Undergraduate / Graduate
Registration Code
Course Category
科目名 【日本語】
Course Title
科目名 【英語】
Course Title
Education in the Era of Globalization
Course Numbering Code
担当教員 【日本語】
芦田 明美 ○
担当教員 【英語】
ASHIDA Akemi ○
Term / Day / Period
春 月曜日 2時限
Spring Mon 2
Course style

授業の目的 【日本語】
Goals of the Course(JPN)
授業の目的 【英語】
Goals of the Course
The progress of globalization, in which people's movements, activities, and effects over national borders and local contexts on a global scale, has significantly impacted education. For example, international organizations' common global educational goals have brought uniform and homogeneous reforms and educational policies. Many countries have implemented reforms to address globalization in response to globalization itself. The interest in developing human resources that can contribute to global competition politically, economically, and socio-culturally is an issue that has been highly emphasized in recent years, both at the societal and individual levels. At the same time, as globalization progresses, the importance of respecting the local context of each country and society, such as traditional culture, religion, language, and political system, is widely recognized. Without understanding the local context, it is difficult for countries to address globalization in the world.

Based on the background, this course aims at making students understand current issues and challenges of education under globalization, especially in developing countries. This course will also introduce the impact of globalization on an individual with a particular focus on a micro perspective and local contexts through examples of empirical longitudinal survey results that clarified the actual student's schooling situations. This course will also review the actual educational situation focusing on the school level under globalization, using the latest reports by researchers and practitioners from around the world, the Global Education Monitoring Report published by UNESCO, and other materials.
到達目標 【日本語】
Objectives of the Course(JPN)
到達目標 【英語】
Objectives of the Course
Upon completion of the course, students will be able to examine theoretical and analytical frameworks to grasp the influence of globalization in education. Students are also expected to understand globalization's impact on education, with a particular focus on the micro level and local contexts.
Course Content / Plan
The first week (session 1) provides an introduction to the globalization of education in the world. In the following weeks (sessions 2–4), this course treats the world ministry of education and human rights education approach by reviewing the initiatives and activities of international organizations. Recent trends and topics of global education, such as the corporatization of education, are reviewed (sessions 5-6), and religious and indigenous education models are reviewed to consider the local context in education (sessions 7-6). From session 8, this course introduces examples of technical cooperation on education issues, Project Cycle Management (PCM) methods by international aid agencies and explains how to plan, manage, monitor, and evaluate projects. Students are able to acquire logical thinking skills by analyzing several case studies through the PCM methods. Learning from the findings and lessons from the recent global education trend, we will find a possible solution for the challenges faced by developing countries (sessions 11-15, group work). Students are expected to develop their logical thinking skills through reading materials and small group discussions. Finally, once they have understood the current educational challenges in the era of globalization, students should be able to make suggestions for addressing globalization with understanding local contexts in the future.

This course mainly covers the following several topics:

- Globalization of Education
- The World Ministry of Education and Human Rights Education
- Corporatization of Global Education
- Global Education and Local Contexts
- Religious and Indigenous Education Models
- Students' schooling situation revealed longitudinal analysis

* Other topics are added according to the class progress and student's interest.
Course Prerequisites and Related Courses
There is no precondition to take this course.
Course Evaluation Method and Criteria
- Individual paper: 40%
- Participation includes discussion and contribution to the class: 30%
- Presentation of group work: 30%

Credit is given to C- (C if applicable) or higher grade for each criterion.
Textbook/Reference Book
There is no specific textbook in this course. Required readings will be assigned as necessary.

• Lauder, H., Brown, P., Dillabough, J., & Halsey, A.H. (2006). Education, Globalization and Social Change. Oxford University Press.
• Kitamura, Y., Ashida, A., & Ogisu, T. (2022). Equity, Quality, Post-Neoliberalism, and the Knowledge Society of the Future. In: Lee, W.O., Brown, P., Goodwin, A.L., Green, A. (Eds) International Handbook on Education Development in Asia-Pacific. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-2327-1_20-1
• McCowan, T. & Unterhalter, E. (Eds.) (2021). Education and International Development: An Introduction (2nd edition). Bloomsbury USA Academic.
• Spring, J. (2014) Globalization and Education: An Introduction (2nd Edition). Routledge.
Study Load(Self-directed Learning Outside Course Hours)
Reading materials and assignments will be announced in the class.
Notice for Students
This course plan is subject to change according to the class progress and student's interest.
Language(s) for Instruction & Discussion
Lecture format, etc.
Classes will be held in-person.
Additional measures for remote class (on-demand class)