Undergraduate / Graduate
Registration Code
Course Category
Specialized Courses
科目名 【日本語】
Course Title
科目名 【英語】
Course Title
Experiments in Physics - Advanced Course
Course Numbering Code
担当教員 【日本語】
飯嶋 徹 ○
担当教員 【英語】
Term / Day / Period
通年(春秋) 月曜日 3時限
通年(春秋) 月曜日 4時限
Full-year course(Sp-Fa) Mon 3
Full-year course(Sp-Fa) Mon 4
Course style
Department / Program
Compulsory / Selected

授業の目的 【日本語】
Goals of the Course(JPN)
実験コースを選択する学生は各実験系研究室に所属し、各研究室が用意する実験テーマのうち1つを選択して、1年間 にわたって実験を行う。最先端の実験物理を通して物理学の知識を深めることを目的としている。
授業の目的 【英語】
Goals of the Course
Students who choose the experimental course belong to each laboratory and carry out physics experiments for one year in each laboratory.
The aim of this course is to deepen students' knowledge of physics through state-of-the-art experimental physics.
到達目標 【日本語】
Objectives of the Course(JPN))
各研究室で1年間に渡って行った実験結果と考察について発表できること。 各研究室の具体的な研究内容については, 授業内容」の欄を参照のこと。
到達目標 【英語】
Objectives of the Course
By the end of the course, students will be able to present the results and discussions of experiments carried out in each laboratory over a year. For the specific research content of each laboratory, refer to the "Course content and structure".
Course Content / Plan

● F研(基本粒子研究室)
F-1 ダークマターの正体を探る
F-2 ニュートリノの研究
F-3 気球搭載型大口径超高解像原子核乾板望遠鏡による宇宙の観測
F-4 原子核乾板をはじめとする素粒子検出器の開発研究

● N研(高エネルギー素粒子物理学研究室)
N-1, N-2, N-3, N-4 現代素粒子物理学実験
N-1 スーパーBファクトリー実験
N-2 LHCアトラス実験
LHCアトラス実験では、スイス・ジュネーブに設置された周長27 kmの加速器LHCによって世界最高エネルギーの陽子・陽子衝突を実現し、素粒子の質量起源の研究、超対称性理論や余剰次元理論で予言される新しい粒子の探索を行っている。本研究室は、ミュー粒子検出器の運転を通じて高い質のデータ取得を強く支え、2012年のヒッグス粒子発見を導いた。また、トップクォークの性質の解明、ミューオンの質量起源の探求、超対称性粒子の探索などで成果をあげてきた。2025年頃からは、陽子・陽子衝突の頻度をLHC設計値の7.5倍に向上させヒッグス機構の精査やより高感度の新物理探索を行う。4年生は、ミュー粒子検出器の運転、読み出し回路の開発、ヒッグス粒子や新物理に関するデータ解析を通し、最先端の素粒子実験を学ぶことができる。
N-3 ミューオンg-2/EDM実験
g-2は、粒子が持つ磁気の強さを示す基本的な物理量である。ミューオンのg-2は非常に精密に測定することができ、これまでに0.1 ppmオーダーの測定精度を実現しているが、測定結果が標準理論の予測と乖離しており、標準理論を超える物理が寄与している可能性がある。本研究室では、KEKのJ-PARC加速器を用いてミューオンのg-2を全く新しい手法で測定し、これまでに得られている乖離の解釈に決着をつけるための準備を進めている。新しい手法の実現に質の高いミューオンビームが欠かせず、2025年の完成を目指して技術開発を行っている。4年生は、新しいミューオンビームの輸送系や制御系の技術開発に携わることができる。
N-4 先端実験技術の開発

● Φ研(素粒子物性研究室)
素粒子の実験的研究は、高エネルギー加速器を用いて素粒子の反応を直接的に研究する方法と、高エネルギー現象が低エネルギー過程に現れる微小な効果を計測する方法とに大別される。当研究室では、低速の中性子やミューオン、原子核を用いた精密測定により素粒子物理学の実験的研究を行っている。実験には世界最高輝度を誇るJ-PARCのパルス中性子やミューオン、カナダTRIUMF研究所の超冷中性子、フランスLaue Langevin研究所(ILL)やアメリカ国立標準技術研究所(NIST)または京都大学複合原子力科学研究所(KURNS)などの研究用原子炉からの定常中性子ビームを利用する。以下は現時点で想定される課題であるが、実際に行なう実験内容は参加学生との議論の中で生まれるアイデアを尊重して進めることを考えている。新たな先端研究分野への意欲を持つ学生を歓迎する。
Φ-1 中性子崩壊率(中性子寿命)
Φ-2 複合核状態における空間・時間反転対称性の破れの研究
Φ-3 中性子電気双極子能率
Φ-4 中性子による未知相互作用(余剰次元等)の探索
Φ-5 ミューオニウム超微細構造の精密測定

● μ研(宇宙線イメージング研究室)
μ-1 宇宙線イメージングの基盤技術開発
μ-2 ピラミッドなどの考古遺跡調査技術の開発
μ-3 地下構造探査および土木構造物をはじめとした社会インフラ点検技術の開発
μ-4 宇宙線イメージングの新規対象の開拓


● A研(天体物理学研究室)
138億年にわたる宇宙の歴史のなかで、宇宙の構成要素である恒星や銀河がどのように生まれ、進化してきたかを理解することは、現代の天体物理学・天文学の主要なテーマのひとつだ。天体物理学研究室 (A研) では、あらゆる天体の根源である星間物質に着目し、ミリ波サブミリ波観測という手段を駆使して、こうした天体の形成と進化を理解する研究を行っている。天文学分野のフロンティアを切りひらく情熱と意欲をもった学生を歓迎する。
A-1 遠方銀河の観測的研究
A-2 次世代サブミリ波望遠鏡のための装置開発
当研究室では、次世代の大型サブミリ波望遠鏡の性能を飛躍的に向上させる、以下の技術開発を行っている: (1) 電波波面の撹乱を実時間で補正するミリ波補償光学技術、(2) 超伝導共振器技術を利用した超広帯域サブミリ波分光器。これらは世界に類を見ない試みであり、新しいアイデアがあれば4年生でも先端分野を切りひらくことが可能である。これらの開発プロジェクトに主体的に参加し、既存の電波望遠鏡に搭載し、世界初の実証実験に取り組む。
A-3 銀河系及び近傍銀河のNANTEN2ミリ波・サブミリ波望遠鏡による星間物質の観測とデータ解析
A-4 NANTEN2マルチビーム受信器システムおよびソフトウェア開発

