授業の目的 【日本語】 Goals of the Course(JPN) | | C言語による演習を通じて、計算機を用いたより高度なプログラミング技法・問題解決技法を学ぶ。具体的には比較的大きなプログラム(500~1000行程度)を書く実力をつける。
-設計に従い、効率の良いプログラム(C言語)の実装ができる |
授業の目的 【英語】 Goals of the Course | | This series of lectures give the advanced computer programming techniques for solving various problems by learning computer programming in C languages through exercises. More specifically, students taking this course are expected to become capable of writing a relatively large program (about 500-1000 lines).
Students are expected to cultivate basic skills such as information literacy as well as applications skills such as logical thinking and problem solving. Furthermore, creativity will be also fostered through designing program structures.
-To be able to logically design program components according to objectives and specifications
-To be able to implement an efficient program (C language) according to the design |
到達目標 【日本語】 Objectives of the Course(JPN)) | | C言語による演習を通じて、計算機を用いたより高度なプログラミング技法・問題解決技法を学ぶ。具体的には比較的大きなプログラム(500~1000行程度)を書く実力をつける。
-設計に従い、効率の良いプログラム(C言語)の実装ができる |
到達目標 【英語】 Objectives of the Course | | This series of lectures give the advanced computer programming techniques for solving various problems by learning computer programming in C languages through exercises. More specifically, students taking this course are expected to become capable of writing a relatively large program (about 500-1000 lines).
Students are expected to cultivate basic skills such as information literacy as well as applications skills such as logical thinking and problem solving. Furthermore, creativity will be also fostered through designing program structures.
-To be able to logically design program components according to objectives and specifications
-To be able to implement an efficient program (C language) according to the design |
バックグラウンドとなる科目【日本語】 Prerequisite Subjects | | |
バックグラウンドとなる科目【英語】 Prerequisite Subjects | | Fundamental Computer Programming with Exercises |
授業の内容【日本語】 Course Content | | 1. ポインタ、構造体の復習
2. 変数のスコープ、分割コンパイル、make
3. 基本的なシェルの利用法(パイプ、リダイレクトなど)
4. プログラミングの設計技法(関数の分割、再利用性、変数名など)
5. 比較的規模の大きなプログラムの作成演習
なお、授業は対面及びオンデマンド配信で行われます。詳しくは後日電気系掲示板に掲載いたしますので、よろしくおねがいします。 |
授業の内容【英語】 Course Content | | 1. Review exercises of pointer and composite type
2. Scope of variables, separate compilation, make
3. Basic use of shell command (pipe, redirect, etc.)
4. Program design technique (use of subroutines, code reuse, naming methods of variables, etc.)
5. Project exercises
Mid-term and Final-term project will be set. For the final-term project, each student should plan and create a program.
Mini quiz will be given in every lectures to increase understanding of C language.
Homework will be given every week to increase understanding of each lecture.
Please note that the classes will be delivered on face to face and the on demand. The details will be posted on the Electrical Engineering Bulletin Board later. |
成績評価の方法と基準【日本語】 Course Evaluation Method and Criteria | | 下記の要素により評価する.
・小クイズ 10%
・課題 50%
・中間および最終課題 40%
総点60%以上を合格とします。 |
成績評価の方法と基準【英語】 Course Evaluation Method and Criteria | | Evaluation will be based on:
- Mini quiz : 10%
- Homework: 50%
- mid-term and final project: 40%
In total, more than 60% is necessary to pass the class. |
履修条件・注意事項【日本語】 Course Prerequisites / Notes | | |
履修条件・注意事項【英語】 Course Prerequisites / Notes | | Basic Programming (1st year fall semester) |
教科書【日本語】 Textbook | | 教科書:
白鳥 則郎 他:「C言語」(共立出版, 2014)ISBN: 978-4-320-12350-2 |
教科書【英語】 Textbook | | Textbook:
Norio Shiratori et.al. "C language" (Kyoritsu Publishing, 2014) ISBN: 978-4-320-12350-2 |
参考書【日本語】 Reference Book | | 独習C 新版 (日本語) 出版社 : 翔泳社; 新版 (2018/2/16)
他、講義中に必要に応じて指示する。 |
参考書【英語】 Reference Book | | 独習C 新版 (日本語) 出版社 : 翔泳社; 新版 (2018/2/16)
Will be introduced in the lecture as necessary. |
授業時間外学習の指示【日本語】 Self-directed Learning Outside Course Hours | | |
授業時間外学習の指示【英語】 Self-directed Learning Outside Course Hours | | Work on the assignment given in each lecture. |
使用言語【英語】 Language used | | |
使用言語【日本語】 Language used | | |
授業開講形態等【日本語】 Lecture format, etc. | | |
授業開講形態等【英語】 Lecture format, etc. | | Face-to-face and on demand |
遠隔授業(オンデマンド型)で行う場合の追加措置【日本語】 Additional measures for remote class (on-demand class) | | |
遠隔授業(オンデマンド型)で行う場合の追加措置【英語】 Additional measures for remote class (on-demand class) | | |