学部・大学院区分 Undergraduate / Graduate | | 理学部 | | 時間割コード Registration Code | | 0680180 | | 科目区分 Course Category | | 専門科目 Specialized Courses | | 科目名 【日本語】 Course Title | | [G30]統計物理学3 | | 科目名 【英語】 Course Title | | [G30]Statistical Physics III | | コースナンバリングコード Course Numbering Code | | | | 担当教員 【日本語】 Instructor | | WOJDYLO John Andrew ○ | | 担当教員 【英語】 Instructor | | WOJDYLO John Andrew ○ | | 単位数 Credits | | 2 | | 開講期・開講時間帯 Term / Day / Period | | 春 火曜日 5時限 Spring Tue 5 | | 授業形態 Course style | | 講義 Lecture | | 学科・専攻 Department / Program | | | | 必修・選択 Compulsory / Selected | | See the “Course List and Graduation Requirements for your program for your enrollment year. |
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授業の目的 【日本語】 Goals of the Course(JPN) | | | | 授業の目的 【英語】 Goals of the Course | | Statistical Mechanics is one of the major fields of physics: around 30% of Physics Nobel Prizes have been awarded for discoveries directly or indirectly related to Statistical Mechanics, particularly quantum many-body systems, many-body systems in the classical limit, other condensed matter physics, phase transitions and field theories. The principles and methods are applicable in many fields of physics, including condensed matter physics (e.g. Bose Einstein Condensation, superconductivity, materials science) and high energy physics (spontaneous symmetry breaking, lattice gauge field theories, the Higgs Mechanism (which is a type of phase transition) and so on) as well as astrophysics (neutron stars, simulations of galaxy evolution, and so on). The principles and methods are also applicable in a very wide variety of fields outside physics, such as biology, neuroscience, modelling of pandemics, network theory, machine learning and artificial intelligence. G30 students in the past have shown that students in chemistry, chemical engineering and materials science with a thorough grounding in the principles of Statistical Mechanics have a significant advantage over their peers who do not possess this grounding.
------------------------------------------------ NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE NUPACE (exchange) STUDENTS
The G30 Physics Program has a small and highly selective student intake, in any year comprising the best few percent of applicants. We are not like regular physics programs in which students may select from a number of different streams (such as students mainly interested in physics research; students mainly interested in teaching physics; students mainly interested in engineering and not fundamental physics; etc.). We only have one stream, and due to the small class size and limited resources, we specifically focus on preparing students for research in theoretical physics, which is what most of our students need in Year 4 and beyond.
Moreover, this is the second part of a full-year, Year 3 course in statistical mechanics (quantum many-body systems and many-body systems in the classical limit) and thermodynamics: G30 students have already covered advanced thermodynamics and basic statistical mechanics up to the canonical formalism to a level that is comparable to that of some of the best universities.
We do not have time to support NUPACE students who are not strong in physics and mathematics: there is no time for remedial lecturing. Due to the difficulty of some of the topics covered this semester, from our experience with exchange students it is unlikely that exchange students who are not achieving an A grade in both physics and mathematics will be able to keep up, they will struggle and likely lose interest resulting in a waste of their time and ours.
Therefore prospective NUPACE students should note that in principle, only applicants averaging 80% or above in their undergraduate physics and mathematics courses will be permitted to take this course. Students who are unsure may email the lecturer. If necessary, in order to catch up to the required level, prospective NUPACE students will be asked to undertake a self-study course before coming to Nagoya University and during the semester, called "Guided Independent Study -- Further Studies in Statistical Mechanics", which would count as credit towards your NUPACE Exchange Completion Certificate. (You need at least 15 points to receive this certificate.) You would be assigned questions to solve from the textbook and would have to submit your solutions to the lecturer to show that you have done the necessary preparation.
You must be willing to work hard -- this course in the G30 Physics Program is not primarily a cultural experience opportunity in Japan. |
| | 到達目標 【日本語】 Objectives of the Course(JPN)) | | | | 到達目標 【英語】 Objectives of the Course | | At the end of this course, students will have mastered basic aspects of quantum statistics of ideal gases, statistical mechanics of systems of interacting particles, and the theory of phase transitions and critical phenomena, including modern topics such as the scaling hypothesis, an introduction to renormalization group theory (the spatial renormalization group), and the Bogolyubov Variational Theorem and its application to constructing an optimal Mean Field Theory.
