授業の目的 【日本語】 Goals of the Course(JPN) | | |
授業の目的 【英語】 Goals of the Course | | The purpose of this course is to learn how a single cell develops into a multicellular organism with many different types of cells and organs with various shapes and specific functions. |
到達目標 【日本語】 Objectives of the Course(JPN)) | | |
到達目標 【英語】 Objectives of the Course | | This course provides introduction into both animal and plant physiology in the context of development.
First part of the course covers the basics of developmental biology focused on the animal side. The goal is to understand cellular and molecular mechanisms by which a single fertilized cell becomes an embryo. The course begins with the concepts and the tools and studies how each body part forms, by which signaling cascades between tissues, organs, cells as well as within the cells.
The second part of the course starts with an overview of plant biology. We will go through the basics of plant growth and learn why plant development is indeterminate, in contrast to animal development. We will examine how plants control their development through the action of specific plant growth substances and understand their signaling pathways. Details of plant reproduction and development of specialized plant structures highlight differences between plant and animal development and illustrate how remarkable plant development can be.
The course also aims to teach how each model organism has contributed to particular discovery and understanding in development so as to learn to appreciate the uniqueness and difference in model systems. |
授業の内容や構成 Course Content / Plan | | Animal physiology and developmental biology: Seiji KOJIMA 1. Making New Bodies: Introduction 2. Early Development & Study tools 3. Mechanisms of developmental patterning 4. Developmental patterning 5. Differential Gene Expression I, II 6. Cell-to-cell communication I, II, III 7. Fertilization
Plant physiology and developmental biology: Elena KOZGUNOVA and Anuphon LAOHAVISIT 1. Introduction to plant biology (EK) 2. Plant Growth and Development (EK) 3. Plant signal transduction (AL) 4. Plant signaling in context (AL) 5. Plant Reproduction (EK) 6. Specialized plant development in fluctuating environments (AL) |
履修条件 Course Prerequisites | | Students are strongly recommended to complete physiology and anatomy I, genetics I and cell biology I. |
関連する科目 Related Courses | | No courses are particularly related to this course. |
「履修取り下げ届」提出の要・不要 Necessity / Unnecessity to submit "Course Withdrawal Request Form" | | |
履修取り下げの条件等 Conditions for Course Withdrawal | | Student must submit a request of course withdrawal by the end of May via e-mail or directly contact to the instructor. |
成績評価の方法と基準 Course Evaluation Method and Criteria | | Evaluation will be based on in-class activities, assignments and examinations.
Participation: 10% Exam (Midterm+Final): 60% Assignment: 30%
Greater or equal to 60% is required to pass. |
不可(F)と欠席(W)の基準 Criteria for "Fail (F)" & "Absent (W)" grades | | Absent ‒ based on submission of Course Withdrawal Request Form. Fail ‒ based on “Failed” results of examinations and assignments. |
参考書 Reference Book | | Recommended reading will be suggested in the class. |
教科書・テキスト Textbook | | Developmental Biology by Gilbert and Barresi, the 11th edition Principles of development by Wolpert et al, the 6th edition Plant Physiology and Development by Taiz et al., the 6th edition |
課外学習等(授業時間外学習の指示) Study Load(Self-directed Learning Outside Course Hours) | | Assignment will be given. Review the lecture contents of each class. |
注意事項 Notice for Students | | |
他学科聴講の可否 Propriety of Other department student's attendance | | |
他学科聴講の条件 Conditions for Other department student's attendance | | |
レベル Level | | |
キーワード Keyword | | |
履修の際のアドバイス Advice | | |
授業開講形態等 Lecture format, etc. | | Classroom in person style. |
遠隔授業(オンデマンド型)で行う場合の追加措置 Additional measures for remote class (on-demand class) | | |