Undergraduate / Graduate
Registration Code
Course Category
Specialized Courses
科目名 【日本語】
Course Title
[G30] 有機化学2
科目名 【英語】
Course Title
[G30] Organic Chemistry II
Course Numbering Code
担当教員 【日本語】
SHIN Jiyoung ○
担当教員 【英語】
SHIN Jiyoung ○
Term / Day / Period
春 水曜日 2時限
Spring Wed 2
Course style
Department / Program
School of Science・G30 Chemistry Program
Compulsory / Selected
See the “Course List and Graduation Requirements for your program for your enrollment year.

授業の目的 【日本語】
Goals of the Course(JPN)
基礎的な有機化学を理解するための論理的なフレームワークの取得を主な目的として、具体的にはπ結合を持つ有機分子の化学反応性やの反応影響を学びます。 コース内容に基づき、部分的不飽和有機分子や芳香族化合物から行う有機化学反応をしっかりと理解しそれに関連する進行性問題を順次解決します。
授業の目的 【英語】
Goals of the Course
This course was designed to promote an understanding of introductory organic chemistry and to help students build a logical framework of fundamental organic chemistry and organic molecular chemical reactions, especially for the substrates with localized/delocalized π-electrons. Students are able to identify precisely each organic reaction sequence progressing from unsaturated organic molecules, such as alkenes, alkynes, and aromatic compounds.
到達目標 【日本語】
Objectives of the Course(JPN))
到達目標 【英語】
Objectives of the Course
This course aims to acquire a logical framework for understanding the fundamental organic chemistry of unsaturated organic molecules and gain the identification ability to solve the related questions, from simple to progressive. Students are able to fully comprehend electron density configurations of unsaturated organic molecules having localized/delocalized π-electrons, such as alkene, alkyne, and aromatic molecules, and correctly identify chemical reactions of the molecular substrates.
Course Content / Plan
Class 1. Electron Configuration of Unsaturated Hydrocarbons and Their Reaction Trends --- Difference of Reactivity between Saturated and Unsaturated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons and Aromatic Hydrocarbons.
Class 2. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy of Organic Molecules --- Level of Energy Source for Various Spectroscopy; Larmor Frequency and Quantized Energy; Spin Spinning and Applied Magnetic Field; Zeeman Effect and Resonances; Shielding and Deshielding; Downfield and Upfield; Chemical Shifts, Integration, and Peak Splitting; [N+1] rule.
Class 3. Preparations of Alkenes and Sequence of Electrophilic Additions of Alkenes --- Potential Energy Stability of Unsaturated Aliphatic Compounds and Electrophilic Additions; Preparations by E2 Elimination and Dehydration; Hydrogenation; Halogenations (toward Monohaloalkane, Dihaloalkane, Halohydrin, and Allylic halide) of Simple Alkenes and Conjugated Dienes.
Class 4. Electrophilic Additions of Alkenes --- Hydration; Carbene Addition; Oxidation; Radical Addition; Heck Coupling; Polymerization.
Class 5. Assessment of Classes 1-4 with Practice Problems.
Class 6. Reactions of delocalized pai-systems (Diels-Alder Reactions and Electrocyclization) --- Efficient Dienes and Dienophiles; Stereochemistry in Diels-Alder Reactions (Endo/Exo cycloadditions and Endo Rule); Thermal and Photochemical Cyclization for Even- and Odd-Numbered Double Bonds.
Class 7. Preparations of Alkynes and Sequence of Electrophilic Additions of Alkenes --- Hydrogenation; Halogenation; Hydration.
Class 8. Delocalized π-Systems and Reactivity of Benzene --- Stability of Extended Conjugations and the Electron Configuration of Delocalized π-Systems (Nonaromatic/Aromatic/Antiaromatic Compounds); Projection of Resonances.
Class 9. The reaction of Benzene --- Electrophilic Aromatic Substitutions (Halogenation, Nitration, Sulfonation, Friedel-Crafts Alkylation, Friedel-Crafts Acylation, Wolff-Kishner and Clemmensen Reductions).
Class 10. Assessment of Classes 6-9 with Practice Problems.
Class 11. Electrophilic Substitutions of Substituted Benzenes --- ortho & para-Directing and meta-Directing Groups and the Reactivities
Class 12. Nucleophilic Substitutions of Benzene (via Benzyne Formation or through Inductive Effects of Substituents).
Class 13. Preparations of Multiply Substituted Benzenes --- Protection/Deprotection of amine; Reduction/Oxidation.
Class 14. Electrophilic Substitutions of Fused Aromatic Compounds (Naphthalene and Anthracene).
Class 15. Assessment of Overall Classes (1-14) with Practice Problems.
Course Prerequisites
The student should complete Fundamental Chemistry I and II and Organic Chemistry I as the prerequisite subjects.
Related Courses
Quantum Chemistry 1, Analytical Mechanics I
Necessity / Unnecessity to submit "Course Withdrawal Request Form"
Conditions for Course Withdrawal
Submission of the "Course Withdrawal Request Form is necessary to withdraw the course. The student needs to contact the course instructor when the student wants to withdraw from the course.
Course Evaluation Method and Criteria
Examination [total 70%: two midterms (20% for each) and one final (30%)] and Assignment of Homework and Attendances(30%): A+(≧95), A(95>x≧x80), B(80>x≧70), C(70>x≧65), C-(65>x≧60), and F(60>x).
Criteria for "Fail (F)" & "Absent (W)" grades
No submission of sickness/absence reports and lack of attendance score will result in an 'F' grade: It is for the protection of other attendances in the corresponding course from the frequent absences of the specific/uncertain student(s).
Reference Book
Organic Chemistry (eighth edition, Global edition), Paula Yurkanis Bruice (Pearson), 2017 ISBN 10: 1-292-16034-9, Chapters 6-8, 14, and 18.
Organic Chemistry: Structure and Function (Eighth Edition), Peter K. Vollhardt and Neil Schore, (W. H. Freeman and Company), New York, 2018, Chapters 11-16 and 22
Study Load(Self-directed Learning Outside Course Hours)
Students are recommended to prepare each lecture by reading the corresponding chapters in the textbook and reviewing it by solving the related homework questions. NU general guideline considers the necessity of the average of 2~3 hours of personal study time per week for each credit.
Notice for Students
Students are recommended to review the lectures by solving the related homework questions. Each assignment is due by the start of the next class. Late or no assignment submission is the grade's deduction point.
Propriety of Other department student's attendance
Conditions for Other department student's attendance
Lecture format, etc.
Face-to-face course(対面授業)
Additional measures for remote class (on-demand class)