学部・大学院区分 Undergraduate / Graduate | | 理学部 | | 時間割コード Registration Code | | 0680360 | | 科目区分 Course Category | | 専門科目 Specialized Courses | | 科目名 【日本語】 Course Title | | [G30]物理学講究 | | 科目名 【英語】 Course Title | | [G30]Graduation Research-Theoretical studies | | コースナンバリングコード Course Numbering Code | | | | 担当教員 【日本語】 Instructor | | 棚橋 誠治 ○ | | 担当教員 【英語】 Instructor | | TANABASHI Masaharu ○ | | 単位数 Credits | | 16 | | 開講期・開講時間帯 Term / Day / Period | | 秋 月曜日 3時限 秋 月曜日 4時限 秋 月曜日 5時限 秋 火曜日 3時限 秋 火曜日 4時限 秋 火曜日 5時限 秋 水曜日 3時限 秋 水曜日 4時限 秋 水曜日 5時限 秋 木曜日 3時限 秋 木曜日 4時限 秋 木曜日 5時限 秋 金曜日 3時限 秋 金曜日 4時限 秋 金曜日 5時限 Fall Mon 3 Fall Mon 4 Fall Mon 5 Fall Tue 3 Fall Tue 4 Fall Tue 5 Fall Wed 3 Fall Wed 4 Fall Wed 5 Fall Thu 3 Fall Thu 4 Fall Thu 5 Fall Fri 3 Fall Fri 4 Fall Fri 5 | | 授業形態 Course style | | 講義及び演習
| | 学科・専攻 Department / Program | | | | 必修・選択 Compulsory / Selected | | See the “Course List and Graduation Requirements for your program for your enrollment year. |
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授業の目的 【日本語】 Goals of the Course(JPN) | | | | 授業の目的 【英語】 Goals of the Course | | Each student in this course is to belong to one of the theoretical-physics laboratories (listed below.), and study the subjects of the laboratory in year-round. |
| | 到達目標 【日本語】 Objectives of the Course(JPN)) | | | | 到達目標 【英語】 Objectives of the Course | | Each student studies a specific field in more depth, and undertakes graduation research. |
| | 授業の内容や構成 Course Content / Plan | | ●B laboratory seminar (Computational Biophysics Laboratory) Structure, function and dynamics of biological molecules through simulations. Biophysics is a field of study that aims to understand biological phenomena using the principles and tools of physics. Every living organisms must be following the laws of physics, however, due to their complexity, our understanding on biological systems is still limited. B laboratory focuses on the studies of biological molecules such as proteins and nucleotides using computational techniques, often in collaboration with experimental groups. During the first part of the year, students will become familiar with computational techniques and biological systems through literature. In the second half, student will perform research on a specific project. ●C laboratory seminar (Cosmology Group) Astrophysics Theory, especially Observational Cosmology Recent observations reveal that the energy density in the Universe consists of 70% of dark energy, 25% of dark matter. The purpose of observational cosmology is to find effects of dark energy and dark matter on the evolution of the Universe and the formation of structures such as galaxies, clusters of galaxies, and large scale structure, and to understand the nature and beginning of the Universe through observable quantities. In the first term of this seminar, participants read a book written in English and learn the fundamentals of cosmology. In the second term, participants do numerical calculations and data analysis on cosmology and give presentations. ●E laboratory seminar (Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics Laboratory) Relativistic quantum field theory Purpose of this course is to study the relativistic quantum field theory, which is a basis of theoretical elementary particle physics. Text in this course will be chosen after the students attending this course discuss with tutors. They have to learn following topics in quantum mechanics before the course starts: general theory of quantum mechanics, including the Schrodinger, Heisenberg, and interaction pictures, angular momentum, scattering theory, symmetry and conservation law, and perturbation theory. The students in the course are also required to make a report about one of selected topics and present it at the end of this course. ● H laboratory seminar (Quark-Hadron Theory Group) Fundamentals of quark-hadron physics Aiming to learn the fundamentals of quark-hadron physics. In Fall semester, students will attend a seminar once or twice a week. In the seminar, students read a textbook and explain the main points of it in turn. The textbook will be decided based on the discussion among the students and instructors at the guidance. An example of the textbook is “An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory" written by Peskin & Schroeder. In Spring semester, students perform graduation studies. The topic of the study for each student is chosen from the discussion with faculties. Each student submits a report and gives a presentation for the graduation study. The credit is given by evaluating the attendance and the effort to the seminar and the graduation study including the final presentation and report. We expect that the students earned the credit of Quantum Mechanics I and II before the seminar starts. We can accept 4 students at most. ●P laboratory seminar (Theoretical Plasma Physics Laboratory) Basic plasma physics High temperature plasmas in space and fusion involve a variety of instabilities, turbulence, shocks, or relaxation processes