授業の目的 【日本語】 Goals of the Course(JPN) | | この授業では,エネルギー理工学に係る知識,スキル,総合解決能力を身につける基盤教育を実践するという教育目標を達成するために,原子力エネルギー・システムを例として,エネルギー資源論,原子力エネルギー・システム開発の技術史,原子力燃料サイクル工学,プロセス・システム解析法について学びます,特に,原子炉中での原子力燃料の燃焼,使用済原子力燃料の再処理,放射性廃棄物の処理・処分等の原子力燃料サイクルにおけるプロセス・システムに係る理工学について,背景と概念,用いられている技術,プロセス解析方法の初歩を身につけることが目的であり,具体的に以下の項目ができるようになることを到達目標とします.
16.原子力燃料サイクルの新技術開発の体系,例示,波及技術について説明できる. |
授業の目的 【英語】 Goals of the Course | | In this class, so as to fulfill the educational goal in the Department of Energy Science and Engineering, obtaining fundamental and practical knowledge, skills, and integrated ability on Energy Science and Engineering,as an example of process systems, you study on nuclear energy systems. The lectured are Energy Resources, Nuclear Technology Developments, Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering, and Analyses on Process Systems. To learn concepts and fundamentals of process systems on nuclear fuel cycle such as burning-up in nuclear reactors,reprocessing of used nuclear fuels and treatment and disposal of radioactive wastes as well as process analytical methods applicable to the common engineering problems is purpose of this class, the final educational goals in this class are the following;
1) you can explain the current status of energy demand and supply domestically and worldwide from a stand-point of Energy Resources Theory,
2) you can quantitatively explain global environmental issuers.
3) you can explain elemental discovery of uranium, man-made nuclear reactor on a chain reaction of nuclear fission, atoms for peace activities of research and development on international organization, discovery of natural nuclear reactor site from a stand-point of nuclear technology developments,
4) you can explain the definition of nuclear fuel cycle and an example,
5) You can tell the current status of domestic and world-wide nuclear power generation,
6) you can explain process systems for uranium enrichment and nuclear fuel fabrication,
7)you can tell burning-up of nuclear fuel, i.e. composition alteration of fuel,
8) you can explain reprocessing and recycling of used nuclear fuel.
9) you can calculate uranium utilization on some typical nuclear fuel cycles,
10) you can analyze a separation process based upon counter-current separation theory,
11) you can explain low-level nuclear waste management,
12) you can explain high-level nuclear waste management,
13) you can tell decommissioning of nuclear power plant and nuclear non-proliferation. |
到達目標 【日本語】 Objectives of the Course(JPN)) | | この授業では,エネルギー理工学に係る知識,スキル,総合解決能力を身につける基盤教育を実践するという教育目標を達成するために,原子力エネルギー・システムを例として,エネルギー資源論,原子力エネルギー・システム開発の技術史,原子力燃料サイクル工学,プロセス・システム解析法について学びます,特に,原子炉中での原子力燃料の燃焼,使用済原子力燃料の再処理,放射性廃棄物の処理・処分等の原子力燃料サイクルにおけるプロセス・システムに係る理工学について,背景と概念,用いられている技術,プロセス解析方法の初歩を身につけることが目的であり,具体的に以下の項目ができるようになることを到達目標とします.
16.原子力燃料サイクルの新技術開発の体系,例示,波及技術について説明できる. |
到達目標 【英語】 Objectives of the Course | | In this class, so as to fulfill the educational goal in the Department of Energy Science and Engineering, obtaining fundamental and practical knowledge, skills, and integrated ability on Energy Science and Engineering,as an example of process systems, you study on nuclear energy systems. The lectured are Energy Resources, Nuclear Technology Developments, Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering, and Analyses on Process Systems. To learn concepts and fundamentals of process systems on nuclear fuel cycle such as burning-up in nuclear reactors,reprocessing of used nuclear fuels and treatment and disposal of radioactive wastes as well as process analytical methods applicable to the common engineering problems is purpose of this class, the final educational goals in this class are the following;
1) you can explain the current status of energy demand and supply domestically and worldwide from a stand-point of Energy Resources Theory,
2) you can quantitatively explain global environmental issuers.
3) you can explain elemental discovery of uranium, man-made nuclear reactor on a chain reaction of nuclear fission, atoms for peace activities of research and development on international organization, discovery of natural nuclear reactor site from a stand-point of nuclear technology developments,
4) you can explain the definition of nuclear fuel cycle and an example,
5) You can tell the current status of domestic and world-wide nuclear power generation,
6) you can explain process systems for uranium enrichment and nuclear fuel fabrication,
7)you can tell burning-up of nuclear fuel, i.e. composition alteration of fuel,
8) you can explain reprocessing and recycling of used nuclear fuel.
