Undergraduate / Graduate
Registration Code
Course Category
科目名 【日本語】
Course Title
科目名 【英語】
Course Title
Poverty and Social Policy
Course Numbering Code
担当教員 【日本語】
伊東 早苗 ○
担当教員 【英語】
ITO Sanae ○
Term / Day / Period
秋 木曜日 2時限
Fall Thu 2
Course style

授業の目的 【日本語】
Goals of the Course(JPN)
授業の目的 【英語】
Goals of the Course
This course reviews changing debates on poverty in the global context. First, we examine how poverty has been conceptualised and measured in international development and what changes have been taking place in the global distribution of poverty. Second, we learn the concept and practice of social protection for developing countries by using the free online course on ‘Social Protection: A Primer’ developed by the Centre for Social Protection at the Institute of Development Studies in the UK, in collaboration with Irish Aid. After the online course is finished, students will make a presentation about a social protection program implemented in different regions of the world. Third, we take a closer look at cash transfers and microfinance that constitute important parts of social protection measures, exploring the backgrounds in which they had emerged and understanding shifting ideas about cash for development. Forth, we organize a classroom debate concerning the role of food or cash transfers, using India’s Public Distribution System as an example.
到達目標 【日本語】
Objectives of the Course(JPN)
到達目標 【英語】
Objectives of the Course
By the end of this course, students will be expected to understand:
1) different ways of conceptualising and measuring poverty in developing countries;
2) the changing distribution of global poverty and the development community’s response to it;
3) key concepts and debates concerning social protection theory and practice;
4) different perspectives on the role of cash for social protection
Course Content / Plan
1. Introduction
2. Different approaches to conceptualizing and measuring poverty
3. The changing geography of global poverty: Where do the poor live globally?
4. Rural and urban poverty
5-7. Social protection: Key concepts and policy instruments
8-9. Social protection programs around the world (student presentations)
10. Cash for development 1: Why should we just give money to the poor?
11. Cash for development 2: Why should we lend money to the poor?
12-14. Classroom debate (Should countries provide food, vouchers, or cash transfers?)
15. Reflections
Course Prerequisites and Related Courses
International Development and Poverty
Course Evaluation Method and Criteria
Term paper (50%) and contribution to classroom discussions (50%). To pass the course, students must get the minimum of ‘C’ in each category.
Textbook/Reference Book
1) Centre for Social Protection at the Institute of Development Studies, The. Social Protection: A Primer. Free online course. https://idscertification.mylearningapp.com/?
2) Ferguson, J. 2015. Give a Man a Fish: Reflections on the New Politics of Distribution. Durham: Duke University Press.
3) Hanlon, J., A. Barrientos, and D. Hulme. 2010. Just Give Money to the Poor: The Development Revolution from the Global South. London: Kumarian Press.
4) Sen, A. 1999. Development as Freedom. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
5) Stewart, F., C.R. Laderchi, and Ruhi Saith. 2007. “Introduction: Four Approaches to Defining and Measuring Poverty.” In Defining Poverty in the Developing World. F. Steward, R.Saith and B. Harris-White, eds. Chapter 1. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
6) Sumner, A. 2016. Global Poverty: Deprivation, Distribution, and Development since the Cold War. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Study Load(Self-directed Learning Outside Course Hours)
Reading assignments will be given each week.
Notice for Students
Language(s) for Instruction & Discussion
Lecture format, etc.

Classes will be held on-site.
Additional measures for remote class (on-demand class)