Undergraduate / Graduate
Registration Code
科目名 【日本語】
Course Title
科目名 【英語】
Course Title
Psychology of PersonalityⅠ
Course Numbering Code
担当教員 【日本語】
山形 伸二 ○
担当教員 【英語】
Term / Day / Period
春 水曜日 2時限
Spring Wed 2
Required / Selected

授業の目的 【日本語】
Goals of the Course(JPN)
本科目は,ポジティブ心理学に関する広範な研究知見を展望し討論することを通じて,ポジティブな心理学的特徴に関する個人間差・個人内差に関する科学的理解と探究心,研究スキルを培うことを目的とする。学生は,(1) 関心のある章についての発表,(2) 割り当てられた他学生の発表についてのレビュー・指定討論,(3) 授業中のディスカッションへの参加,を行う。
授業の目的 【英語】
Goals of the Course
The purpose of this course is to cultivate scientific understanding, inquisitiveness, and research skills related to inter- and intra-individual differences in positive psychological characteristics through reviewing and discussing a wide range of research findings in positive psychology. Students will (1) present a chapter of interest, (2) review and discuss other students' presentations as assigned, and (3) participate in in-class discussions.
到達目標 【日本語】
Objectives of the Course(JPN)
(1) 様々なポジティブな心理的特徴の測定やモデルについて理解すること。
(2) 様々なポジティブな心理的特徴が生じるメカニズムについて理解すること。
(3) 様々なポジティブな心理的特徴の発達や変化,介入法について理解すること。
到達目標 【英語】
Objectives of the Course
(1) To understand measurements and models of various positive psychological characteristics.
(2) To understand mechanisms by which various positive psychological characteristics arise.
(3) To understand development, change, and intervention methods of various positive psychological characteristics.
Course Content / Plan
Part 1. Major Developments in Positive Psychology
 Chapter 1. Strengthening Positive Psychology
 Chapter 2. Positive Psychology: Past, Present, and Future
 Chapter 3. Positive Emotions
 Chapter 4. Classifying and Measuring Strengths of Character
 Chapter 5. Positive Psychology Applications
 Chapter 6. Positive Psychology Within a Cultural Context
Part 2. Positive Psychology Perspectives on Human Behavior
 Chapter 7. Stopping the "Madness": Positive Psychology and Deconstructing the Illness Ideology and the DSM
 Chapter 8. Widening the Diagnostic Focus: A Case for Including Human Strengths and Environmental Resources
 Chapter 9. Better Together: The Sciences and the Humanities in the Quest for Human Flourishing
 Chapter 10. Mental Health: historical and cultural perspectives
 Chapter 11. Modeling Positive Human Health: From Covariance Structures to Dynamic Systems
Part 3. Positive Psychology across the Lifespan
 Chapter 12. Positive Psychology among Infants and Young Children
 Chapter 13. Resilience in Development
 Chapter 14. Positive Psychology for Children and Adolescents: Development, Prevention, and Promotion
 Chapter 15. The Positive Youth Development Perspective: Theoretical and Empirical Bases of a Strengths-Based Approach to Adolescent Development
 Chapter 16. Positive Aging
 Chapter 17. New Territories of Positive Life-Span Development: Wisdom and Life Longings
Part 4. Emotional Approaches
 Chapter 18. Subjective Well-Being: The Science of Happiness and Life Satisfaction
 Chapter 19. Happiness
 Chapter 20. The Experience of Flow: Theory and Research
 Chapter 21. Positive Affectivity: The Disposition to Experience Positive Emotional States
 Chapter 22. The Social Construction of Self-Esteem
 Chapter 23. Coping Through Emotional Approach: Emerging Evidence for the Utility of Processing and Expressing Emotions in Responding to Stressors
 Chapter 24. The Positive Psychology of Emotional Intelligence
Part 5. Cognitive Approaches
 Chapter 25. Creativity
 Chapter 26. The Role of Personal Control in Adaptive Functioning
 Chapter 27. Mindfulness Versus Positive Evaluation
 Chapter 28. Optimism
 Chapter 29. Optimistic Explanatory Style
 Chapter 30. Hope Theory
 Chapter 31. Self-Efficacy: The Power of Believing You Can
 Chapter 32. Problem-Solving Appraisal and Psychological Adjustment
 Chapter 33. Self-Determination
 Chapter 34. Curiosity and Interest: The Benefits of Thriving on Novelty and Challenge
 Chapter 35. Courage
Part 6. Interpersonal Approaches
 Chapter 36. Compassion
 Chapter 37. Attachment
 Chapter 38. Empathy
 Chapter 39. Forgiveness
 Chapter 40. Furthering the Science of Gratitude
 Chapter 41. Love
 Chapter 42. For Richer . . . in Good Times . . . and in Health: Positive Processes in Relationships
 Chapter 43. Intergenerational Solidarity: The role in Family and Society
Part 7. Self-Based Approaches
 Chapter 44. What's Positive About Self-Verification?
 Chapter 45. Reality Negotiation
 Chapter 46. Humility
Part 8. Biological Approaches
 Chapter 47. Toward a Biology of Social Support
 Chapter 48. The Central Role of the Heart in Generating and Sustaining Positive Emotions
 Chapter 49. Toughness
 Chapter 50. Impact of Positive Psychology on Health
 Chapter 51. Neurogenetics of Resilience
 Chapter 52. The Role of Hyperconnectivity in Creative Perception and Cognition
 Chapter 53. Neural mechanisms of altruism and empathy
Part 9. Positive Institutions
 Chapter 54. Family-Centered Positive Psychology
 Chapter 55. Positive Schools
 Chapter 56. Positive Psychology on Campus
 Chapter 57. Positive Workplaces
 Chapter 58. Positive Institutions, Law, and Policy
 Chapter 59. Counseling, Psychotherapy and Coaching
Part 10. Specific Coping Approaches
 Chapter 60. Meditation and Positive Psychology
 Chapter 61. Spirituality: The Search for the Sacred
 Chapter 62. Sharing One's Story: On the Benefits of Writing or Talking About Emotional Experience
 Chapter 63. Benefit-Finding and Growth
 Chapter 64. Making Sense of Loss, Perceiving Benefits, and Posttraumatic Growth
 Chapter 65. Happiness, Resilience, and Positive Growth Following Physical Disability: Issues for Understanding, Research, and Therapeutic Intervention
Part 11. Toward Better Lives
 Chapter 66. The Promise of Sustainable Happiness
 Chapter 67. Meaning in Life
 Chapter 68. The Future of Positive Psychology: Pursuing Three Big Goals
Course Prerequisites and Related Courses

