授業の目的 【日本語】 Goals of the Course(JPN) | | |
授業の目的 【英語】 Goals of the Course | | This lecture will provide international students with the fundamental knowledge on and a basic understanding on politics in Asia. The course will start with a description of transformation of civilization and the beginning of modern politics in Northeast Asia, and then check the history and contemporary situation of domestic politics of Northeast Asian states, focusing on Japan, China and South Korea from the view point of comparative politics and those of international relations in this region. |
到達目標 【日本語】 Objectives of the Course(JPN) | | |
到達目標 【英語】 Objectives of the Course | | |
授業の内容や構成 Course Content / Plan | | 1 Introduction 2 Comparative Politics 1 Under the theme of 'Political institutions', those similarities and differences of the political system among Japan, China, and S. Korea will be discussed. 3 Comparative Politics 2 Under the theme of 'Development and Democratization', the relations between economic development and democratization in East Asia will be discussed. 4 Comparative Politics 3 Under the theme of 'Participation and Governance', the current situations and future prospects of Participation and Governance in East Asian countries will be provided. 5 Conflicts on Identity and History The identity politics in the East Asian region will be discussed focusing on the characteristics of the legacy of imperialism. 6 Stability and Instability in Regional Security The security issues in the East Asis will be discussed especially checking the factors of the legacy of the Cold War. 7 Forward Regionalism? The difficulty and possibility of regional cooperation in East Asia will be discussed considering the characteristics of Globalization of this region.
8 Conclusion |
履修条件・関連する科目 Course Prerequisites and Related Courses | | |
成績評価の方法と基準 Course Evaluation Method and Criteria | | The evaluation will be based on the final report(60%) and class participation (40%). To pass, students must earn at least 60 points out of 100. |
教科書・テキスト Textbook | | No textbooks. Materials will be provided in the course. |
参考書 Reference Book | | |
課外学習等(授業時間外学習の指示) Study Load(Self-directed Learning Outside Course Hours) | | Prepare for each class session to interpret the meaning of technical terms, concepts and so forth by reading introduced materials. |
注意事項 Notice for Students | | |
授業開講形態等 Lecture format, etc. | | |
遠隔授業(オンデマンド型)で行う場合の追加措置 Additional measures for remote class (on-demand class) | | |