Undergraduate / Graduate
Registration Code
科目名 【日本語】
Course Title
科目名 【英語】
Course Title
[G30]Fundamentals of Biology II
Language Used in the Course
担当教員 【日本語】
VASSILEVA Maria Nikolaeva ○
担当教員 【英語】
VASSILEVA Maria Nikolaeva ○
Term / Day / Period
春 水曜日 2時限
Spring Wed 2

授業の目的 【英語】
Goals of the Course [ENG]
【Standardized across all programs】 Animals and plants construct tissues and organs with differentiated cells and integrate them to perform various higher-level biological functions that cannot be performed by a single cell. In this lecture, we aim to deepen our understanding of the significance and mechanisms of higher-order biological functions at the individual level in animals and plants, based on the basic knowledge of biology acquired in Basic Biology I. Through this understanding, we will consider the universality and diversity of life phenomena.
授業の達成目標 【英語】
Objectives of the Course [ENG]
This course's main focus is to provide students with working understanding on how the human body functions, and connect it to health and disease. Short introduction is given to basic concepts in ecology.
The course emphasizes on conceptual understanding of the biological topics discussed, rather than on memorization of terms and facts. Course assignments are prepared with the goal of providing an opportunity to practice conceptual and analytical thinking. Students will gain the ability to use their understanding of human physiology to take informed decisions in everyday health-related situations. Ecology section will allow students to critically evaluate agricultural and ecological issues. Students will also have opportunity to engage in discussions and team projects.
Title: OpenStax Biology 2e
Authors: Clark, Douglas, Choi
Publisher: OpenStax
Year: 2018
ISBN: 978-1-947172-52-4
Free downloadable textbook (http://openstaxcollege.org)
This textbook is available for free online and will be made availbale on the online social reading platform Perusall for course use.
Study Load (Self-directed Learning Outside Course Hours)
This course uses a flipped classroom format. Students are expected to prepare extensively for each class: read the appropriate textbook chapter before class, comment on it through the collaborative reading platform Perusall and submit quizzes. Classes emphasize discussions and questions, thus coming prepared is essential.
Notice for Students
This course makes extensive use of online platforms TACT and Perusall. Detailed course information is available on TACT.
Reference website for this Course
Message from the Instructor
Courses taught by Instructors with practical experience
Lecture format, etc
A-1)Face-to-face course(Only face-to-face classes)
* Classrooms for face-to-face classes can be found in Timetable B on the ILAS website.