Undergraduate / Graduate
Registration Code
Course Category
科目名 【日本語】
Course Title
科目名 【英語】
Course Title
Development Economics
Course Numbering Code
担当教員 【日本語】
大坪 滋 ○
担当教員 【英語】
OTSUBO Shigeru ○
Term / Day / Period
春 火曜日 2時限
Spring Tue 2
Course style

授業の目的 【日本語】
Goals of the Course(JPN)
授業の目的 【英語】
Goals of the Course
As the core discipline subject of the Economic Development Policy and Management (EDPAM) Program, this course "Development Economics (DE)" offers key principles and issues of Economics of Development, bearing the needs of first-time learners in mind. Topics to be covered are: 1) the role of economic development in “development” and poverty reduction (Poverty-Growth-Inequality Triangle, SDGs); 2) the evolution of economic development thoughts; 3) the stylized facts in economic development (open and closed questions); 4) theories of development (traditional and new growth theories); 5) dualistic development and structural change (growth, poverty, and income distribution; rural-urban dichotomy); 6) financing development (capital and saving, financial system and development); 7) guiding development―markets vs. controls (the role of government in development, good governance); 8) development and institutions; and 9) new development challenges in the 21st century (globalization, international economic system, development and environment, and Sustainable Development Goals, etc.)
"International Development Economics (Globalization and Development)," the sequel course to "Development Economics" offered in the second semester will handle international aspects of development economics. The “International Development Economics (Globalization and Development” covers selected topics such as: 1) economic development under the changing environment of globalization (risks and benefits associated with globalization, rise and demise of the East Asian growth model, convergence club under globalization); 2) international trade and development (inward- vs. outward-oriented development strategies and trade reforms, regionalism vs. multilateralism, WTO and industrial promotion); 3) external finance of development (ODA, FDI and multilateral corporations, portfolio flows, debt & financial crises); 4) managing open-economy development (BOP management, the order of liberalization, exchange rate regimes and monetary policy rules, fiscal sustainability, crisis management); 5) toward governance and quality of growth under globalization (growth and equity under globalization, localization under globalization); and 6) country case studies (with student presentations).
On-Line Course Syllabus:
到達目標 【日本語】
Objectives of the Course(JPN)
到達目標 【英語】
Objectives of the Course
As the required core course in the EDP&M Program, this course aims to build the basis for the entering students to aspire a career as a Development Economist in the international development community. Students are expected to acquire the minimum knowledge/understanding of Economic History, History of Economic Science, Evolution of Development Economics, Reasons for Poverty, Mutifacetedness of Poverty, Growth Theories, Poverty-Growth-Inequality Triangle, Governments and Markets in Development, and so forth. Issues related to Domestic Policy Makings are mainly dealt in Development Economics (DE) while the international aspects of development will be handled in International Development Economics (IDE).
Course Content / Plan

1. Introduction to Development Economics
-- Stylized Facts & Evolving Principles in Economic Development
-- Open & Closed Questions, and Emerging Issues into the 21st Century
-- Measurements and Determinants of Poverty
-- Poverty-Growth-Inequality Triangle

1) the role of economic development in “development” and poverty reduction (in conjunction with I2ID sessions);

2) development economics in international development studies (in conjunction with I2ID sessions);
3) the evolution of economic development thoughts, with the causes of poverty;
4) the stylized facts in economic development (open, closed, and emerging questions);

5) determinants of growth (factors that define steady state);

6) development and equity-- the P-G-I triangle;

7) development with de-population/aging-population;

8) measurements and determinants of multifaceted poverty: absolute vs. relative, objective vs. subjective poverty;

9) in search of a new development paradigm toward the post-MDGs era.

2. Learning Key Principles of Development Economics
-- Theoretical Arguments

1) representative theories of development (traditional and new growth theories);

2) dualistic development and structural change (rural-urban and/or agricultural-nonagricultural dichotomy and two-sector models, internal migration models)

3. Markets vs. Controls: Building Instituions for Development Coordination

1) guiding development―markets vs. controls (forces of the market, the role of government in development, good governance);
2) Washington Consensus, Post WC, and... ;

3) development, governace, and institutions (with proper understadning of time frameworks);

4) Provision of pure and impure public goods (EFA, environment protection, etc.)
Sessions of market experiments will be given for students to experience/understand market forces & differences between private and public goods.

4. Globalization and Development
New development challenges in the 21st century (globalization, international economic system, etc.).

1) Development with Globalization: Big Picture
2) Accumulated wisdom and empirical findings on the P-G-I Triangle under Globalization.

<(Self Study)>

5. Japanese/Asian Development Models

1) post-war development of the Japanese economy;
Students are required to go thourgh Prof. Otsublo's Powerpoiint Notes on Japan's Post-war development stories.
2) East Asian Miracle--Miracle or Myth?

<(Self Study)>

6. Socio-Economic Development Topics

1) sustainable development (the environment and development)
2) education, HRD, and development
3) social capital for development
Students are encouraged to read sections of their interests from the reading list. We will not have time to discuss these in the class.
Course Prerequisites and Related Courses
(1) This course will accommodate first-time learners of (Development) Economics.
(2) Concurrent registrations in “Development Macroeconomics” and “Development Microeconomics” are recommended.
(3) "International Development Economics (Globalization and Development)," the sequel course to "Development Economics" offered in the second semester will handle international aspects of development economics. A sequential registration will be highly recommended.
Course Evaluation Method and Criteria
An essay-type open-book take-home final exam (80%) will be given at the end of the semester. Details will be discussed in the class. Your performance in the market experiments, and your presentations will also be evaluated (10%). Your class participation and contribution will, of course, be an additional grading factor (10%).
Textbook/Reference Book
Refer to the On-Line Course Syllabus at:
http://www.gsid.nagoya-u.ac.jp/sotsubo/Development_Economics_2022-2023_Syllabus.html, and
Study Load(Self-directed Learning Outside Course Hours)
Notice for Students
Language(s) for Instruction & Discussion
Lecture format, etc.
Classes will be held in-person.
Additional measures for remote class (on-demand class)