授業の目的 【日本語】 Goals of the Course(JPN) | | |
授業の目的 【英語】 Goals of the Course | | The purpose of this course is to study basic computer literacy skills and basic computer programming techniques for solving various problems in the C language through exercises. |
到達目標 【日本語】 Objectives of the Course(JPN)) | | |
到達目標 【英語】 Objectives of the Course | | You obtain basic computer literacy skills and basic computer programming techniques for solving various problems in the C language through exercises. |
授業の内容や構成 Course Content / Plan | | 1. Basic computer literacy skills
- Writing and sending e-mails
- UNIX command line interface
2. Basics of the C language
- Data types and variables
- Control structures (Selection, loop, etc.)
- Functions
- Standard C library functions (Input/Output, Math, etc.)
- Fundamental data structures (Scalars, arrays, etc.)
3. Problem Solving by Programming |
履修条件 Course Prerequisites | | All the students are requested to bring their own laptop computers with Windows/iOS operating systems.
The Microsoft VSCode text editor and the GNU C compiler (gcc) (or compatible one) have to be installed to your computers in advance.
Knowledge of mathematics at the high school level. |
関連する科目 Related Courses | | |
「履修取り下げ届」提出の要・不要 Necessity / Unnecessity to submit "Course Withdrawal Request Form" | | |
履修取り下げの条件等 Conditions for Course Withdrawal | | |
成績評価の方法と基準 Course Evaluation Method and Criteria | | Grades will be based on weekly reports, several project reports, and the final test. Grades are determined by a score of 100 points.
Students must obtain a score of 60 or higher to pass the course. |
不可(F)と欠席(W)の基準 Criteria for "Fail (F)" & "Absent (W)" grades | | Students must obtain a score of 60 or higher to pass the course. |
参考書 Reference Book | | Some references will be announced in the lecture. |
教科書・テキスト Textbook | | K.N. King: "C Programming: A Modern Approach, 2nd Edition", W. W. Norton & Company, 2008 (ISBN: 978-0393979503) |
課外学習等(授業時間外学習の指示) Study Load(Self-directed Learning Outside Course Hours) | | Weekly reports and several project reports will be given.
Reports are exercises on the lecture content and are due the following week. |
注意事項 Notice for Students | | |
他学科聴講の可否 Propriety of Other department student's attendance | | |
他学科聴講の条件 Conditions for Other department student's attendance | | |
レベル Level | | |
キーワード Keyword | | |
履修の際のアドバイス Advice | | |
授業開講形態等 Lecture format, etc. | | The course consists of lectures and exercises. Lectures are face-to-face, and on-demand videos may be used. Details will be communicated via TACT. The exercises will be explained at the end of each lecture. The teaching assistant (TA) stays in Room ES032 during the lecture period to answer questions. |
遠隔授業(オンデマンド型)で行う場合の追加措置 Additional measures for remote class (on-demand class) | | Even if the lectures are offered on-demand video, TA stays in Room ES032 during the lecture period to answer questions. If the students have any questions, please ask TA. |