Undergraduate / Graduate
Registration Code
科目名 【日本語】
Course Title
科目名 【英語】
Course Title
[G30]First Year Seminar
Language Used in the Course
Theme of First Year Seminar(First Year Seminar Only)
Water and the environment
担当教員 【日本語】
HUMBLET Marc Andre ○
担当教員 【英語】
HUMBLET Marc Andre ○
Term / Day / Period
秋 水曜日 2時限
Fall Wed 2

授業の目的 【英語】
Goals of the Course [ENG]
【Standardized across all programs】 This course is conducted in the form of a seminar with small groups. We will provide multifaceted intellectual training focused on reading (literature research, consideration, examination), writing (summary, report writing), and speaking (discussion, presentation) as the most basic skills (common basic) for learning and studying at university. Through this, our goal is to learn the "process of knowledge exploration" and "the fun of learning" and to acquire the independent learning ability. A wide variety of themes are prepared according to the research field of the instructors.
授業の達成目標 【英語】
Objectives of the Course [ENG]
The seminar is divided into two parts. The first part provides tips on how to search for information and how to give an oral presentation. This is followed by a discussion on centered on the definition of science and the difference between science and pseudoscience. A few lectures on coral reef ecosystems will serve as examples of how science can be communicated. The students will learn about the different kinds of reefs, the biology of corals and coral reefs, the factors controlling reef growth, the present-day threats on coral reefs, and the geological evolution of reefs. Students will also be able to examine hand-sized samples of coral reef limestones and observe thin sections under a microscope. During the second part of the seminar, the students will give two presentations each about any scientific subjects of their choice related to the marine or freshwater world. The fields covered can be as varied as underwater exploration technologies, marine biology, water in the solar system, hydroelectric energy… Each presentation is followed by a Q&A session. Class participation is strongly encouraged. The basic objectives of this seminar are (1) to teach students how to search for scientific information, (2) to encourage critical thinking, (3) to improve presentation skills, (4) to nurture scientific curiosity, and (5) to promote exchange of ideas about various scientific topics.
Materials will be informed in class if necessary.
Study Load (Self-directed Learning Outside Course Hours)
Outside course hours, students will need to prepare their oral presentations.
Notice for Students
Reference website for this Course
Message from the Instructor
Courses taught by Instructors with practical experience
Lecture format, etc
A-1)Face-to-face course (Only face-to-face classes)