Undergraduate students are required to have a credit of "Lectures on Personality Development I".
Graduate students are required to have undergraduate level knowledge of psychology and psychological statistics.
Course Evaluation Method and Criteria

上記のうち 60%以上を満たす場合に単位を認定する。

To be qualified to receive a credit of this class, undergraduate students are required to participate in research using the SONA system for 2 participation credits.

#grading methods
Contribution to the class (presentation, review, discussion): 100%.
#grading criteria
Students will receive credit for 60% or more of the above.
#Conditions for Disqualification
Students who fail to attend 5 classes or more including the first class will be automatically disqualified and lose the right to enroll in the subsequent classes.
C. R. Snyder et al. (Eds.) (2016). The Oxford Handbook of Positive Psychology (3rd ed.). Oxford University Press. (Online ISBN: 9780190635206, Print ISBN: 9780199396511)

(学内から無料で全文ダウンロード可能(Free full-text download available from the campus)
Reference Book
J. S. Cheavens & D. B. Feldman (2021). The Science and Application of Positive Psychology. Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 9781108460835
堀毛一也 (2019). ポジティブなこころの科学:人と社会のよりよい関わりをめざして サイエンス社 ISBN: 978-4781914589
Study Load(Self-directed Learning Outside Course Hours)

Students need to prepare for own group presentation and review other presentations assigned.
Notice for Students

日本語を母語としない者で,日本語の発表を理解しディスカッションに参加できる適切な日本語力を備えている場合は履修を許可する (自身の発表は英語で構わない)。

This course is offered jointly by the undergraduate and graduate school. Since the course deals with a specialized book read by researchers and the content is at the graduate level, undergraduate students should have the interest, knowledge, and English language skills to be willing to read and present a specialized book in English.
Students are expected to have the English language skills to read a specialized book and organize and present the contents of the assigned chapter to others.
It is also desirable for students to have a basic knowledge of personality psychology and psychological statistics at the undergraduate level.
In principle, classes are conducted in Japanese.
Non-native speakers of Japanese who have the appropriate Japanese language skills to understand presentations and to participate in discussions in Japanese are permitted to enroll in the course (English may be used for their own presentations).
Propriety of other undergraduate students, other major students, and other graduate students attendance

Acceptable. Undergraduate students must have a credit for "Lectures on Personality Development I".
Lecture format, etc.

In principle, lectures will be given in person, but depending on the condition concerning COVID-19, lectures may be given remotely (simultaneous interactive discussion). Zoom will be used for remote lectures.
Additional measures for remote class (on-demand class)
・教員への質問は、TACT 機能「メッセ ージ」により⾏うこと。
・授業に関する受講学⽣間の意⾒交換は、TACT 機能「メッセージ」または「フォーラム」により⾏うこと。

Questions to the instructor should be asked via the TACT function "Messages".
Students may exchange opinions about the course via the TACT function "Messages" or "Forum".