● U研(宇宙物理学研究室)
U-1 赤外線天文衛星「あかり」などによる赤外線データの解析(Uir)
赤外線天文衛星「あかり」には、本研究室が中心になって開発した遠赤外線観測装置 FIS に加え、近・中間赤外線カメラ IRC と二つの観測機器が搭載された。天体からの赤外線放射の源は、主に星間空間に漂う固体微粒子(有機物・鉱物)の熱的放射や、原子・分子ガスのスペクトル線である。赤外線の観測を行うことで、我々の銀河系の星間空間や星形成領域の物理状態、銀河の星形成活動史などを調べることができる。本研究室が作成した「あかり」赤外線全天マップを中心に、「あかり」を含むさまざまな赤外線望遠鏡で取得された膨大な観測データから、面白そうな天体(銀河や惑星形成円盤など)を選んで、その天体の赤外線放射の特性を学ぶ。また、その過程を通して、天体画像データ解析や赤外線観測装置について習熟する。
U-2 次世代衛星用の赤外線検出器・冷却光学系の開発・評価(Uir)
U-3 地上望遠鏡および気球望遠鏡のための赤外線分光器の開発(Uir)
南アフリカ天文台サザーランド観測所1.4 m望遠鏡IRSF用の近赤外線分光器、またはインド気球望遠鏡用の遠赤外線アレイ分光器の開発を行う。これらの分光器の開発を通じて、天体観測装置の開発に必要な知識・技術を広く習得する。より具体的には、
4. 実際に手を動かして、分光器の開発を行う。
U-4 次世代宇宙X線・ガンマ線観測衛星のための装置開発(Uxg)
宇宙で最も高温な天体はX線を強く放射し、そこで生まれる非熱的粒子はMeVへと放射を広げるため、X線・MeVガンマ線の観測は高エネルギー宇宙を探る鍵である。その観測精度を革新すべく、次世代の観測装置を開発している。格段に高い角分解能をもつ次世代X線望遠鏡を開発しており、太陽X線観測や、SuperDIOSなどの将来X線衛星への適用を目指している。望遠鏡を宇宙の過酷な熱環境から守る熱制御薄膜の開発でも世界の先端にある。2021年度に打ち上がるX線偏光観測衛星IXPE、2022年度のX線精密分光衛星XRISMに続き、太陽観測ロケットFOXSIや、ガンマ線バースト衛星HiZ-GUNDAM、硬X線の将来衛星FORCE、地球磁気圏X線撮像 GEO-X 計画などの将来計画にも参加している。また、FORCE衛星の中核として搭載予定の高感度硬X線イメージャーを開発している。その先端技術を生かしてさらに将来の高感度MeV観測を切り開く新しい気球実験も進めている。加えて、自然界で唯一知られる静電場粒子加速として、雷雲MeVガンマ線の観測研究では世界最先端にある。4年実験では、X線望遠鏡、熱制御膜、硬X線・MeVガンマ線観測装置の開発に取り組む。実験を通じて、宇宙の高エネルギー現象観測を目標とした、設計・製作・評価の一連の研究開発を学び、X線光学、検出器技術の基礎を修得し、プロジェクト型の研究推進を身につけることを期待する。
U-5 X線天文衛星のデータ解析による高エネルギー宇宙の観測的研究(Uxg)
U-6 原始重力波検出のための光バネ量子ロッキングによる標準量子限界の打破技術の開発(Uxg)
U-7 原始重力波検出のための変位雑音フリー中性子干渉計の開発(Uxg)
原始重力波を捉えるために最も適した周波数帯は0.1~1 Hzである。しかし、地上における標準的なレーザー干渉計型重力波検出器においては、地面振動、懸架の熱雑音、輻射圧雑音などの鏡の変位雑音のため、この周波数帯における感度は低い。そこで、我々は、以前に開発した『鏡の変位雑音キャンセル法』と『中性子干渉計』を組み合わせて、『変位雑音フリー中性子干渉計』を新たに考案した。これを使うと、地上においても原始重力波の検出ができる可能性がある。本研究では、この手法の理論解析と原理検証実験を行う。
U-8 原始重力波検出のためのジャグリング干渉計の開発(Uxg)


● I研(固体磁気共鳴研究室)
I-1 強相関電子系の磁性
I-2 鉄系超伝導体の物性
I-3 超流動
I-4 NMR測定技術の開発

● J研(ナノ磁性・スピン物性研究室)
J-1 界面マルチフェロイクスと交差相関
J-2 トポロジカル磁気構造とスピンダイナミクス
J-3 界面交換結合とマグノン伝播
J-4 人工反強磁性体の静的・動的スピン現象
J-5 磁性/超伝導ナノ界面における電子相関

● V研(機能性物質物性研究室)
V-1 相互作用の競合から生じる新物性
V-2 半金属における巨大機能の開拓
V-3 ユニークな結晶構造を持つ機能性物質の開発

● Y研(応答物性研究室)
Y-1 優れた機能性と環境親和性を兼ね備えた誘電体
Y-2 新しい強誘電体の探索
Y-3 準結晶の新奇物性
Y-4 新しい準結晶・近似結晶の探索


● D研(生体分子動態機能研究室)
タンパク質や核酸などの生体高分子は、構造変換や自己集合、さらには他分子との結合・解離といった様々な動的現象を介して独自の生理機能を発揮しています。生体分子の動作原理を理解するためには、個々の分子が機能している様子を直接可視化し、分子の構造動態や周囲の分子との動的相互作用を一分子レベルで解析することが重要となってきます。D研では溶液下にある分子をナノメータースケールの空間分解能でリアルタイム観察できる高速原子間力顕微鏡(Atomic Force Microscopy: AFM)技術をベースに、新規機能の開発や他の先端一分子計測手法との複合化を進め、新しい動的構造生命科学の開拓を目指しています。4年生では、装置開発や調整を通じて、機械設計や電子回路技術、光学技術、計測および解析ソフトウェアの開発等を通じてものづくりの知識と技術習得も目指します。
D-1 生体機能分子の動態解析と機能発現機構の解明 
D-2 高速AFMの高度化と新規顕微鏡技術の開発
D-3 人工高分子材料の動的機械特性計測手法の開発と応用
D-4 視物質ロドプシンの高分解能時間分解構造解析 

● G研(光生体エネルギー研究室)
蛋白質は40億年の生命の進化によって創られた極めて精巧なナノデバイスです。植物や藻類が行う光合成では、蛋白質中に配置された色素分子や金属イオンによって、極めて高い量子効率の光エネルギー変換が実現します。この最も基本的な生命現象を理解するためには、この生体ナノデバイスの分子機構を明らかにする必要があります。 振動分光法、電子スピン共鳴、レーザー分光、分子軌道計算などの物理的手法を駆使して、光合成蛋白質の機能解明を目指します。4年生では生物試料の調製や分光測定、計算機による解析など、研究の基本的技術を習得しながら自らの研究課題に挑戦します。
G-1 光合成蛋白質のエネルギー移動および電子移動機構の解明
G-2 光合成酸素発生機構の解明
植物の光合成による酸素発生のメカニズムは未だ解決されておらず、光合成研究における最大の謎として残されています。 酸素発生は、蛋白質中に存在する金属クラスター(4つのマンガン原子と1つのカルシウムからなる)において、水の光分解によって行われますが、その構造も反応機構についても詳しいことは明らかとなっていません。赤外分光法や電子スピン共鳴法などを駆使して、酸素発生系の構造と反応メカニズムの解明を目指します。
G-3 生体測定技術の開発
生体試料の多くは濃度が薄く(量が少ない)壊れやすいという特徴あります。 そのため、測定にはさまざまな工夫が必要です。 測定系や試料部を自ら加工・製作し、新しいユニークな測定技術の開発を目指します。

● K研(細胞情報生物物理研究室)
K-1 蛋白質の構造形成/複合体形成を伴う機能発現機構の研究
蛋白質は、アミノ酸が多数連なってできた生体高分子であり、生命現象を担う機能性分子です。蛋白質の機能発現のためには、鎖状分子が折れたたみ、天然立体構造をとることが必須であり、さらに、複数の蛋白質分子が複合体を形成することもあります。蛋白質の構造形成・複合体形成およびそれに伴う機能発現は、生命科学と物質科学との境界に位置する現象であるにもかかわらず、その機構はよく分かっていません。蛋白質の構造形成・複合体形成の物理化学的機構が解明されれば、生命科学の地平線は大きく広がるはずです。物理学特別実験では、(1) 独自に開発した高速反応測定法や分光学的手法を用いた構造形成の物理化学的機構の研究、(2) 複合体形成を伴う概日リズム機能発現機構の研究を行います。具体的な実験内容は、以下の項目から適宜選択します。変異体蛋白質の作成とそれに伴う遺伝子操作、蛋白質の発現・精製、蛋白質の分光学的測定、構造形成・機能解析。
K-2 シナプスにおける情報伝達機構の研究