which extend over a wide range of spatio-temporal scales. In the seminar it is aimed to master basic theories and methods for studying the plasma phenomena. In the first semester, an introductory text is used for learning fundamentals in plasma physics. The second semester is devoted to learning more advanced topics or numerical computations on plasma physics. It is also requested to submit a report on the product and to make a presentation. ●QG laboratory seminar (Gravity and Particle Cosmology Group) In QG lab., main research topics are physical phenomena in which gravity plays an important role. The students in QG lab. will study general relativity and quantum theory in the curved space-time as fundamental tools to study those subjects. In fall semester, the students will study general relativity by using textbooks. In spring semester, the students will study about some specific theme, which will be determined by the discussion between the teaching staffs and the students. We will approve the credits by a report and presentation on the theme. We assume that the students could have mastered classical mechanics including analytical mechanics and special relativity, electromagnetism. ●R laboratory seminar (Theoretical Nonequilibrium Physics Group) In the spring semester, we read representative textbooks on the subject, such as R. Zwanzig “Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics” (Oxford) or R. Kubo et al. “Statistical Physics II” (Springer) to master the basics of nonequilibrium/nonlinear physics. Like a journal club, a section or two will be assigned to every student and she/he is to give a “lecture” on the section(s) at the weekly gatherings. In the fall semester, the students learn more advanced subjects and undertake a small project, under the supervision of one of faculties, (K. Miyazaki and T. Kawasaki). The final report should be presented at the group colloquium at the end of the course. We accept not more than 4 students per year. ●S laboratory seminar (Theoretical Solid State and Statistical Physics Laboratory) Condensed Matter Theory Group (Sc) In metals, interesting quantum phenomena occur thanks to the electron correlations, such as the superconductivity (=Cooper pair formation) and various types of symmetry breaking phenomena. Recent topics of condensed matter physics are the unconventional (high-Tc) superconductivity, the electronic nematic/smectic orders, and the permanent charge/spin current orders due to the topological phase transition. The aim of this seminar is to learn the basis of the strongly correlated electron systems. In the first semester, the students study statistical physics and many-body physics by reading a textbook, such as “Statistical Mechanics” written by Feynman. In the second semester, each student selects his/her theme of graduation work on condensed matter physics, and studies it under the guidance of the staffs, by reading textbooks and scientific papers. At the end of the second semester, we have a presentation of graduation theses. The maximum number of acceptable fourth year students is six. Each student is required to have gotten the credits of Statistical Physics I and II. Quantum Transport Theory Group (St) Our research interest is in material physics that focuses on spin current (flow of spins) and topology of electrons’ wave functions in solids. The former field is called spintronics and the latter topological quantum physics. Students in St Lab learn basic quantum statistical physics in the first semester, and apply it to some specific problems (graduation project) in the second semester. Each student writes a report on the project and gives a presentation around the end of the semester. We accept up to four students who are familiar with Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Physics. ●Ta laboratory seminar (Laboratory for Theoretical Astronomy & Astrophysics) Faculty Member: Shu-ichiro Inutsuka and Hiroshi Kobayashi The theme of this seminar is to learn spectacular astronomical phenomena in terms of basic physics. It focuses on some of very recent topics in astrophysics. Students choose their own favorite topics and try to start introductory research. In the spring semester students mainly study the textbook subjects in the form of a group seminar, but in the fall semester they learn the basics of numerical analysis and try to investigate some of frontier subjects. Finally each student is required to give a summary presentation of the research. Choices of the research subjects are made in discussion between students and supervisors. ●Ω laboratory seminar (Laboratory of Galaxy Evolution) A galaxy is a huge agglomeration of stars, interstellar medium, and dark matter, and in a cosmological scale, a unit structure of the large-scale structure in the Universe at the same time. While the spatial distribution of matter in the beginning of the Universe was almost homogeneous, namely there was not astronomical object like a galaxy, we observe tremendous number of galaxies with