学部・大学院区分 Undergraduate / Graduate | | 理学部 | | 時間割コード Registration Code | | 0618800 | | 科目区分 Course Category | | 専門科目 Specialized Courses | | 科目名 【日本語】 Course Title | | 統計・情報数理Ⅱ | | 科目名 【英語】 Course Title | | Statistics and Information Science II | | コースナンバリングコード Course Numbering Code | | | | 担当教員 【日本語】 Instructor | | 渡部 善平 ○
清水 信広
西岡 隆 | | 担当教員 【英語】 Instructor | | WATANABE Zenpei ○
SHIMIZU Nobuhiro
NISHIOKA Takashi | | 単位数 Credits | | 2 | | 開講期・開講時間帯 Term / Day / Period | | 春集中 その他 その他 Intensive(Spring) Other Other | | 授業形態 Course style | | 講義 Lecture | | 学科・専攻 Department / Program | | | | 必修・選択 Compulsory / Selected | | | |
授業の目的 【日本語】 Goals of the Course(JPN) | | 企業年金法が改正されて20年超,公的年金の財政的な制約もあり,企業年金その他の自助努力への期待が相対的に大きくなる一方,人手不足基調が強まるなかで,人的資本経営および企業財務の両面から,企業年金の設計と運営が企業経営における重要課題の一つとなっている.加えて,政府の「資産運用立国」イニシアティブにより,企業年金の資産運用に対する社会的な要請が大きくなることも予想されている.
本コースを受講する意義としては,多元数理の1つとしての年金数理について,実社会におけるプロフェッションとしての位置付けを含め学習できること,資産運用についても一通りの基礎知識(いわゆる金融リテラシー)が得られること,年金を巡る様々な議論を評価するための確かな視座が得られること等が挙げられる. |
| | 授業の目的 【英語】 Goals of the Course | | It has already passed more than 20 years since the Defined-Benefit Corporate Pension Act was introduced in 2002. It is expected that, partly due to financial constraint of public pensions, the role of corporate pensions will inevitably become much greater in the coming Japanese society. From the aspect of corporate management, current trend of labour shortage is expected to aggravate for the time being and one of the most important challenges is how to ensure effective and sustainable corporate pension schemes, from the perspectives of both human capital management and sustainable corporate finance. In addition, social requirement to pension fund investment is expected to strengthen, from the government initiative of so-called “Capital Mobilisation Initiative.”
Management of a corporate pension plan is founded on actuarial science on pensions, which has been developed on statistics, probability theory, finance theory, etc. Therefore, it is required by law that a pension actuary with national qualification is involved in designing and financial valuation of a corporate pension plan. This course aims at students’ acquiring broad and profound understanding on financing of corporate pension plans, putting actuarial science at the core of the lecture.
In this course, a government official who is currently working on unprecedented policy measures to counter the low birth-rate trend in Japanese society, with expertise in policy planning on public and corporate pension schemes in the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW), will discuss the history, current status, philosophy and major issues of the overall pension system in Japan. Then, an experienced certified pension actuary, with expertise in the area of actuarial consultation of corporate pension plans, will illustrate actuarial approaches and basic methodologies on pension financing, carrying out exercises appropriately. Lastly, a certified pension actuary, with expertise in policy planning and investment management (including risk management) of public pension reserves, will describe the risks and risk-sharing mechanisms, ideas of post-retirement benefit accounting, theory and practice of investment management of pension reserves, and basics of corporate finance. |
| | 到達目標 【日本語】 Objectives of the Course(JPN)) | | -年金制度の歴史,現在の仕組み,基本的な考え方および今後に向けた課題等に関する理解を通じて,企業年金の前提となる公的年金に関する基本的な知識および理解を得るとともに,年金を巡る様々な議論に対する確たる視座を獲得する.
