授業の目的 【日本語】 Goals of the Course(JPN) | | 地震,地殻変動などの地殻活動現象を定量的に観測,解析,解釈する上で基礎となる連続体力学の習得を目的とする.(DP1) |
授業の目的 【英語】 Goals of the Course | | The goal of this course is to acquire knowledge and skill in continuum mechanics as a basics to observe, to analyze, and to interpret crustal activity phenomena such as earthquakes and crustal deformation. (DP1) |
到達目標 【日本語】 Objectives of the Course(JPN) | | 連続体力学における応力、ひずみ、構成則等の基本的な概念を理解し応用できる。 震源の力学的表現を理解し、実データの解釈に応用できる。 断層の破壊や地球内部の粘性的な挙動を理解し、実データの解釈に応用できる。 |
到達目標 【英語】 Objectives of the Course | | To understand basic concept of continuum mechanics such as stress, strain, and constitutive equation. To understand representation of seismic sources including application to interpretation of actual data. To understand mechanical processes in the earth such as fault rupture and viscous flow including application to interpretation of actual data. |
授業の内容や構成 Course Content / Plan | | 1.連続体力学の基礎:応力、歪み、構成式、運動方程式 2.地震に伴う地殻変動 3.地殻とマントルのレオロジー 4.地殻の破壊 5.断層の摩擦測 6.逆解析の基礎 | 1. Basics of continuum mechanics: stress, strain, constitutive equation, equation of motion 2. Earthquake deformation 3. Rheology of the earth's interior 4. Fracture of the crust 5. Friction of faults 6. Basics of inversion analysis |
履修条件・関連する科目 Course Prerequisites and Related Courses | | 大学初年級の数学(解析、線形代数)および物理学(力学)の知識を有すること。 | This lecture is designed to provide an essential knowledge to study solid earth geophysics. Attendees should have knowledge about basic mathematics (mathematical analysis and linear algebra) and physics (mechanics) at the lower undergraduate level. |
成績評価の方法と基準 Course Evaluation Method and Criteria | | 出席(50%)およびレポート(50%)により評価し、総点60点(100点満点)以上を合格とする。 | Evaluation is based on attendance (50%) and reports (50%). A total score of 60 points (100 points full) is required to pass. |
教科書 Textbook | | レジュメを配布する。 | Resume is distributed in both Japanese and English. |
参考書 Reference Book | | Geodynamics (G. Schubert and D. Turcotte, Cambridge University Press) Geophysical data analysis: Discrete inverse theory (W. Menke, Academic Press) Earthquake and volcano deformation (P. Segall, Princeton University Press) Quantitative seismology (K. Aki and P. G. Richards, University Science Books) The mechanics of earthquake and faulting (C. H. Scholz, Cambridge University Press) Fundamentals of rock mechanics (J. C. Jaeger, N. G. W. Cook, R. W. Zimmerman, Blackwell Publishing) 地球連続体力学(岩波講座地球惑星科学6,岩波書店) 連続体の力学入門(Y. C. ファン, 培風館) | Geodynamics (G. Schubert and D. Turcotte, Cambridge University Press) Geophysical data analysis: Discrete inverse theory (W. Menke, Academic Press) Earthquake and volcano deformation (P. Segall, Princeton University Press) Quantitative seismology (K. Aki and P. G. Richards, University Science Books) The mechanics of earthquake and faulting (C. H. Scholz, Cambridge University Press) Fundamentals of rock mechanics (J. C. Jaeger, N. G. W. Cook, R. W. Zimmerman, Blackwell Publishing) |
課外学習等(授業時間外学習の指示) Study Load(Self-directed Learning Outside Course Hours) | | ほぼ毎回レポート課題を課す。 | Students have an assignment in each class. |
注意事項 Notice for Students | | 受講者は4/16(日)までに鷺谷(sagiya@nagoya-u.jp)へメール連絡すること。 月曜1限(8:45〜10:15)に対面で講義を実施する。 毎週TACTで資料を配布し、受講者はTACTにて課題を提出する。 | Those who want to be enrolled in the class should contact Takeshi Sagiya by e-mail (sagiya@nagoya-u.jp) until Sunday, April 16. On Monday, from 8:45 to 10:15, the lecture will be given in person. Materials are distributed on TACT and students submit reports through TACT. |
授業言語 (資料) Language(s) for Materials | | 日本語および英語の資料を用意する。 | Course materials are prepared both in Japanese and English. |
授業言語 (口頭) Language(s) for Instruction & Discussion | | 日本語での説明を中心とし必要に応じて英語での説明を加える。 | Lecture is given in Japanese in principle. English explanation is added if necessary. |
英語の質問への対応 English Question | | 可 | Questions in English is welcomed. |
授業開講形態等 Lecture format, etc. | | ※履修登録後に授業形態等に変更がある場合には、TACTの授業サイトで案内します。 | * If there is a change in the class form,etc. after registration, we will guide you on the TACT class site. |
遠隔授業(オンデマンド型)で行う場合の追加措置 Additional measures for remote class (on-demand class) | | オンライン講義を行う場合の接続情報は受講者宛てにメールで通知する。 | If necessary, connection information for the online lectures will be provided by e-mail directly to the students. |