Undergraduate / Graduate
Registration Code
Course Category
科目名 【日本語】
Course Title
科目名 【英語】
Course Title
Educational Development Cooperation and Partnership
Course Numbering Code
担当教員 【日本語】
内海 悠二 ○
担当教員 【英語】
Term / Day / Period
秋 火曜日 2時限
Fall Tue 2
Course style

授業の目的 【日本語】
Goals of the Course(JPN)
授業の目的 【英語】
Goals of the Course
This course aims to increase students’ understanding on the concept and trend of partnership mechanism, and the gap between the ideal and practice of partnership in the educational development field.
This course introduces the global and local practice of partnership in the field of educational development, and possibly the introduction of international student assessment and/or household survey data as a product of global partnership of educational cooperation. After discussing the practice of global funding mechanism and programme implementation at the international level, the course further sees how the partnership for the educational development functions and formulates within a country. The course gives case studies of complexity and challenges of making functional partnership and coordination mechanism in the field of education, and discusses the causes of these challenges in terms of aid mechanism and country’s context.
Participants are divided by several teams and each team make a presentations on the partnership of specific organizations in a country throughout the semester.
到達目標 【日本語】
Objectives of the Course(JPN)
到達目標 【英語】
Objectives of the Course
At the end of this course, students are expected to be able to understand and explain the historical trend of partnership mechanism including international financial aid mechanism in the area of international educational development and the difficulties of practical aid coordination at both international and national level.
Course Content / Plan
Session 1: -Introduction and Overview


Session 2: -Formulation of international educational development framework
-Education for All to Sustainable Development Goals (Review)

Session 3: -What is the Partnership? (Definition of the Partnership)
-Why is the Partnership Important? (Rationale of the Partnership)

Session 4: -Risk and Benefit of the Partnership
-Historical Movement of the Partnership for the Education for All

Session 5: -EFA-Fast Track Initiative (EFA-FTI)
-Global Partnership for Education (GPE)

Session 6: -The Coordination and Partnership within the United Nations
- Case of UN Management Reform: Delivering as One Initiative


Session 7&8: -Student Presentation on Case Study of Aid Agency and Partnership


Session 9: -Community and Partnership
-Contradiction in SDG4 and Socioeconomic Perspectives
-Increase in the role of Community and NGO in SDGs age
-Benefit and Limitation of the Partnership with Community/NGO

Session 10: -Socio-Ecological Approach and Partnership
-Concept of socio-ecological model
-Behaviors of stakeholders and partnership

Session 11 & 12: -Exchange theory in the partnership
-Concept of exchange theory
-Formula and case study of the partnership in the exchange theory


Session 13 & 14: - Simulation of formulating the partnership in a country (Role play by all participants)
-Guidance, Sharing documents, Discussion within each role (team)
-Discussion (role play) as a coordination meeting of a country

Session 15: -Review of the role play and wrap up of the course
Course Prerequisites and Related Courses
There is no precondition to take this course.
Course Evaluation Method and Criteria
Grades are based on every class’s participation (20%), Presentation (30%), and final individual paper (50%).
Credit is given to C- or C (where applicable) or higher grade for each criterion.
Textbook/Reference Book
Textbooks: No specific textbook will be used in this course. Lecture materials will be provided in each session if necessary.

- Bailey, F. & Dolan, A. (2011) 'The Meaning of Partnership in Development: Lessons in Development Education', Policy & Practice: A Development Education Review, 13, 30-48.

- Mputu, H. & Lawale, S. (2004) ‘EFA flagship initiatives: multi-partner collaborative mechanisms in support of EFA goals’, UNESDOC Digital Library.

- King, K. (2004) ‘The External Agenda of Educational Reform: A Challenge to Educational Self-Reliance and Dependency in Sub-Saharan Africa’, CICE Hiroshima University, Journal of International Cooperation in Education, Vol.7, No.1, pp. 85-96

- UNESCO. (2002) ‘An International strategy to put the Dakar Framework for Action on Education for All into operation’, UNESDOC Digital Library.
Study Load(Self-directed Learning Outside Course Hours)
Preparation for individual/team presentations will be requested.
Reading assignments may be given.
Notice for Students
Active participation in discussion and activities during each session is expected.
Language(s) for Instruction & Discussion
-Lecture and discussion will be conducted in English.

-Each student will make presentation on the partnership during the course and participate in the role play on the partnership formulation mechanism of a country.

-There might be reading materials which students themselves have to photocopy and to cover the copy charges.

-Course schedule may be changed depending on the progress of courses and participant’s specific interests
Lecture format, etc.
Classes will be held in-person.
Additional measures for remote class (on-demand class)