-現在価値の評価に関する理解を通じて,資本コストの評価などコーポレートファイナンスの基本的内容を理解する. |
| | 到達目標 【英語】 Objectives of the Course | | -Acquire understandings on the history, current status, philosophy and challenges of public pension schemes in old-age income security in Japan, which is prerequisite for proper understanding of corporate pensions, and thus acquire reliable perspectives on discussion of pensions
-Acquire understanding on evaluating the funded status and stable financing of corporate pension plans and thus understanding on the role of pension actuaries, through studying basics of actuarial approaches and methodologies of financing corporate pension plans.
-Acquire understanding on the pros and cons of both the defined benefit (DB) plans and defined contribution (DC) plans and gist of sharing-risk plans, through analysing the whereabouts of the risks and studying various risk-sharing mechanisms
Acquire understanding on measuring the cost of DB pension plans and the evaluation of post-retirement benefit obligation in the corporate financial statements, through studying the basic ideas and methodologies of retirement benefit accounting.
Acquire knowledge and understanding on how the investment management should be, such as asset allocation and risk management, through studying the term structure of interest rate, evaluation of cash-flow, evaluation of bond and stock prices, exchange theory, mean-variance analysis and CAPM, arbitrage theory, etc., and thus acquiring the financial literacy required for everybody.
Acquire knowledge and understanding of corporate finance, such as capital costs, through understanding on the evaluation of present value. |
| | 授業の内容や構成 Course Content / Plan | | 1~4 わが国の年金制度(1)~(4)
5 年金数理概論: 年金数理の目的や基本的な構造について概説する.
6 計算基礎率と年金現価: 年金数理計算において将来予測の前提となる計算基礎率の算定を中心に説明する.
7 年金財政論(1): 長期的に安定した財政運営を図るために立てられる財政計画の一般論を説明する.
8 年金財政論(2): 現実の企業年金でよく用いられている財政方式を題材に,財政計画の理解を深める.
9 財政検証: 事前に立てた計画と現実が相違することが一般的であり,そのずれを検証する「財政検証」の目的と方法について説明する.
10 財政計算: 財政検証で認識した「ずれ」の軌道修正のために行われる財政計算の方式について説明する.
11 5~10までの演習
12 年金を巡るリスクと年金会計: 確定給付制度と確定拠出制度のメリット・デメリット,各種のリスク分担,年金会計(退職給付会計)の考え方,年金費用の評価,確定給付義務の評価等について説明する.
13 年金資産運用(1) 投資理論の基礎: キャッュフローの評価と割引率,イールドカーブ,スポットレートとフォワードレート,債券の価格とデュレーション,債券のリスクと格付け,サスティナブル成長率,MM理論,割引配当モデルと株式の評価,運用スタイル,超過収益源泉,投資信託とETF ,コーポレートファイナンスの基礎等について説明する.
14 年金資産運用(2) 外貨建て資産と為替の理論,現代投資理論(MPT)を巡って: 外貨建て資産と為替の理論(金利パリティ,フィッシャー関係式,購買力平価,為替ヘッジの意義等),効用関数と確実性等価,平均分散分析の考え方,分散投資と効率的フロンティア,資本市場線と分離定理,証券市場線とベータ,資産価格モデル(CAPM),裁定価格理論(APT)とファクター投資,平均分散分析の制約条件,リスクの期間構造,市場変動と資産配分,資産配分の重要性等について説明する.
15 年金資産運用(3) 年金資産運用の実際: リターンの計測,運用実績の評価,期待運用収益とリスクの推計,年金資産運用におけるリスク管理,ライフサイクル・モデルによる運用,債務主導型運用,積立水準を考慮した運用,資産運用ガバナンスを巡る諸問題,スチュワードシップ責任,責任投資を巡る動向と課題等について説明する.
1-4 Pension schemes in Japan (1)-(4): Mainly on public pension schemes. History and current schemes. Refer to current discussions. Preferably, discussion with the students is made during the lecture.
