授業の目的 【日本語】 Goals of the Course(JPN) | | 本授業では、現代のメディアに関連する3つの重要な要素、すなわちグローバル化、権力、言語に焦点を当てます。一つ目の要因は、メディア・ディスコース研究への比較アプローチをとるよう求めるものである。2つ目は、メディアと権力がどのように関連しているかを批判的に考える必要性を警告しています。3つ目は、メディアの言説を真剣に研究する場合、メディアのテキストとその周辺で使用されている言語に注意深く注意を払う必要があることを示唆しています。 |
授業の目的 【英語】 Goals of the Course | | This course focuses on three key factors relating to contemporary media: globalization, power and language. The first of these invites us to take a comparative approach to the study of media discourse; the second alerts us to the need to think critically about how media and power are related; and the third suggests that any serious study of media discourse must pay careful attention to the language used in and around media texts. Through this course students will acquire a widely applicable set of skills relating to the critical analysis of media discourse. |
到達目標 【日本語】 Objectives of the Course(JPN) | | この授業では、学習者がメディア言説の批判的分析に関連する一連のスキルを広く習得することができます。 |
授業の内容や構成 Course Content / Plan | | Setting aside for the time being the question of precisely what the word ‘media’ means in today’s rapidly-evolving communication context we may say that, in very broad terms, ‘media studies’ entails investigation of three core areas: production (including regulation, ownership and working practices), consumption and representation (texts). Although this course focuses mainly on texts it also involves a consideration of the other two areas since it views texts not as free-standing linguistic or semiotic phenomena but as instances of discourse, that is, as the discoursal aspect of social practices including those of production and consumption. Moreover, although most of the media texts to be studied will be in English (with some Japanese too depending on the ability of the participants), we shall aim to transcend national frontiers and consider how media discourses are propagated and circulated on a global scale. In doing so, participants will be encouraged to share their knowledge and describe their personal experience of media texts in their own countries, Japan and elsewhere. We shall begin in the first few weeks of the course by mapping out the territory of the academic border zone where media studies and discourse studies meet. This will entail a discussion of the meaning of a number of key terms including mediation, discourse, ideology, hegemony, genre and intertextuality. It will also include an introduction to some key theoretical frameworks, particularly Stuart Hall’s “Circuit of Culture” model (the successor to his “encoding/decoding” model) and Norman Fairclough’s “3D” model of discourse as text, interaction and context. The remainder of the course will be devoted to an exploration of various aspects of media discourse including genre, intertextuality and interactivity. There is a great deal of complex information to be absorbed in this course and participants will have to put in considerable time and energy in order to keep on track. Those who do so successfully, however, will be rewarded by the acquisition of a powerful set of theoretical tools with which to approach the analysis of media discourse in a global context. |
履修条件・関連する科目 Course Prerequisites and Related Courses | | In principle, as a prerequisite for taking this course, students should have successfully completed the instructor’s fall semester course “Language and Society III”. |
成績評価の方法と基準 Course Evaluation Method and Criteria | | Students will be evaluated according to their rate of attendance (10%), degree of active participation in class (20%), PowerPoint presentation (30%) and a final report (40%). |
教科書・テキスト Textbook | | Decisions regarding the choice of textbook will be made according to the backgrounds, abilities and interests of the participants who enroll for the course. For reference, the textbook used for the previous academic year was Mary Talbot. (2007) “Media Discourse: Representation and Interaction”. Edinburgh University Press. |
参考書 Reference Book | | Allan Bell and Peter Garret (eds) (1998) “Approaches to Media Discourse”. Blackwell. Norman Fairclough (1995) “Media Discourse” Arnold. David Machin and Theo Van Leeuwen (2007) “Global Media Discourse: A Critical Introduction”. Routledge. |
課外学習等(授業時間外学習の指示) Study Load(Self-directed Learning Outside Course Hours) | | Students will be expected to complete all assigned readings and other tasks. |
履修取り下げ制度(利用の有無)学部のみ Course withdrawal | | |
備考 Others | | |
授業開講形態等 Lecture format, etc. | | B-1)Face-to-face course (Including some simultaneous interactive online classes) ※The number of remote classes must be less than 7 out of 15 classes. |