rich cosmological structures in the present-day Universe. Also, it is known that the heavy elements consisting the earth and life like ourselves were not produced by the Big-Bang nucleosynthesis in the early Universe. These elements have been produced at the center of stars through nuclear fusion, and injected into the interstellar space at the final phase of stellar life. Thus, how galaxies formed and evolved in the cosmic history is one of the most important topics in the astrophysics today. In our laboratory, we aim at understanding the physics of the formation and evolution of galaxies through the cosmic age, based on the multiwavelength data analysis, theoretical models, and data-scientific methods such as machine learning. We provide the latest observational data for the graduation study, like for master or PhD students. We try to choose a theme which may be published as a research article as much as possible. Then, we want students who are enthusiastic to the theme and responsible for taking part of the international project. ●SST laboratory seminar (Solar and Space Physics – Theory Laboratory) SST laboratory conducts the research to understand the solar and space environment as a single holistic system which consists of the Sun, the Earth, and the interplanetary space by using numerical simulation/modeling and in-situ data analyses. Research targets of SST laboratory are wide-ranging, e.g., solar activity such as solar flares and sunspots, solar wind and interplanetary space dynamics, geomagnetic phenomena such as aurora and geomagnetic storms, fundamental space plasma phenomena such as magnetic reconnection, and the development of numerical simulation method. The solar and space dynamics driven by solar flares and magnetic storms impact not only artificial satellites and astronauts, but also social infrastructures such as aviation, communications, and power networks, and may cause "space weather disasters." It can also influence the global climate. In SST laboratory, we study not only to elucidates the mechanisms of various solar and space dynamics but also to predict them to mitigate space weather disasters. In this laboratory, graduation research themes will be set based on each student's interests from the following topics, and we will hold a seminar to learn the basics of solar/stellar physics and space physics by reading a textbook. We will also provide training on computer usage and programming necessary for research. Elucidation of the mechanism of solar flare and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and space weather prediction We will conduct research to understand the mechanism of solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs), which may cause a space weather disaster, and to predict their onset through numerical simulations and analysis of observational data. Numerical simulations of solar and space plasmas We will conduct numerical simulations on celestial dynamo, sunspot formation, solar flares, coronal mass ejections, and plasma phenomena in space such as magnetic reconnection, based on magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) to understand the nonlinear dynamics of those phenomena. Solar flare research through the analysis of multi-wavelength observational data We will study the physical processes on high-energy phenomena in solar flares, such as particle acceleration and plasma heating, through the analysis of multi-wavelength data observed with spacecraft and ground-based telescopes. Solar flare effects on the geomagnetic dynamics such as aurora Various disturbances in the Earth caused by solar flare will be studied. Such disturbances include the ionization of the atmosphere in 8 min caused by the X-ray and ultraviolet radiation, the increase of radiation flux in a few hours caused by the high-energy particles, and the auroral storms in a few days caused by the fast solar wind. |
| | 履修条件 Course Prerequisites | | | | 関連する科目 Related Courses | | | | 「履修取り下げ届」提出の要・不要 Necessity / Unnecessity to submit "Course Withdrawal Request Form" | | Not necessary. Contact the instructor in charge. |
| | 履修取り下げの条件等 Conditions for Course Withdrawal | | | | 成績評価の方法と基準 Course Evaluation Method and Criteria | | Evaluation follows the standard of each laboratory. |
| | 不可(F)と欠席(W)の基準 Criteria for "Fail (F)" & "Absent (W)" grades | | Contact the instructor in charge. |
| | 参考書 Reference Book | | To be specified in each laboratory. |
| | 教科書・テキスト Textbook | | To be specified in each laboratory. |
| | 課外学習等(授業時間外学習の指示) Study Load(Self-directed Learning Outside Course Hours) | | Contact the instructor in charge. |
| | 注意事項 Notice for Students | | | | 他学科聴講の可否 Propriety of Other department student's attendance | | | | 他学科聴講の条件 Conditions for Other department student's attendance | | | | レベル Level | | | | キーワード Keyword | | | | 履修の際のアドバイス Advice | | | | 授業開講形態等 Lecture format, etc. | | Contact the instructor in charge. |
| | 遠隔授業(オンデマンド型)で行う場合の追加措置 Additional measures for remote class (on-demand class) | | | |