● AM研(大気圏環境変動研究室)  
AM-1 極域の微量分子観測データから調べる太陽活動の地球大気影響
AM-2 ミリ波大気観測のための次世代観測装置開発
AM-3 衛星観測データおよびモデルシミュレーションから調べる地球規模の微量分子変動

● CR研(宇宙線物理学研究室)  
大学院では、スーパーカミオカンデでのニュートリノ研究や、液体キセノンを用いた暗黒物質探索XENONnT実験、フェルミガンマ線衛星、CTA実験での宇宙ガンマ線観測による宇宙線加速機構の解明や暗黒物質の探索、LHCでの超高エネルギー宇宙線のハドロン相互作用の研究LHCf実験、太古の宇宙線バースト現象の研究、など宇宙物理から加速器実験まで幅広い研究を行っている。4年生では、宇宙線テキストブック(小田稔「宇宙線」(裳華房)、D. Perkins,”Particle Astrophysics” (Oxford Univ. Press))の輪講を行いながら、上記の研究テーマに関連した実験やデータ解析を行う。また、データサイエンス教育にも力をいれており、データ解析ツールROOTの講習会や、機械学習によるデータ解析などにも取り組んでいる。
CR-1 液体キセノン検出器による宇宙暗黒物質の直接探索
CR-2 宇宙ガンマ線による宇宙線物理学
CR-3 水チェレンコフ検出器を用いたニュートリノ研究
CR-4 超高エネルギー宇宙線のハドロン反応の研究
CR-5 宇宙線放射性核による過去の宇宙線変動の研究

● SSE研(宇宙空間物理学観測研究室)  
SSE-1 宇宙空間探査に関する計測技術開拓・観測データ解析
SSE-2 北欧極域上部中間圏・下部熱圏の大気変動研究
極域上部中間圏・下部熱圏(高度70-120 km)の大気は、大気下層から伝搬する各種大気波動(大気潮汐波、大気重力波、プラネタリー波)の影響を受け、大気温度・風速は、時々刻々変動する。さらに、宇宙から太陽風エネルギーの流入を受け、オーロラ等の擾乱が加わる。我々は、北欧ノルウェーで運用しているEISCATレーダー、MFレーダー、流星レーダー、ナトリウムライダーデータを用いて研究を進めている。4年生は、これらの観測装置の原理を学び、解析研究を行う。
SSE-3 電波・光学装置による超高層大気のグローバル観測
オーロラをはじめとする極域における超高層大気の擾乱により励起された大気波 動は、中低緯度にまで伝搬し、超高層大気に全球規模の変動を引き起こす。本課題では、超高層大気が発する「大気光」とよばれる微かな光を捉えるための高感 度光学観測装置や、世界各地のGPS データを利用して、超高層大気が変動するメカニズムを明らかにする。また、超高層大気中の電離圏プラズマの擾乱は、衛星 放送や通信、GPS測位にも障害をもたらすため、電離圏による受信障害の影響を 軽減する研究も行っている。
SSE-4 ディフューズオーロラと高エネルギー電子降下の観測研究
オーロラの時間変動と空間分布には様々な特徴がある。多様な形態の中でも、空間構造がはっきりとしない「ディフューズオーロラ」が発生すると、数MeVに達するエネルギーを持つ電子(相対論的電子)が大気の深部にまで貫入していることが、近年の研究によって明らかになってきた。オーロラの発生高度(100-300 km)を突き抜け、高度60 km付近にまで到達する高エネルギー電子は、中間圏高度での異常電離とオゾン破壊を引き起こす。本研究では北欧と北米のカメラ、大型レーダー、電波測定装置と衛星を組合わせた総合観測を行い、測定値を多角的視点で解析することで、オーロラ形態と高エネルギー電子の降込みにどのような物理的関係があるのか探索する。

● SST研(太陽宇宙環境物理学研究室)  
SST-1 太陽フレアとコロナ質量放出の発生機構の解明と予測研究
SST-2 様々な太陽宇宙プラズマ現象の数値シミュレーション研究
SST-3 多波長観測データ解析による太陽フレア研究
SST-4 太陽フレアの発生による地球環境の変動

● SW研(太陽圏プラズマ物理学研究室)  
太陽は太陽風(Solar Wind)と呼ばれるプラズマを超音速(毎秒300-800km)で噴出していて、太陽系の惑星をすべて包み込む広大な空間、太陽圏(Heliosphere)を形成しています。この太陽風が如何にして加速されるかは未だ解明されていない大きな謎です。また、太陽圏の全体構造や太陽活動に伴う変動なども観測が乏しいためよくわかっていません。SW研では、独自の大型電波望遠鏡群を用いて天体電波源の「またたき」現象、惑星間空間シンチレーション(Interplanetary Scintillation; IPS)の観測を実施し、取得したデータから太陽風の謎の解明を行っています。IPS観測からは探査機では観測が難しい太陽風の3次元特性を明らかにすることができます。この利点を生かして、SW研では以下のような課題について研究が行われており、卒業研究を通じてプログラミングやものづくりのスキルを身につけることができます。
SW-1 太陽風加速機構の解明
SW-2 低速風の流源の解明
SW-3 惑星間空間擾乱の伝搬特性の解明と宇宙天気予報の精度向上
SW-4 次世代観測のための大型電波望遠鏡の開発

Particle Physics

● F laboratory (Fundamental Particle Physics Laboratory)
Since 1980's, we have been carrying out researches for elementary particles physics with nuclear emulsion,which can individually record tracks of elementary particles in sub-micron accuracy. In 2000, for example, we succeeded to find tau neutrino for the first time in the world and established the existence of muon neutrino to tau neutrino oscillation in 2015.
The following are the themes of our current studies. We are also making efforts to develop and improve detectors related to particle physics and astrophysics to promote these themes.
F-1 Study of neutrino physics
The existence of neutrino mass was confirmed by the observation of neutrino oscillation. However, many characteristics are still unknown such as absolute value and hierarchy of mass. Does right-handed neutrino exist? Is the neutrino Majorana particle? Is the CP-violating phase in the lepton sector non-zero? Tackle these challenging issues.
F-2 Directional dark matter detection
NEWSdm is the experiment for dark matter (WIMPS) search with ultra-fine grain nuclear emulsion, which is possible to detect the very short trajectory of the recoil atom caused by collision of with nucleus and dark matter. The goal is to demonstrate its existence and incoming direction of dark matter. This experiment is being started at Gran Sasso Laboratory in Italy. We also promote experimental research to explore the possibilities of dark matter candidates other than WIMPS.
F-3 Balloon borne gamma-ray telescope
Unknown gamma-ray sources exist in Universe such as galactic center gamma-ray excess. To investigate these objects, we promote the GRAINE project, which is balloon-borne gamma-ray telescope with the world's largest diameter ultra-high resolution nuclear emulsion telescope.
We are currently analyzing the Australian flight data in May 2018 and are aiming to demonstrate imaging at the world's highest resolution of gamma-rays imaging. The next flight will be scheduled in 2021 and we are developing the largest telescope, which have the capability of scientific observation as well.
F-4 Development of particle detectors based on technologies including nuclear emulsion’s
We will progress with development of detectors based on nuclear emulsion technology.
Example 1) Detection of unknown short-range force: detection and measurement of wavefunctions of neutrons using ultra-fine grained nuclear emulsion.
Example 2) Development of automatic readout system for nuclear emulsion (speeding up, improvement of image detection)
Example 3) Production of nuclear emulsion from chemical substances and its development.

