授業の目的 【日本語】 Goals of the Course(JPN) | | 材料化学特別実験及び演習1では,受講生は,研究室の指導教員の助言と指導を受けながら実験および演習を行うことにより,材料化学に関する諸分野の基礎的学問に関する理解を深めるとともに,工学の素養を涵養する.
5.実験結果と考察に基づいて実験計画を修正できる. |
授業の目的 【英語】 Goals of the Course | | In the Experiment and Exercise in Materials Chemistry 1, students are required to make laboratory experimental works and exercises concerning the materials analysis and materials sciences for environments, accepting advices and instructions from the teaching staffs of the laboratories. Thorough the experiments and exercises, students are expected to advance their knowledge of the basic sciences in the fields of materials research. The students are also expected to deepen their understandings of their own research subjects.
The goal of students is to achieve the following contents through this experiment and exercise.
1. Set research themes and formulate experimental plans.
2. Exercises on theory and experimental methods.
3. Perform experiments and accurately analyze experimental results.
4. Fully consider the experimental results
5. Modify the experimental design based on experimental results and considerations. |
到達目標 【日本語】 Objectives of the Course(JPN)) | | 材料化学特別実験及び演習1では,受講生は,研究室の指導教員の助言と指導を受けながら実験および演習を行うことにより,材料化学に関する諸分野の基礎的学問に関する理解を深めるとともに,工学の素養を涵養する.
5.実験結果と考察に基づいて実験計画を修正できる. |
到達目標 【英語】 Objectives of the Course | | In the Experiment and Exercise in Materials Chemistry 1, students are required to make laboratory experimental works and exercises concerning the materials analysis and materials sciences for environments, accepting advices and instructions from the teaching staffs of the laboratories. Thorough the experiments and exercises, students are expected to advance their knowledge of the basic sciences in the fields of materials research. The students are also expected to deepen their understandings of their own research subjects.
The goal of students is to achieve the following contents through this experiment and exercise.
1. Set research themes and formulate experimental plans.
2. Exercises on theory and experimental methods.
3. Perform experiments and accurately analyze experimental results.
4. Fully consider the experimental results
5. Modify the experimental design based on experimental results and considerations. |
バックグラウンドとなる科目【日本語】 Prerequisite Subjects | | |
バックグラウンドとなる科目【英語】 Prerequisite Subjects | | Major subjects of the Departments of System Chemistry Engineering, Materials Process Engineering, and, Materials Design Engineering |
授業の内容【日本語】 Course Content | | 1.テーマの設定と実験計画の策定
次回行うの実験および演習の内容を予習して十分に理解しておくこと. |
授業の内容【英語】 Course Content | | 1. Setting the theme and planning experiments concerning the theme
2. Exercises of the theoretical background and the experimental techniques
3. Making experiments according to the initial plan
4. Analysis of the experimental results and discussions
Out-hours learning:
Prepare and fully understand the contents of the experiments and exercises to be performed next time. |
成績評価の方法と基準【日本語】 Course Evaluation Method and Criteria | | 実験と演習の習得度は,計画レポート,解析レポート,口頭発表で評価する.
全体で60%以上のポイントを獲得した学生に単位を認定する. |
成績評価の方法と基準【英語】 Course Evaluation Method and Criteria | | Acquisition of experiments and exercises is evaluated by planning reports, analysis reports, and oral presentations.
A pass is accepted, if students can handle correctly basic problem for the items listed in the lesson contents, and the results will be reflected accordingly, if students can deal with more difficult matters.
Total points of 60% is required at the least. |
履修条件・注意事項【日本語】 Course Prerequisites / Notes | | |
履修条件・注意事項【英語】 Course Prerequisites / Notes | | |
教科書【日本語】 Textbook | | 教科書は使用しない.必要に応じてプリントを配布する. |
教科書【英語】 Textbook | | Textbooks are not used. Prints will be distributed as needed. |
参考書【日本語】 Reference Book | | |
参考書【英語】 Reference Book | | Reference books will be introduced as appropriate as the process progresses. |
授業時間外学習の指示【日本語】 Self-directed Learning Outside Course Hours | | |
授業時間外学習の指示【英語】 Self-directed Learning Outside Course Hours | | A preparatory study is conducted as necessary. |
使用言語【英語】 Language used | | |
使用言語【日本語】 Language used | | |
授業開講形態等【日本語】 Lecture format, etc. | | |
授業開講形態等【英語】 Lecture format, etc. | | |
遠隔授業(オンデマンド型)で行う場合の追加措置【日本語】 Additional measures for remote class (on-demand class) | | |
遠隔授業(オンデマンド型)で行う場合の追加措置【英語】 Additional measures for remote class (on-demand class) | | |