授業の目的 【日本語】 Goals of the Course(JPN) | | This research-based course aims to allow undergraduate students to participate in cutting-edge creative research in biological sciences. Every student will devote the final year to executing an original and independent research project in a laboratory in the Department, writing a thesis, and presenting the results at the graduation research symposium. The on-the-job training also provides an opportunity to experience practical aspects of biology research and laboratory life. |
授業の目的 【英語】 Goals of the Course | | This research-based course aims to allow undergraduate students to participate in cutting-edge creative research in biological sciences. Every student will devote the final year to executing an original and independent research project in a laboratory in the Department, writing a thesis, and presenting the results at the graduation research symposium. The on-the-job training also provides an opportunity to experience practical aspects of biology research and laboratory life. |
到達目標 【日本語】 Objectives of the Course(JPN)) | | |
到達目標 【英語】 Objectives of the Course | | |
授業の内容や構成 Course Content / Plan | | Throughout the course, students will learn how to set a research goal, make experimental plans to address it, and describe the results and discuss them in scholarly papers under the supervision of senior members of the lab. Students will participate in lab meetings and seminars by presenting and discussing their own and peers' work. |
履修条件 Course Prerequisites | | |
関連する科目 Related Courses | | |
「履修取り下げ届」提出の要・不要 Necessity / Unnecessity to submit "Course Withdrawal Request Form" | | |
履修取り下げの条件等 Conditions for Course Withdrawal | | |
成績評価の方法と基準 Course Evaluation Method and Criteria | | Evaluation will be based on 1) attendance, assessment of performance, participation in discussion at research seminars in affiliated research laboratories; 2) quality of the research thesis; and 3) presentation at the final symposium. |
不可(F)と欠席(W)の基準 Criteria for "Fail (F)" & "Absent (W)" grades | | |
参考書 Reference Book | | |
教科書・テキスト Textbook | | |
課外学習等(授業時間外学習の指示) Study Load(Self-directed Learning Outside Course Hours) | | |
注意事項 Notice for Students | | Each student is to select laboratories of his/her own interest, and visit the labs to have interviews with the lab heads. The matching between a student and a lab should be made by the end of January. |
他学科聴講の可否 Propriety of Other department student's attendance | | |
他学科聴講の条件 Conditions for Other department student's attendance | | |
レベル Level | | |
キーワード Keyword | | |
履修の際のアドバイス Advice | | |
授業開講形態等 Lecture format, etc. | | |
遠隔授業(オンデマンド型)で行う場合の追加措置 Additional measures for remote class (on-demand class) | | |