● N laboratory (High Energy Physics Laboratory)
N-1, N-2, N-3, N-4 Experimental Particle Physics
The goal of particle physics is the understanding of fundamental principles of elementary particles and their interactions. According to the Standard Model (SM), six quarks and six leptons are the fundamental constituents of the matter, and their interactions are mediated by the gauge bosons such as the photon and the W bosons. The SM explains the origin of particle masses by the Higgs mechanism. The N laboratory contributed to the verification of the SM; we confirmed the Kobayashi-Maskawa theory that explains the asymmetry between particles and antiparticles, and more recently discovered the Higgs boson. Now, the researches at the N laboratory focus on the searches for physics beyond the SM. We promote “Super B-Factory Experiment”, “LHC-ATLAS Experiment”, and “Muon g-2/EDM Experiment”. Our research would answer some of the fundamental questions in the Universe, e.g. “What is the Dark Matter?” and “How is the present matter-dominated Universe produced?”. The courses prepared for the fourth-grade students are shown in the following.
N-1 Super B-Factory Experiment
The B-factory experiment uses the KEKB collider located at the High Energy Accelerator Organization in Japan. The N laboratory played a leading role in the observation of CP violation in B meson decays, which verified the Kobayashi-Maskawa mechanism. Now, we are searching for physics beyond the SM via precision measurements of the B-meson and tau-lepton decays at the Super-KEKB collider, which provides 30 times higher luminosity than the KEKB. Research topics for students include analyses of data obtained at KEKB and Super-KEKB colliders and their simulation studies. The researches utilize high-quality computers owned by the N laboratory.
N-2 LHC-ATLAS Experiment
The LHC-ATLAS experiment is held at CERN located at Geneva, Switzerland. Proton-proton collisions are provided with the highest energy in the world. The N laboratory played a leading role in the development and the operation of the muon detectors, which were essential for the observation of the Higgs boson. We measured the top quark properties, studied the origin of muon mass, and searched for supersymmetric particles. Further searches for physics beyond the SM are ongoing. The students are expected to learn the basics of the LHC-ATLAS experiment through the development and the operation of the muon detectors as well as the analyses of the data.
N-3 Muon g-2/EDM Experiment
The g-2 is the anomalous magnetic dipole moment, a fundamental parameter of particle physics. The current measurement of muon g-2 is deviated from the SM prediction, which would be a hint of the physics beyond the SM. Aiming for more precise measurement with different sources of the systematic uncertainties, the N laboratory is preparing for a new experiment using the muon beam of the J-PARC accelerator at the High Energy Accelerator Organization in Japan. The students are expected to contribute to the development of a new system of the transportation and the diagnostics of the muon beam, a key element of the experiment.
N-4 Advanced Experimental Techniques
Frontiers of particle physics have been explored by advanced experimental techniques. In the N laboratory, a new particle detector called “TOP counter” was developed and installed for the super B-factory experiment. The TOP counter identifies the particle types by precise measurements (10 pico-second order) of Cherenkov photons generated in the quartz radiator. New photon detector for the TOP counter upgrade is under study. For the LHC-ATLAS experiment, a new attempt is ongoing for detecting the signatures of the physics beyond the SM by combinations of FPGA and machine learning. We also work on the techniques of muon acceleration, big data analysis, and applications of machine learning to data analyses and particle identifications. The students can contribute to these researches, which will possibly play essential roles in future discoveries.

● Φ laboratory (Laboratory of Particle Properties)
Experimental approaches to elementary particle physics can be categorized into two criteria: (1) direct observation of high energy particle reactions using high-energy accelerators (2) indirect observation of high energy phenomena in precision measurement of the contribution of higher-order quantum-loops of high-energy phenomena in low-energy processes. In the Phi-lab., slow neutrons from the most luminous pulsed neutron source at J-PARC (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex) will be mainly used to probe the properties of elementary particles. We also use muon beam. The following is out list of on-going research items. We encourage students to consider to invent new approaches and welcome motivated students.
Φ-1 Neutron Decay Rate (Lifetime)
Neutron decay rate is a key parameter to define the weak interaction for quarks and also the primordial nucleosynthesis. Its experimental accuracy is still insufficient for precise verification of theoretical models. We are going to improve our understanding by improving accuracy and to search for non-standard interactions.
Φ-2 Study of the breaking of the symmetry under spatial-inversion and time-reversal in neutron-induced compound nuclei
Large violation of the symmetry between matter and antimatter is required in order to explain our universe. We are now studying the enhancement of the symmetry breaking in neutron-nuclei reactions. The search for the symmetry breaking in some reactions is independent of and competitively sensitive to that of neutron EDM. We are also developing some techniques for neutron spin control, polarization of target nuclei, and high-speed neutron detection to improve the sensitivity beyond standard model of particle physics.
Φ-3 Breaking of Time Reversal Symmetry (Neutron Electric Dipole Moment)
Neutron does not have the electric dipole moment (EDM) as long as the time-reversal symmetry is a valid symmetry. In reality, any non-zero value of neutron EDM has been measured so far. However, the asymmetry between matter and antimatter in the universe implies a finite value of EDM. The determination of neutron EDM is one of the most important observables to find a clue to the origin of the asymmetry. Extremely slow neutrons, that are sufficiently slow to be confined in bottles, are commonly applied for improving experimental sensitivity to the neutron EDM. We will study to apply precision neutron optics for measurements of neutron EDM. We are also trying to search the neutron EDM by measuring the effects of neutron wave through the non-centrosymmetric crystal.
Φ-4 Exotic Medium-range Forces (including extra-dimensions)
Gravitational interaction has been known to us before the physics was established, but least known in elementary particle physics due to its extraordinary weakness. However, the motion of slow neutrons apparently affected by geo-gravity since the neutral first order electromagnetism is missing for neutrons, that is electrically neutral. The advantage will be applied in the search for exotic medium-range forces including the search for possible effects of extra-dimensions and dark energy.
Φ-5 Muonium Hyperfine Structure
Muonium is an atom that consists of a positive muon and an electron. Its hyperfine structure can be analyzed theoretically due to the simple system only with two leptons. Ultra-precise spectroscopy of the hyperfine structure can be used to verify the standard theory of particles physics. Muonic helium, which is a helium atom with one negative muon instead of a electron, can be also used to study the fundamental symmetry of physics through its hyperfine structure.
In addition to above research items, we study “search for the violation of baryon number conservation law (also B-L violation) in neutron anti-neutron oscillation”.

● μ laboratory (Laboratory of Cosmic-Ray Imaging)
In this laboratory, we are developing a technology for non-destructive imaging of the interior of huge man-made structures and natural objects such as pyramids and volcanoes by visualizing cosmic-ray muons (cosmic ray imaging) with a track detector such as a nuclear emulsions. We are developing a nuclear emulsion, which is a technology for detecting cosmic rays, as well as application research specific to the visualization target of cosmic ray imaging, and furthermore, social implementation of the technology. We welcome students with a broad range of interests and motivation that are not bound by the existing framework of physics.
μ-1 Development of basic technology for cosmic ray imaging
We will develop fundamental technologies for cosmic ray imaging: 1. development of new nuclear emulsions with long term stability required for cosmic ray imaging by introducing technologies such as organic chemistry, 2. development of simulation technologies for cosmic ray imaging, 3. Development of technology to reconstruct three-dimensional density distribution of observed objects.
μ-2 Development of survey techniques for archaeological sites such as pyramids
Since 2015, we have been promoting the ScanPyramids project to explore the unknown internal structure of the pyramids in Egypt. We have discovered two unknown cavities inside the pyramid of Khufu, and we will continue to study the pyramid of Khafra and other pyramids as new research targets. We are developing new survey methods that do not damage archaeological sites all over the world, such as the temple pyramids of the Mayan civilization in Central and South America, including Honduras and Guatemala, and the Greek underground ruins in downtown Naples, Italy.
μ-3 Development of technologies for underground structure exploration and inspection of social infrastructure, including civil engineering structures
In recent years, cave-ins caused by underground cavities, river bank breaches caused by torrential rains, and aging social infrastructures have become social problems, and we are developing technologies to prevent such accidents by visualizing the interior of underground structures and civil engineering structures using cosmic ray imaging. These researches need to be carried out in cooperation with research institutes specializing in the visualization target, local governments and companies that have problems, and the development will be carried out with a view to social implementation.
μ-4 Development of new targets for cosmic ray imaging
We will develop new investigation targets, such as diagnosis of trees and deterioration of bridges, internal visualization of the giant volcano Mt. Fuji and so on.