In this course, students learn quantum statistics of ideal gases, introductory statistical mechanics of systems of interacting particles, introductory theory of phase transitions and critical phenomena, Mean Field Theory, and some modern theory such as the scaling hypothesis, an introduction to renormalization group theory (the spatial renormalization group), and the Bogolyubov Variational Theorem and its application to constructing an optimal Mean Field Theory. Students will encounter the ideas of spontaneous symmetry breaking, universality, critical exponents, transformation between -- proof of equivalence of -- various models such as the Two-state Ising Model, Lattice Gas Model, Binary Alloy Model and Two-state Potts Model.
At the end of Statistical Physics III students will be adequately prepared with regards to their knowledge of statistical mechanics and thermodynamics to undertake further studies in Sc-lab, St-lab, R-lab, TB-lab, E-lab, H-lab, QG-lab and other, including experimental, labs in both the Department of Physics and Department of Applied Physics, as well as chemistry and computational biology labs at Nagoya University. For the high energy physics labs and theoretical condensed matter physics labs students should also have studied Quantum Mechanics II and Quantum Mechanics III. |
| | 授業の内容や構成 Course Content / Plan | | Some topics are covered in assignments. The precise order and content of the lectures might vary slightly.
Lecture 1. Revision of quantum statistical mechanics and preparation for this semester's material. Quantum states of a single particle. Reflecting boundary conditions, periodic boundary conditions. Density of states in 3, 2 and 1 dimensions, for linear and quadratic dispersion relations. Turning sums into integrals. Example: EM radiation. The quantum distribution functions: Fermi-Dirac, Bose-Einstein distributions. Photon statistics: Planck distribution. Systems with varying number of particles: the Grand Canonical ensemble and partition function. Occupation number formalism: mean occupation number and dispersion. Role of the chemical potential.
Lecture 2. Examples. Vapour pressure of a solid. Diatomic molecules. Grand Canonical partition function and probability of a many-body state at temperature T. Example: adsorption of a gas onto a 2D surface. Lecture 3. The ideal Fermi fluid: conduction electrons in metals. Specific heat and ground state energy in 3D, 2D, 1D. Sommerfeld expansion.
Lecture 4. The ideal Bose fluid: Bose-Einstein condensation in 3D. What about in 2D or 1D? Critical temperature. Mean energy, specific heat.
Lecture 5. Relativistic Quantum Gas: the Photon Gas (Black body radiation). Planck's original argument. Bose's original paper two decades later justifying Planck's argument. Stefan-Boltzmann Law; Wien’s Displacement Law; radiation pressure; mechanical equation of state. NONEXAMINABLE: (if time allows) Classical theory of screening: the Debye-Hueckel Model.
Lecture 6. Introduction to Non-Ideal Systems (1): The Debye Model of solids. The Harmonic Approximation. Classical Theory. Quantized Theory. Normal modes. Phonons. The Debye Approximation. Specific heat. Rundown of main points in Ashcroft and Mermin Chapts 22,23 placing Debye Theory in perspective: Classical Theory of the Harmonic Crystal; Quantum Theory of the Harmonic Crystal.
Lecture 7. Introduction to Non-Ideal Systems (2). Weakly nonideal gases: virial expansion; 2nd virial coefficient and resulting equation of state. Derivation of the Van der Waals equation of state for a weakly non-ideal gas; derivation for a fluid using a self-consistent mean field approach. Derivation of 2nd virial coefficient and van der Waals Equation again, this time using Mayer f function. NONEXAMINABLE: The Cluster Expansion.
Lecture 8. Stability of thermodynamic systems. Concavity/convexity of thermodynamic potentials. Le Chatelier’s Principle. First Order phase transitions, features of the free energy. Discontinuity in the entropy: latent heat. Slope of the coexistence curves: Clausius-Clapeyron Equation. A Clausius-Clapeyron Equation for Magnetic Systems: Coexistence Curve of Superconducting and Normal Phases in a metal.
Lecture 9. Van der Waals fluid: unstable isotherms, physical isotherm, Maxwell equal-area rule. Multicomponent systems: Gibbs phase rule. Why does the phase diagram of water not have more than three phases coexisting at the same point?
Lecture 10. The Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem. Response functions and correlations. Quantitative explanation of critical opalescence.
Lecture 11. Examples of phase transitions (order-disorder transition, which is a structural phase transition). Why do fluctuations get out of control near the critical point? Alben’s Model. Landau Theory: classical theory in the critical region. Order Parameter. Continuous phase transition. Spontaneous symmetry breaking. The critical exponents α,β,γ,δ and their classical values.