9) you can calculate uranium utilization on some typical nuclear fuel cycles,
10) you can analyze a separation process based upon counter-current separation theory,
11) you can explain low-level nuclear waste management,
12) you can explain high-level nuclear waste management,
13) you can tell decommissioning of nuclear power plant and nuclear non-proliferation. |
バックグラウンドとなる科目【日本語】 Prerequisite Subjects | | |
バックグラウンドとなる科目【英語】 Prerequisite Subjects | | Fundamental Chemistry 2 and Engineering Thermodynamics |
授業の内容【日本語】 Course Content | | 1.エネルギー資源論
1.1 世界のエネルギー情勢
1.2 日本のエネルギー情勢
3-1 ウランの発見
3-2 人工原子炉の実現と初期の原子力技術開発
3-3 原子力平和利用の動きと具体化
3-4 天然原子炉の発見
5-1 世界における原子力発電の動向
5-2 日本における原子力発電の動向
第16項目までの授業が終了後に全10問から成る期末試験を行います. |
授業の内容【英語】 Course Content | | 1. Global Outlook of Energy Resources
2. Outlook of Energy Demand and Supply in Japan,
3. Global Environmental Issues,
4. A Brief History on Atomic Power Development
5. Outline of Nuclear Fuel Cycle of Nuclear Fission Rectors,
6. Current Status of Nuclear Power Use,
7. Uranium Enrichment and Fuel Fabrication,
8. Burn-up and Transformation of Nuclear Fuel,
9. Process Systems for Used Fuel Reprocessing and Recycling,
10. Uranium Utilization Factor
11. Counter-current Multi-stage Separation Theory,
12. Low-level Nuclear Waste Management,
13. High-level Waste Management,
14. Decomissioning and Nuclear Non-proliferation,
15. International Aspects of Nuclear Fuel Cycles,
16. Economics of Nuclear Fuel Cycles,
17. Research and Development of Innovative Technologies.
Each item will be lectured once in every week in the semester, and after completing the 15 item, a midterm exam is given. |
成績評価の方法と基準【日本語】 Course Evaluation Method and Criteria | | 達成目標に対する習得度を中間試験30%,課題レポート30%,期末試験40%で成績評価します.各項目の内容に係る中間試験や期末試験で出題される多肢選択式,記述式または計算問題を適切に扱うことができれば合格とし,レポート課題のような,より難易度の高い課題を適切に扱うことができれば,それに応じて成績に反映されます. |
成績評価の方法と基準【英語】 Course Evaluation Method and Criteria | | Mid-tem examination(30%), reports(30%), and final examination (40%). When a student properly solves greater than 60% of problems of multiple-choice, description form, or for numerical calculation appeared at mid-term and final exams pass the class and can obtain a better grade by additional proper reporting on advanced problems assigned in the class a few times. |
履修条件・注意事項【日本語】 Course Prerequisites / Notes | | 履修条件は要しませんが,毎回の講義に出席し,レポート提出期限を厳守する必要があります.
講義資料はNUCTを利用して,使用するパワーポイントスライドのハンドアウトやYouTubeのビデオ教材を配信しますので,あらかじめNUCTにアクセスして予習しておいてください.授業の復習はNUCTの小テスト機能を利用して行います. |
履修条件・注意事項【英語】 Course Prerequisites / Notes | | No special condition, but attendance at every lecture is mandatory as well as keeping deadline strictly for submission of a few reports.
[About the class in 202]
Under taking the maximum countermeasures against COVID-19, lectures in the current class will be given at IB013 classroom from April on. For pre-learning and your convenience, on-demand resources are distributed by an assist of NUCT, where handouts of MS power point files or youtube videos are provided, you should download the specified files and watch prior to each class. The review study should be performed on NUCT's quizz feature. |
教科書【日本語】 Textbook | | 教科書はR. G. Cockran et al., The Nuclear Fuel Cycle---- Analysis and Management,” American Nuclear Society (1999)を想定しますが,英語であることと統計資料が米国のものである上,古典のため,同等の内容を日本語の講義資料を毎週配付して,これに基づき講義を行います. |
教科書【英語】 Textbook | | R. G. Cockran et al., The Nuclear Fuel Cycle--- Analysis and Management, American Nuclear Society (1999) is assumed, but statistical information is given for USA and out of dated; updated resumes written in Japanese are distributed in every weekin th class. |
参考書【日本語】 Reference Book | | 教科書・参考書に相当する日本語講義資料を毎回配布します. |
参考書【英語】 Reference Book | | 11) R. Cockran et al., The Nuclear Fuel Cycle-%- Analysis and Management, American Nuclear Society(1999). 2) P. Wilson, The Nuclear Fuel Cycle from Ore to Waste, Oxford University Press (1996). 3) M. Benedict et al.,Nuclear Chemical Engineering, McGraw-Hill(1982). |
授業時間外学習の指示【日本語】 Self-directed Learning Outside Course Hours | | |
授業時間外学習の指示【英語】 Self-directed Learning Outside Course Hours | | |
使用言語【英語】 Language used | | |
使用言語【日本語】 Language used | | |
授業開講形態等【日本語】 Lecture format, etc. | | |
授業開講形態等【英語】 Lecture format, etc. | | |
遠隔授業(オンデマンド型)で行う場合の追加措置【日本語】 Additional measures for remote class (on-demand class) | | |
遠隔授業(オンデマンド型)で行う場合の追加措置【英語】 Additional measures for remote class (on-demand class) | | |