● A laboratory (Radio Astronomy Laboratory)
Understanding how stars and galaxies formed and have been evolved across the Hubble time is one of the biggest challenges in modern astrophysics. We are trying to address those big questions by millimeter / submillimeter observations of interstellar gas and dust in the Milky Way and external galaxies far away.
A-1 Submillimeter observations of distant galaxies
Distant star-forming galaxies which are rich in gas and dust give off a vast amount of energy in the far-infrared, which is cosmologically-redshifted and can be observed in the submillimeter wave in the present-day Universe. The student will exploit a series of multi-wavelength data, especially those taken with the ALMA and ASTE submillimeter telescopes, to investigate how star-formation and supermassive black hole growth are going in distant galaxies.
A-2 Instrumentation for the next-generation radio telescopes
Our research also includes development of technologies for the next-generation millimeter/submillimeter telescopes; (1) millimetric adaptive optics for instantaneously correcting radio wavefront disturbed by atmosphere and deformation of telescope optics, (2) ultra-wideband spectrograph based on superconducting resonators. The student will join one of the projects and learn instrumentation basics.
A-3 Observations of the molecular clouds in the Galaxy and nearby galaxies using the NANTEN2 telescope and analysis of the data.
In order to understand the distribution and nature of the molecular clouds in the Galaxy and nearby galaxies, you will join in the observations remotely from our lab. Through the observations, you will learn the system of the observations. You will also learn how to analyze the data and observations of the Galactic Center, low/high mass star forming regions, supernova remnants, high energy phenomena around black holes etc.
A-4 Developments of the multi-beam heterodyne receiver system and software
In order to increase the observational efficiency, we are developing multi-beam receiver system and related software including control of the instruments, telescope and data analysis. You will join developments of more than one topic and work with senior people.

● U laboratory (Space Astronomy Laboratory) 
U-1, 2, 3 Infrared Astrophysics (Uir)
The main purpose of our research is to understand the properties of dust grains and gas under various environments in galaxies through near- to far-infrared observations using space-borne and ground-based telescopes. We have developed a far-infrared imaging spectrometer for AKARI, a Japan-led infrared astronomical satellite. (U-1) We are analyzing AKARI data extensively to pursue the above scientific researches. We are responsible for producing AKARI all-sky diffuse maps in the mid-infrared, the data of which are planned to be released to the public. (U-2) We are developing cryogenic optics and mid-/far-infrared detectors for future infrared astronomy satellite projects. (U-3) We are developing an optical to near-infrared spectrometer as a new focal-plane instrument for the IRSF 1.4 m telescope in South Africa. We are also developing a far-infrared spectrometer to be carried aboard the balloon-borne 1 m telescope in India.
U-4 Development of new instruments for X-ray and MeV gamma-ray astronomy (Uxg)
Universe is filled with hot and energetic phenomena, emitting strong X-rays. As these photons cannot penetrate our atmosphere, X-ray observation requires observatories in orbit. We are developing new devices to improve X-ray and MeV gamma-ray observations, such as; new X-ray telescope technology, innovative thermal control membrane technology, new hard X-ray imaging spectrometer and future sub-MeV Compton camera. Research on MeV gamma-ray emission from thundercloud is also on-going.
U-5 Observational X-ray astronomy (Uxg)
Using existing X-ray observatories and those to be launched soon, we are analyzing the X-ray observational data of high energy celestial objects, such as: stellar flares, Galaxy X-ray emission, Clusters of galaxies, black holes, neutron stars and others.
U-6 Development of quantum locking technique to beat the standard quantum limit for detection of primordial gravitational waves (Uxg)
Space gravitational-wave antenna, DECIGO is a future Japanese mission with objectives of detecting the primordial gravitational waves coming from the Universe’s inflation era to reveal the secret of the birth of the Universe. However, since the expected amplitude of the primordial gravitational waves is uncertain, it is necessary to increase the achievable sensitivity of DECIGO as much as possible. Therefore, we invented “the quantum locking technique with optical spring.” With this technique, it is possible to beat the standard quantum limit due to the uncertainty principle. This research will do a theoretical analysis and an experiment to validate this technology's principle, establish the best conceptual design, and evaluate the achievable sensitivity.
U-7 Development of displacement-noise-free neutron interferometer for detection of primordial gravitational waves (Uxg)
The best frequency band for the detection of the primordial gravitational waves is 0.1 to 1 Hz. However, the standard ground-based laser interferometric gravitational wave detectors have low sensitivity in this frequency band because of the mirror’s displacement noise, such as seismic noise. Therefore, we invented “the displacement-noise-free neutron interferometer” by combining the mirror-displacement cancellation method, and the neutron interferometer. With this technique, it may be possible to detect the primordial gravitational waves on earth. In this research, we will do a theoretical analysis and an experiment to validate this technology’s principle, establish the best conceptual design, and evaluate the achievable sensitivity.
U-8 Development of juggled interferometer for detection of primordial gravitational waves (Uxg)
The standard ground-based laser interferometric gravitational wave detectors have low sensitivity in 0.1 to 1 Hz frequency band because of mirror’s displacement noise, such as seismic noise. Therefore, we invented “the juggled interferometer” with repeatedly free-falling mass. With this technique, it may be possible to detect the primordial gravitational waves on earth. This research will do a theoretical analysis and an experiment to validate this technology’s principle, establish the best conceptual design, and evaluate the achievable sensitivity.

Condensed Matter Physics

● I laboratory (Solid State Magnetic Resonance Laboratory)
Our laboratory (condensed-matter nuclear magnetic resonance laboratory (I-lab)) belongs to a group of experimental condensed matter physics. The current research interests are focused on unraveling anomalous magnetism and superconductivity of condensed matter, particularly, 3d, 4d, 5d transition metal compounds. First you learn magnetism, superconductivity, and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) via a “Labo-Seminar”. Then you synthesize their samples and performs x-ray for its confirmation and performing macroscopic measurements as electric resistivity, magnetic susceptibility, and NMR measurements. Based on the obtained experimental data, you discuss origin and mechanism of their magnetism and superconductivity. In the 4th grade, students will learn how to proceed with experimental research through research on the following experimental themes, and how to understand the physical properties of actual matter using the quantum mechanics, statistical physics, electromagnetism that you have learned so far.
I-1 Study of various and novel physical properties for strongly correlated electron system in which the degrees of freedom of charge, spin, and orbit are entwined.(quantum spin liquid, electronic nematic state)
I-2 For various iron-based superconductors, study of the mechanism of superconductivity from macroscopic physical quantities and microscopic ones.
I-3 Studies of new helium quantum fluid with controlled dimensionality by confining helium into nano size pores by measure the thermal properties and magnetism.
I-4 Development of NMR probes used at high pressure and high temperature. Development of NMR-data-analysis programs. Development of cutting-edge technologies such as optical detected magnetic resonance.