Lecture 12. Introduction to interacting magnetic systems: ferromagnetism and models for it. Ising model. 1D Ising chain with free ends. Mean field theory treatment of the 1D Ising chain. Effective field. Critical exponents.
Lecture 13. 1D Ising chain continued. No phase transition in the 1D Ising chain: proof by a simple argument; and by solving the model exactly. Exact solution of 1D Ising chain in zero field. Exact solution of 1D Ising ring with field switched on: transfer matrix. Spin correlation function: exact calculation for the 1D Ising chain. 2D Ising model on a square lattice (just mention): Exact critical exponents, behaviour of the specific heat. Phase diagram of ferromagnetic systems in 3D.
Lecture 14. Breakdown of the classical theory and advent of the modern theory. Cause of the breakdown (qualitative). Derivation of an inequality involving critical exponents – but all experiments suggest equality holds. Scaling hypothesis: ad hoc argument. Justification of the scaling hypothesis using Kadanoff’s block spins. Spatial renormalization group theory and sample calculation for the 1D Ising chain.
Lecture 15. Bogolyubov Variational Theorem. Order-Disorder Transition: constructing the Hamiltonian and deriving the optimal Mean Field Theory for its solution. Mean Field Theory for 1D Ising Model revisited. Transformation between Models and Universality classes: many problems that appear completely different are in fact manifestations of the same problem. Broken Symmetry, Universality Classes, and Goldstone’s Theorem (qualitative). NONEXAMINABLE: Modern (21st century) classification of phase transitions -- the new paradigm of topological phase.
Lecture 16. NONEXAMINABLE: 2D Ising model on a square lattice: Low-T solution -- Peierls Droplets; High-T solution; Kramers-Wannier Duality. Critical temperature for 2D Ising Model on a Square Lattice. Lee-Yang Zeroes and Phase Transitions. |
| | 履修条件 Course Prerequisites | | Statistical Physics II and Quantum Mechanics II; or Consent of Instructor.
Students must have passed Statistical Physics II to take Statistical Physics III. |
| | 関連する科目 Related Courses | | Quantum Mechanics II; Physics Tutorial IVa; Statistical Physics II.
It is strongly advised that students concurrently enroll in Physics Tutorial IVa. |
| | 「履修取り下げ届」提出の要・不要 Necessity / Unnecessity to submit "Course Withdrawal Request Form" | | A formal withdrawal form must be signed by the lecturer and submitted to the Student Office by the official withdrawal date in May. |
| | 履修取り下げの条件等 Conditions for Course Withdrawal | | A withdrawal request made after the May deadline will be rejected unless the circumstances are very exceptional.
If Statistical Physics III is NOT A COMPULSORY SUBJECT and the student plans never to take Statistical Physics III in the future, then a late withdrawal request will be considered.
However, I consider more favorably the case of students from departments other than Physics Science or Applied Physics Engineering who wish to take this course in order to learn the exciting ideas. |
| | 成績評価の方法と基準 Course Evaluation Method and Criteria | | Attendance, class performance and attitude: 5%; Weekly quizzes or other written assessment: 30%; Mid-term exam: 32.5%; Final Exam: 32.5% |
| | 不可(F)と欠席(W)の基準 Criteria for "Fail (F)" & "Absent (W)" grades | | The “Absent” grade is reserved for students who withdraw by the official deadline in May. After that day, a letter grade will be awarded based on marks earned from all assessment during the semester.
If Statistical Physics III is NOT A COMPULSORY SUBJECT and the student plans never to take Statistical Physics III in the future, then a late withdrawal request will be considered. |
| | 参考書 Reference Book | | Reference Books/Recommended Reading
1. Hill, T., An Introduction to Statistical Thermodynamics, Dover, 1986. (Excellent introduction to Statistical Mechanics at Year 3 level. Alternative textbook. Highly recommended. Cheap to buy.)
2. Ashcroft & Mermin, Solid State Physics (Chapters 22,23 only). 3. Yeomans, J.M., Statistical Mechanics of Phase Transitions, Oxford Science Publications, 1992. (Simple, clear overview relevant to the second half of this course.)
4. Cardy, J., Scaling and renormalization in statistical physics, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1996. (Certain sections only.)
5. Shankar, R., Quantum Field Theory and Condensed Matter: An Introduction, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2017. (Certain sections only.)
6. Altland, A. & Simons, B., Condensed Matter Field Theory (2nd Ed.), Cambridge Univ. Press, 2010. (Mainly Chapter 1 only.)