5 Overview of actuarial science on pensions
6 Actuarial assumptions and present value of annuity
7 Funding of pension schemes (1) general theory
8 Funding of pension schemes (2) practical method of funding
9 Annual actuarial valuation of funded status
10 Actuarial revaluation of funded status
11 Exercise for 5-10
12 Risks of pensions and pension accounting: pros and cons of DB plans and DC plans, various mechanisms of risk-sharing, basic ideas of pension (post-retirement benefit) accounting, measurement of benefit cost, evaluation of defined benefit obligation, etc.
13 Investment management of pension funds (1) Basics of investment theory: evaluation of future cash-flow and discount rate, yield curve, spot rate and forward rate, bond price and duration, risks and rating of bonds, sustainable growth rate, MM-theory, dividend discount model and valuation of stocks, investment style, sources of excess return, structure of investment trusts and ETF, etc.
14 Investment management of pension funds (2) Investment in overseas assets and theory of currency exchange and discussion on the Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT): Investment in foreign-currency denominated assets and currency exchange theory (interest rate parity, Fisher equation, purchasing power parity, significance of currency hedging, etc.), utility function and certainty equivalence, basics of mean-variance analysis, diversified investment and efficient frontier, capital market line and separation theorem, securities market line and beta, capital asset pricing model (CAPM), arbitrage pricing theory (APT) and factor investment, constraints of mean-variance analysis, term structure of risks, market fluctuation and asset allocation, significance of asset allocation, etc.
15 Investment management of pension funds (3) Practical issues on investment management of pension funds: measurement of investment return, evaluation of investment performance, estimation of expected investment return and risks, risk management in pension fund investment, investment management applying life-cycle model, liability-driven investment (LDI), investment management taking the funded level into account, issues on governance of investment management, stewardship responsibility, trends and issues on the responsible investment principles, etc. |
| | 履修条件 Course Prerequisites | | 特になし.4年生対象科目。
This course is conducted in Japanese |
| | 関連する科目 Related Courses | | | | 「履修取り下げ届」提出の要・不要 Necessity / Unnecessity to submit "Course Withdrawal Request Form" | | | | 履修取り下げの条件等 Conditions for Course Withdrawal | | | | 成績評価の方法と基準 Course Evaluation Method and Criteria | | 講義への出席状況ならびに課題レポートによって判定する.
To be evaluated based on the attendance status and the scores of term-end report |
| | 不可(F)と欠席(W)の基準 Criteria for "Fail (F)" & "Absent (W)" grades | | 履修届の取り下げがあったとき,講義時間の3/4以上の出席がないときおよびレポートの提出がないときは欠席とする.
講義時間の3/4以上の出席があり,レポートの提出があったが,成績評価が基準に達しない場合は不可とする. |
| | 参考書 Reference Book | | 「年金制度の展望改革への課題と展望」, 坪野 剛司 (監修)/年金綜合研究所 (編), 2017年, 東洋経済新報社.
「新企業年金〈第2版〉」, 坪野剛司(編), 2005 年, 日本経済新聞社. 「わかりやすい企業年金(第2版)」, 久保 知行 (著), 2009年, 日
その他,講義でレジュメ・資料を配布. |
| | 教科書・テキスト Textbook | | 「年金数理概論(第3版)年金アクチュアリー入門」, 日本年金数理人会(編), 2020年, 朝倉書店 |
| | 課外学習等(授業時間外学習の指示) Study Load(Self-directed Learning Outside Course Hours) | | | | 注意事項 Notice for Students | | | | 他学科聴講の可否 Propriety of Other department student's attendance | | | | 他学科聴講の条件 Conditions for Other department student's attendance | | | | レベル Level | | | | キーワード Keyword | | | | 履修の際のアドバイス Advice | | | | 授業開講形態等 Lecture format, etc. | | 対面・遠隔(同時双方向型)の併用 遠隔はTACTで行う Combined use of in-person and remote (simaltanuous and
interactive) lecture; remote lecture will be given via TACT |
| | 遠隔授業(オンデマンド型)で行う場合の追加措置 Additional measures for remote class (on-demand class) | | 特になし On-demand remote is not available |
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