● J laboratory (Laboratory of Nanomagnetism and Spintronics)
The group’s research focus is on nanoscale magnetism and spin related effects, aiming at discovering novel concepts in condensed matter physics. Research study in nanostructures allows us to address the challenging questions in the field of spin-related phenomena by artificially designing and fabricating nanostructures. A number of remarkable new physical effects have been already discovered by designing artificial interfaces, where strong electron-phonon-spin coupling emerges at nanoscale. Quite the opposite, revealing the physics underlying provides a fundamental basis and means for manipulating the physical phenomena. In this course, you will be trained in state of the art techniques such as growth of nanoscale materials, fabrication, and magnetic and transport measurements, and will enjoy the superb flavor of condensed matter physics. The group’s current research programs are divided into the following key themes.
J-1 Cross-correlations in multiferroic heterostructures
J-2 Spin dynamics in heterostructures with topological textures
J-3 Magnon propagation in exchange-biased heterostructures
J-4 Static and dynamic spin phenomena in artificial antiferromagnets
J-5 Electron correlations at magnetic/superconducting interfaces

● V laboratory  (Laboratory of Condensed-Matter Physics of Functional Materials)
We are interested in the sample syntheses and precise measurements for useful and interesting materials. Our research field covers a wide variety of functional properties in correlated electron systems; a large thermoelectric power in transition-metal oxides, nonlinear conduction phenomena in organic conductors, and magneto-dielectric behavior in novel low-dimensional materials. Basic understanding of electromagnetism, thermal/statistical physics, and quantum mechanics is prerequisite for graduate research. Typical subjects are listed below:
V-1 New physical phenomena from competing orders
V-2 Search for colossal responses in new semimetals
V-3 New functional materials with unique crystal structure

● Y laboratory  (Materials Response Laboratory)
Our group focuses on various response properties of materials, including the dielectric response, the optical response, the magnetic response, the thermal response, and the mechanical response. Based on their fundamental mechanisms clarified from a viewpoint of the structure-property relationship, we address designing of functional materials, which lead innovation in science and technology. Current themes in our lab are listed below:
Y-1 Environmentally-friendly functional dielectric materials
Y-2 Novel ferroelectric materials
Y-3 Novel properties in quasicrystals
Y-4 Search for new quasicrystals and approximants


● D laboratory (Laboratory of Biomolecular Dynamics and Function)
Proteins are inherently dynamic molecules that undergo structural changes and interactions with other molecules over a wide timescale range, from nanoseconds to milliseconds or longer. Furthermore, protein motions play various important biological roles on assembly into protein complexes, ligand binding and enzymatic reactions. Therefore, understanding the dynamic behavior of a protein is a requisite for gaining insight into their function mechanisms. We develop novel methods for directly observing proteins’ dynamics based on high-speed atomic force microscopy (HS-AFM), which is one of scanning probe microscopy, and exploit new paradigm of dynamic structural biology. Also we analyze structural dynamics of rhodopsin at atomic resolution using X-ray crystallographic technics for understanding the molecular mechanism and creating new functional GPCRs.
D-1 Direct observation of dynamic behavior of biological molecules and elucidating theirs function mechanisms
Unique functions of proteins are often elicited by global conformational changes after local ones due to environmental change, ligand bind and molecular interactions. We observe the conformational dynamics of molecules such as motor and membrane proteins with HS-AFM and elucidate molecular mechanisms of the protein’s functions.
D-2 Developments of novel microscopy techniques for single-molecule biophysics
In biological molecules, not only structures but also local electric and mechanical properties play crucial roles for physiological functions. We develop novel functions of HS-AFM enabling local mapping of various properties in addition to topography of biological molecules. Further we develop combined systems of HS-AFM with state-of-art single-molecule imaging techniques such as single-molecule fluorescence microscopy towards analysis of more complex biological systems.
D-3 Development and Application of Novel Methods for Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Artificial Polymer Materials
HS-AFM has recently attracted attention as a technique for investigating the nanoscale structure and mechanical properties of artificial supramolecules, polymer gels, and polymer films. We study the mechanical stability of polymer particles and their water dispersions (synthetic latex) with sizes ranging from several tens of nanometers to several micrometers, and the control factors of particle degradation in response to multiple stimuli by nanoscale measurement using high-speed AFM.
D-4 X-ray structural biology of rhodopsin
We perform structural analysis on conformational dynamics of rhodopsin during the photocycle using advanced synchrotron radiation and newly developed X-ray free-electron laser to understand the molecular mechanism of activation rhodopsin. We also challenge to create novel functional rhodopsins on the basis of these accurate structures.

● G laboratory (Photo-Bioenergetics Laboratory)
Proteins are extremely elaborate ‘nano-devices’ that have been formed during evolution for 4 billion years. Photosynthesis performed by plants and cyanobacteria realizes light-energy conversion with an extremely high quantum yield using a number of pigments and metal ions embedded in proteins. To understand this most basic and significant biological process, it is necessary to clarify the mechanisms of light-energy conversion in the photosynthetic ‘nano-devices’. In our laboratory, we investigate the molecular mechanisms of the reactions in photosynthetic proteins using various physical methods such as vibrational spectroscopy, electron spin resonance, and quantum chemical calculations. Students in the 4th grade challenge their own research themes mastering basic experimental and analytical techniques, like preparations of biological samples, spectroscopic measurements, and analyses using computer calculations.
G-1 Mechanism of light-energy conversion in photosynthetic proteins
In photosynthesis, successive processes of light absorption, excitation transfer, charge separation, electron transfer, and proton transfer take place upon light illumination in the time scale from femtoseconds to milliseconds. It is also possible to trap the intermediate states after charge separation at cryogenic temperatures. The molecular mechanism of light-energy conversion in photosynthesis is investigated by detecting reactions and intermediates in photosynthetic proteins using various spectroscopic methods.
G-2 Molecular mechanism of photosynthetic oxygen evolution
The mechanism of photosynthetic oxygen evolution remains to be the biggest mystery in photosynthesis researches. Although oxygen evolution is known to be performed by water oxidation at the Mn4CaO5 cluster in photosystem II protein complexes, the detailed reaction mechanism has not been well understood. We challenge the clarification of water oxidation mechanism utilizing spectroscopic methods such as infrared spectroscopy and electron spin resonance.

● K laboratory (Laboratory of Cellular Signaling Biophysics)
Our laboratory aims at understanding the mechanisms of the information conversion and communication occurring in biological systems at the molecular and cellular levels. We focus on the mechanisms of protein folding / complex formation as the research at the molecular level (K-1). We also focus on the mechanisms of communication between nerve cells at the synapse as the research at the cellular level (K-2). The specific aims and the details of the research are described below.
K-1 Protein folding mechanisms
Proteins are biological macromolecules consisting of a series of amino acids, and indispensable in almost all aspects of biological phenomena. Proteins play their roles in biological systems only after they form their own specific three-dimensional structures and often multimeric complex. The conversion from an ensemble of the unstructured conformations without biological functions to the specific native structures is referred to as protein folding. There are many questions to be addressed in their physicochemical mechanisms although the protein folding / assembly is important in that these phenomena are associated with biology as well as molecular science. For the purpose of addressing the questions, our laboratory studies the mechanisms of proteins folding / assembly by means of our own ultrarapid mixing devices and spectroscopy. The details of the course are molecular biology to construct variant proteins, expression and purification of proteins, spectroscopic measurements of proteins and kinetic measurements of protein folding / assembly.
K-2 Research on the mechanism of synaptic transmission
In the nervous system, communications between nerve cells are executed through chemical synapses. In the presynaptic process, inflow of Ca2+ through Ca2+ channels opened by an action potential triggers the exocytosis of neurotransmitter through the fusion of synaptic vesicles with presynaptic membrane. When nerve is repeatedly stimulated, the amount of transmitter released gradually increases. This phenomenon, synaptic plasticity, is essential for higher function of brain as memory and learning. You study about the presynaptic mechanism and its regulation, especially modulation of transmitter release and dynamics of divalent cations, with the preparation of frog neuromuscular junction synapses using electrophysiological methods and ion-imaging techniques.

