structures 12. The Glassy State and Glass Transition 13. Rheology and Mechanical Properties 14. The Elastomeric State 15. Structure-Property Relations 16. DNA and RNA that Encode Genetic Information as their Sequences 17. Higher-Order Structures of Polypeptides and Protein Prior to taking each class, read the corresponding part of the textbook. After taking the class, solve the problems in the textbook by yourself. During each class, solve the quizzes. |
履修条件 Course Prerequisites | | Contact the instructor in charge. |
関連する科目 Related Courses | | Fundamentals of Chemistry I, II, Organic Chemistry I, II, Physical Chemistry I, II, Analytical Chemistry |
成績評価の方法と基準 Course Evaluation Method and Criteria | | The grading is based on quizzes during classes. Credits will be awarded to those students who understand basics on synthetic and bio-based polymers, polymerization, polymer characterization, structures, properties, and functions. Advanced understandings will be considered. A minimum average score of 60 or higher out of 100 should be obtained to pass this course. 〈Enrollees after 2020〉 100-95 : A+,94-80 : A,79-70 : B,69-65 : C,64-60 : C-,59-0 : F 〈Enrollees before 2019〉 100-90 : S,89-80 : A,79-70 : B,69-60 : C,59-0 : F |
不可(F)と欠席(W)の基準 Criteria for "Fail (F)" & "Absent (W)" grades | | Contact the instructor in charge. |
参考書 Reference Book | | Principles of Polymerization (G. Odian), 4th Edition, Wiley-Interscience |
教科書・テキスト Textbook | | Polymers: Chemistry and Physics of Modern Materials (J. M. G. Cowie and Valeria Arrighi), 3rd Edition; CRC Press |
課外学習等(授業時間外学習の指示) Study Load(Self-directed Learning Outside Course Hours) | | Contact the instructor in charge. |
注意事項 Notice for Students | | |
他学科聴講の可否 Propriety of Other department student's attendance | | |
他学科聴講の条件 Conditions for Other department student's attendance | | |
レベル Level | | |
キーワード Keyword | | |
履修の際のアドバイス Advice | | |
授業開講形態等 Lecture format, etc. | | Contact the instructor in charge. |
遠隔授業(オンデマンド型)で行う場合の追加措置 Additional measures for remote class (on-demand class) | | |