7. Kittel, C. and Kroemer, H., Thermal Physics, W.H. Freeman. (Try as alternative to the above textbooks.)
8. Landau, L.D. and Lifshitz, E.M., Statistical Physics, Part I, by E.M. Lifshitz and L.P. Pitaevskii, Pergamon Press. (A classic book: thorough, advanced treatment. Highly recommended.)
9. Xiao-Gang Wen, Quantum Field Theory of Many-body Systems: From the Origin of Sound to an Origin of Light and Electrons (Oxford Graduate Texts), Oxford University Press Reissue edition (October 18, 2007).
For advanced students who want to experience the flavour of the current forefront in condensed matter physics and statistical mechanics. The landscape has changed significantly in the 21st century largely due to tehnological advances creating demand for understanding 2D materials. |
| | 教科書・テキスト Textbook | | 1. Callen, Herbert, Thermodynamics and an Introduction to Thermostatistics, 2nd Ed., Wiley. (The Japanese translation has fewer misprints.)
2. Reif, F., Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics, McGraw-Hill, 1965.
3. Plischke, M. & Bergersen, B., Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics, 3rd Ed., World Scientific, 2006. |
| | 課外学習等(授業時間外学習の指示) Study Load(Self-directed Learning Outside Course Hours) | | • This course is part of your training to be a professional researcher. You are expected to revise the lecture notes, read and work through the textbook, and solve assignment problems outside lecture hours. You cannot learn physics by only attending lectures. The exams will consist of questions covering both lecture notes and assignments.
• Students must be willing to work hard if they wish to achieve a good, internationally competitive level. |
| | 注意事項 Notice for Students | | Plagiarism (e.g. copying solutions that you have found on the Internet) is an act of academic dishonesty. Cheating in exams (e.g. having lecture notes, assignment solutions or online references open on your computer screen during an online exam) is a serious offence. Copying other people's solutions and claiming them as your own is also an act of academic dishonesty. Nagoya University has a strict policy towards academic dishonesty:
"Acts of academic dishonesty are prohibited during exams, for reports and assignments. If acts of academic dishonesty are discovered, you may be subject to discipline, which may affect your ability to graduate on time."
The punishment for serious breaches (such as cheating in an exam or repeated plagiarism despite a warning) is the loss of all grades from all subjects during the semester and cancellation of any scholarships received. Even if your course is difficult and it is to be expected that you'll find it hard to finish assignments, it is far better that you submit an honest effort than take the dishonest path. Remember, to be on course for a "B" you only need to score over 70% in the assignments -- and if you paid attention in the tutorials, you would have seen nearly all the problems done for you (in my subjects, at least). There's no excuse for cheating. |
| | 他学科聴講の可否 Propriety of Other department student's attendance | | Students from any department are welcome provided they have a suitable level of prior knowledge. |
| | 他学科聴講の条件 Conditions for Other department student's attendance | | Students from any department are welcome provided they have a suitable level of prior knowledge. |
| | レベル Level | | | | キーワード Keyword | | | | 履修の際のアドバイス Advice | | It is strongly advised that students concurrently enrol in Physics Tutorial IVa.
No solutions are handed out in class. It pays to come prepared and pay attention during the tutorial.
Students must be willing to work hard if they wish to achieve a good, internationally competitive level. |
| | 授業開講形態等 Lecture format, etc. | | Face to face lectures and tutorials are compulsory (other than in exceptional circumstances; e.g. COVID infection). However, in order to record a video of the lecture -- including student interaction with each other and with the lecturer -- the lectures will simultaneously be carried out online using MS Teams. Students are therefore requested to bring their laptop or tablet to the lecture room. Make sure it has a microphone. Bring an electrical cord. For many G30 students, English is a 2nd or even 3rd language, so video recordings are an invaluable learning aid.
Live lectures via MS Teams (face-to-face and online). Before the start of semester students should ensure that they have correctly installed MS Teams using their THERS (国立大学法人東海国立大学機構 ) email account.
NUPACE students should contact Professor John Wojdylo before the start of semester for assistance with installing Teams correctly. |
| | 遠隔授業(オンデマンド型)で行う場合の追加措置 Additional measures for remote class (on-demand class) | | All lectures will be live face-to-face and online via MS Teams. Face-to-face attendance is compulsory (barring exceptional circumstances such as COVID infection).
A lecture video will be available immediately after each lecture to help with student revision.
The lecturer will be available to answer questions via Teams chat. |
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