Heliospheric and Geospace Physics

● AM laboratory (Atmospheric and Environmental Science Laboratory)
The atmospheric environment on the Earth has been affected by various anthropogenic causes of human activities since the industrial revolution, including the recent increase of greenhouse gases and the depletion of the ozone layer. On the other hand, the atmosphere is also affected by a variety of natural causes, such as changes in UV radiation and solar wind associated with the solar activities, galactic cosmic rays from space, and volcanic activities on the Earth. In order to predict the future atmospheric environment more accurately, it is necessary to identify and distinguish these natural and anthropogenic causes. In AM Laboratory, we use state-of-the-art millimeter-wave (radio) and infrared remote sensing techniques to study the mechanism of atmospheric changes through ground-based observations and laboratory experiments. We welcome motivated students to face the environmental issue and to study the atmospheric science, based on their knowledge and skills of physics.
AM-1  Study the influence of solar activity on the Earth's atmosphere by using the observed data of trace gas in the polar regions
Atmospheric molecules having electric dipole moments emit spectral lines in the millimeter wavelength through the rotational transitions. We have been conducting long-term observations of trace gas molecules at Syowa Station in Antarctica and Tromsø (Norway) in the Arctic region. In the 4th-grade experiment, students will develop data analysis programs for these observations and analyze the data to clarify the actual situation of variability of the trace gases in the polar region. In addition, students will work together with the research group on the magnetosphere and ionosphere to reveal the impact of energetic particles on the composition in the polar middle atmosphere.
AM-2  Development of the next generation instruments for the millimeter-wave atmospheric observation
The atmospheric emission lines in mm-wave are often very faint, and the use of superconducting receiver with ultra-low noise is essential to obtain the data with a sufficient signal-to-noise ratio. We have successfully developed a multi-frequency observation system in collaboration with a research group at National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) and succeeded in simultaneous ground-based multi-molecular-line observations at 230 GHz and 250 GHz bands for the first time in the world at Syowa Station. We are also about to start development of a planar integrated superconducting receiver for multi-beam observations. We hope that motivated students will participate in these developments and get a part of creating the world's first observation instruments.
AM-3  Study of global composition change of trace gases by using satellite observation dataset and model simulations
By using the ground-based instruments, we can continuously observe the temporal change of the trace gases, but spatially, observable only above a fixed point on the Earth. On the other hand, by using satellite sensors in orbit around the Earth, we can acquire data above various locations on the Earth, but the observing time over a certain point on the Earth is a very short period while the satellite passes over that point. Thus, ground-based and satellite-based observations are complementary, and in order to capture global-scale phenomena more accurately, it is effective to utilize various satellite data and model simulations to combine and/or to compare with the ground-based data. This 4th-grade experiment aims to develop tools to read and visualize the satellite and simulation datasets, and to promote the combined use with ground-based observation data, as well as to develop new analysis methods for atmospheric composition change using so-called AI such as machine learning and deep learning.

● CR laboratory (Cosmic-Ray Physics Laboratory) 
Cosmic rays are high-energy elementary particles, such as protons, gamma-rays, neutrinos and so on, coming to the earth from the space. Cosmic-ray protons also can probe interstellar magnetic fields and solar activity. We carry out experimental cosmic ray physics where two cutting-edge fundamental research fields, particle physics and astrophysics, cross over. Students with wide-scope of interests those who are fascinated by both of particle physics and astrophysics are encouraged to be enrolled in our CR-lab.
In graduated course of CR-lab, we conduct various projects of experimental cosmic ray physics such as gamma ray astronomy by Fermi and CTA, neutrino physics in Super-Kamiokande and WIMP dark matter search by liquid xenon in XENONnT, LHCf ; study of high energy cosmic ray interactions at LHC, study past solar energetic events by measuring cosmogenic nuclides such as radio carbon-14 in ancient tree rings, and so on. Related to these activities, 4th degree of students in our under-graduated course participate one of following independent topics to learn basic knowledge and techniques for experimental particle physics. In addition to these experimental efforts, we perform a seminar to read following text books in “journal club” style; “Cosmic Rays” by Minoru Oda, Shoka-bou (in Japanese), “Astroparticle Physics” by D.Perkins, (Oxford Univ. Press). We are also making an effort to promote data science education to give lectures on data analysis or to develop machine learning based data analysis.
CR-1 Direct dark matter searches by using liquid xenon detector at XENON and DARWIN
Dark matter, accounting for most of gravitational potential of the universe, is considered as WIMP, a yet undiscovered elementary particle. A liquid xenon TPC detector is the most promising technique to discover dark matter WIMP. Students will participate in activities of newly started XENONnt dark matter experiment and various detector development for a future 40-ton liquid xenon detector DARWIN by developing a homemade liquid xenon detector to learn/study cryogenic system or new ultra-violet photo-sensors, and basic of direct dark matter experiments.
CR-2 High-energy astrophysics and dark matter search with gamma-rays at CTA and Fermi
Origins of cosmic rays can be studied with a neutral messenger particle such as gamma rays or neutrons since those particles are not bent by cosmic magnetic field. Students participate in development of a new Silicon photosensors to be used for the Cherenkov Telescope Array project or future gamma-ray satellites, and also participate in searches for dark matter or studies of acceleration mechanism of cosmic rays in cosmic-ray accelerator candidates such as supernova remnants or supermassive blackholes using Fermi satellite data.
CR-3 Neutrino physics/astronomy using a large water Cherenkov detector.
Neutrino is a neutral particle with tiny mass and left-handed-only, which may connect to mysterious history of the early universe and baryogenesis. Students will participate to data analysis of Super-Kamiokande, a gigantic water Cherenkov detector, to study neutrino physics and neutrino astronomy. Students also may work on a new photo-sensors or develop analysis tools based on machine learning for future Hyper-Kamiokande currently being built.
CR-4 Hadronic interactions of ultra high energy cosmic rays.
The very high energy interactions by highest energy cosmic rays having 10**20 eV can be studied at LHC or at RHIC with a very forward angle detector LHCf/RHICf. Students can join the data analysis of such a very high energy intractions taken by LHCf/RHICf experimetns or develop a detectors used for future measurements, and also participate to Monte Carlo simulation study of high-energy cosmic ray air-showers in the atmosphere.
CR-5 Past cosmic rays activity probed by cosmogenic radiocarbon-14 and belilium-10.
Cosmogenic nuclide; radioisotopes produced by cosmic rays in the atmosphere, is an unique tool to understand past activity of cosmic rays and solar cycles at even >1000 years ago. Radiocarbon-14 in tree rings or belilium-10 in the ice-core of Antarctica can be used to search for past extreme solar events or nearby supernova or past solar cycles. Variation of cosmic ray intensity a few 1000 years ago. Students participate data analysis of radiocarbon-14 to study ancient cosmic ray burst events, or variability of past solar activity.

● SSE laboratory (Space Science Experiment Laboratory)
The outer space near the Earth and planets are consists of multi-type regions, as represented by the ionosphere/plasmasphere/magnetosphere, where numerous physical mechanisms are emerging. For instance, the solar wind/intrinsic magnetic field/atmospheric plasma/neutral atmosphere/lower atmosphere are interacting in complex ways, producing the auroras in the polar regions and the substorms/storms widely in the magnetosphere. Since these physical processes are fundamental and universal not only in our solar system but also in the distant universe, it brings us with comprehensive understandings on the space/Earth/planets to demonstratively elucidate the phenomena and their variations occurring in the near-Earth space that we could explore directly and precisely and the other various regions, e.g., the upper atmospheres and their space environment surrounding the planets in the solar system. In our SSE laboratory, we have been conducting experimental studies based both on the intensive/worldwide ground-based observations and the space explorations through innovative developments of state-of-the-art science instruments.
For more details, please visit “https://www.isee.nagoya-u.ac.jp/en/research/study03.html”.
SSE-1 Measurement technique innovation/data analyses on space plasma explorations
Our group has been leading several space exploration missions for the research of the fundamental processes and physical mechanisms in the space coupling with the terrestrial/planetary environment by applying in-situ (direct) observation techniques to spacecraft/satellites. In this subject, some experimental studies will be conducted in order to innovatively develop new types of plasma particle analyzers for the future space missions in our particle beamline facilities. The construction and renewal of the facilities/equipment in a clean room are also required in our research and development. As another subject, the physical mechanisms in the terrestrial/planetary boundary regions adjacent to the space could be studied by the plasma data analyses in the space missions.
SSE-2 Study of upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere
The upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere (70-120 km in altitude) is influenced significantly by atmospheric waves (tides, gravity, and planetary waves), and then the temperature and wind vary with time/altitude. Furthermore, solar wind energy comes into and disturb the atmosphere there. We study such variations using EISCAT, MF, meter radars and a sodium lidar operated in northern Scandinavia. Fourth-grade students will learn the observational tools and basic atmospheric dynamics, and study scientific topics using data obtained with the radars and lidar.
SSE-3 Observations of diffuse aurora and energetic electron precipitation
Aurora is characterized by various temporal variations and spatial patterns. In the diverse morphology, recent studies have revealed that "diffuse aurora", which has obscure spatial structures, associates with several MeV (relativistic) electrons capable of penetrating deep into the atmosphere. These electrons reach approximately 60 km altitude, going through the auroral emission altitude (100-300 km), and generate anomaly ionization and ozone depression in the mesosphere. This study leads integrated observations with cameras, radars, radio wave receivers and satellites in Scandinavia and North America and proceeds resourceful analyses of measurements in order to disclose the physical mechanism behind the auroral morphology and the energetic electron precipitation.
SSE-4 Global observations of upper atmosphere using radio and optical instruments
Atmospheric waves excited by disturbances in the polar upper atmosphere, such as auroras, propagate into middle and low latitudes and cause global-scale disturbances in the upper atmosphere. In this study, we use high-sensitive optical instruments to capture faint light, called "airglow", emitted from the upper atmosphere, and worldwide GPS data to clarify the mechanism of disturbances in the upper atmosphere. Disturbances in the ionospheric plasma in the upper atmosphere degrade satellite broadcasting, communications, and GPS positioning. We are conducting a research to mitigate such influences.

● SST laboratory (Solar and Space Physics – Theory Laboratory)
SST laboratory conducts the research to understand the solar and space environment as a single holistic system which consists of the Sun, the Earth, and the interplanetary space. Research targets of SST laboratory are wide-ranging, e.g., solar activity such as solar flares and sunspots, solar wind and interplanetary space dynamics, geomagnetic phenomena such as aurora and geomagnetic storms, fundamental space plasma phenomena such as magnetic reconnection, and the development of numerical simulation method.
The solar and space dynamics driven by solar flares and magnetic storms impact not only artificial satellites and astronauts, but also social infrastructures such as aviation, communications, and power networks, and may cause "space weather disasters." It can also influence the global climate. Therefore, In SST laboratory, we study not only to elucidates the mechanisms of various solar and space dynamics but also to predict them to mitigate space weather disasters.
In this laboratory, graduation research themes will be set based on each student's interests from the following topics, and we will hold a seminar to learn the basics of solar/stellar physics and space physics by reading a textbook. We will also provide training on computer usage and programming necessary for research.
SST-1  Elucidation and prediction of the mechanism of solar flare and coronal mass ejections (CMEs)
We will conduct basic research to understand the mechanism of solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs), which are giant explosions in the solar atmosphere (the solar corona and the chromosphere), and to predict their onset through numerical simulations and analysis of observational data.
SST-2 Numerical simulations of solar and space plasmas
We will conduct numerical simulations on sunspot formation, solar flares, coronal mass ejections, and plasma phenomena in space such as magnetic reconnection, based on magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) to understand the nonlinear dynamics of those phenomena.
SST-3  Solar flare research through the analysis of multi-wavelength observational data
We will study the physical processes on high-energy phenomena in solar flares, such as particle acceleration and plasma heating, through the analysis of multi-wavelength data observed with spacecraft and ground-based telescopes.
SST-4  Solar flare effects on the Earth
Various disturbances in the Earth caused by solar flare will be studied. Such disturbances include the ionization of the atmosphere in 8 min caused by the X-ray and ultraviolet radiation, the increase of radiation flux in a few hours caused by the high-energy particles, and the auroral storms in a few days caused by the fast solar wind.

● SW laboratory (Heliospheric Plasma Physics Laboratory)
The solar wind is a supersonic (300-800 km/s) plasma flow emanating from the Sun, engulfing all planets in the solar system, and creating a huge region called the heliosphere. There are many unsettled questions on the solar wind; e.g. the mechanism for solar wind acceleration, global structures of the heliosphere, and responses to the solar activity. We intend to elucidate these questions from observations of interplanetary scintillation (IPS) with large radio-telescopes developed by our laboratory. IPS observations enable elucidation of 3D properties of the solar wind, which is difficult for in situ observations. Taking advantage of IPS observations, the following subjects are studied in our laboratory, and students are able to acquire skills for system development and programing through the graduation research.
SW-1 Solar wind acceleration
The magnetic field of the Sun is considered to play an important role in accelerating the solar wind. In our laboratory, we investigate relation between the solar wind acceleration and magnetic field properties of the corona by comparing between IPS and solar-magnetograph observations. We also tackle this issue by comparing with in situ observations obtained near the Sun.
SW-2 Origin of slow solar wind
The solar wind is composed of fast and slow streams. Whereas the fast solar wind is considered to originate from the coronal hole associated with rarefied and cool plasma, the origin of the slow wind remains an open question. In our laboratory, we intend to elucidate the origin of the slow solar wind by combining between solar observation stellate “Hinode”, IPS, and magnetograph observations.
SW-3 Propagation dynamics of solar wind disturbances and improvement of space weather
Disturbances of the solar wind impose significant influences on the space environment and the upper atmosphere around the Earth, and sometimes cause serious damages to infrastructure of our society. Therefore, social needs are growing for predictions of the arrival of solar wind disturbances at the Earth. In order to improve the accuracy of space weather predictions, we investigate propagation process of solar wind disturbances from assimilating with IPS data and simulations and comparing with in situ observations.
SW-4 Development of the next generation radio telescope
The radio telescopes developed and operated by our laboratory is one of the largest radio astronomy telescopes in Japan, with a dimension of about 100 m. We are developing new radio telescopes to lead the next-generation heliosphere researches. Students can join developments of phased array antennas, digital signal processing systems, and control / data analysis software that enables us to acquire the latest observation data.
Course Prerequisites

Allocation to the experimental laboratory has been made.
Related Courses

Physics-related courses prepared by the Department of Physics
Course Evaluation Method and Criteria

Assessment is based on the attitude of participation in the class, the degree of understanding, etc., and pass / fail is assessed according to the criteria of each laboratory.
Criteria for "Fail (F)" & "Absent (W)" grades

If the withdrawal is accepted, it will be "absent (W)", and for other poor grades, it will be "impossible (F)".
Reference Book

Specify for each laboratory.

Specify for each laboratory.
Study Load(Self-directed Learning Outside Course Hours)

Specify for each laboratory.
Notice for Students
Propriety of Other department student's attendance

Conditions for Other department student's attendance
Lecture format, etc.

Specify for each laboratory.
Additional measures for remote class (on-demand class)

Specify for each laboratory.